it has two upgrades that seem quite good
Not sure about tracking, I heard it's mild and won't 100% hit the target if it's moving quickly but I have not had one to test.
it has two upgrades that seem quite good
Is the Nightfall strike doable at level 25?
Is the Nightfall strike doable at level 25?
Yep. I'm doing all three levels cause I need them coins. Starting off with 22.
I got nothing. Person with the lowest kd at 0.3 got a blue hand cannon though.
They stack?You can just do 28 and get them all at once, I think.
Not sure about tracking, I heard it's mild and won't 100% hit the target if it's moving quickly but I have not had one to test.
Im on my phone, so I cannot post screen shots right now, but the gist of the exotic is that it is a scout rifle primary. Called the Mida Multi-Tool. It looks fairly generic, but its abilities are game changing.
First it turns the outside ring of your scope into your radar, so you can see your radar even when scoped.
It comes with super fast reloading and quick scope built in without needing to be upgraded first. The weapon also boosts your base movement speed.
All of this is icing on the cake to its most important ability. There is a visible radar on the side of the gun that you can watch while you move around. At first I thought it was just for show, but then I noticed it would start getting brighter and glow when I was aimed in a specific direction. When I moved in that direction it glows brighter and starts to hum.
Its like a metal detector built into a gun. It finds nodes and chests in the area. I cannot tell you how many hidden caves and rooms I have found exploring because of this thing.
It makes farming for mats painless and fast.
The fact that they thought ahead enough to implement that level of utility into a gun amazes me.
feels good doesn't it.Woo! Just reached New Monarchy Rank 2 and bought 2 legendary's! Finally level 25!
yeah, they nerfed them way too much imho. at least on the moon you can manuever a bit.Agreed, they're god awful. Bungie nerfed them to oblivion, I remember them being amazing in the Alpha.
They stack?
Wait a fucking minute! Summoning Pits is both the Weekly Strike AND the Nightfall strike?! Fuck me!
So I am clear..
All PVE bounties default to Vanguard, unless I wear a class item?
All PVP bounties default to the Crucible, unless I wear a class item?
Is there a way to make them all V or C?
it has two upgrades that seem quite good
Same here. I was wondering what everyone has been talking about with regards to buying vanguard gear.It doesn't even show the Vanguard gear, just the green uncommons.
Damn, I thought I was going to get 18 Coins.I'm pretty sure they do. Lvl 28 rewards should show 9 coins. And yup.At least you can respawn on the weekly strike, lol.
If you're going straight to lvl 28, I'll go. I already did lvl 26.
Not sure about tracking, I heard it's mild and won't 100% hit the target if it's moving quickly but I have not had one to test.
Sure, by then I'll be back home from job hunting.Nami what time do you think we should get everyone together tonight? Im free all day. 5 Central?
LOLWho's going to gamble and purchase exotic engrams from Xur this weekend?
Who's going to gamble and purchase exotic engrams from Xur this weekend?
You can just do 28 and get them all at once, I think.
They stack?
Wait a fucking minute! Summoning Pits is both the Weekly Strike AND the Nightfall strike?! Fuck me!
Damn, I thought I was going to get 18 Coins.
Alright, 28 it is.
Who's going to gamble and purchase exotic engrams from Xur this weekend?
Who's going to gamble and purchase exotic engrams from Xur this weekend?
Same here. I was wondering what everyone has been talking about with regards to buying vanguard gear.
He has guns, sparrows and material exchanges for me. That's it.
hi :3Witness this, DestinyGAF. Dax01 has MANNERS.
The rest of you should observe and learn. If a woman asks you for attention, you give it.
Holy SHIT Wallach
http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?p=130493168#post130493168Does anyone have a link to that post about what I should be doing once I hit level 20?
Me! I only have 15 strange coins, thoughNo fucking idea how some of you have so many. They're so random, ugh.
Bounties. Always bounties. If you've done all of them for the day already, Lvl 24 strikes are second-best (unless you've capped your marks for the week).What's a good way to get Vanguard rank? I've tried doing patrols and what not, but the +10 is abysmal. Maybe the problem is that I am playing too much crucible and random strikes here and there. Ranking it takes so long =/
This POS is the bane of my existence.I firmly believe ALL legendary engrams yield legendary gear, but the Cryptarch switches them out with shitty blues and hoards all the purples under that counter behind him.
YesDestiny |OT4| Blue Balls
Yeah, no one has invincibility. It's pretty easy to shut down arc blade users if you see them coming. I have no idea what you mean by "resets the super meter." I'm guessing you've never even used the ability. It's the same deal when I shotgun a titan or warlock right as they get their super off. They live, I die, no big deal.
He needs the troll face phtoshopped on asap.I firmly believe ALL legendary engrams yield legendary gear, but the Cryptarch switches them out with shitty blues and hoards all the purples under that counter behind him.
This thread just makes me seethe with jealousy.
So I got my first legendary piece of armor. Of course it isn't even my class. Anything I can do with it besides scrap it?
So I got my first legendary piece of armor. Of course it isn't even my class. Anything I can do with it besides scrap it?
Entire clips of what? Auto rifles/machine guns are a bad choice for a rampaging arc blade because of their speed. You want a shotgun blast to the head, sniper rifle headshot if you're far away, fusion rifle, or rocket. Also most other supers are hard counters to arc blade.How do you shut down blade dancers? In PvP I've entered entire clips in to them before and barely even dented their shields.
How do you shut down blade dancers? In PvP I've entered entire clips in to them before and barely even dented their shields.