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Destiny |OT3| Oh sweet a Legen- wait never mind, it's a rare.

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Some cool Gauntlets, but he also always sells a random exotic engram, this week it was a chest. I bought it on my Hunter.

I didn't even think about that, I was so excited to see what I got that I forgot it was him "giving" it to me.

I bet Xur had the perfect bladedancer armor chest all picked out for me. And
w that asshole put it in under his table and gave me this:

But the joke's on him. I want to praise the sun.

If only we could trade...


Exotic Engram from Xur turned into Lucky Raspberry. Not even mad. It'll go to my Hunter.
Dunno if I wanna spend coins on the sun gloves though. I'll lose my discipline for grenade cool down and just get longer Solar Grenades but I like Firebolt.


Remember, you can only wear one or the other


Yeah that's a downside but the upside is that it might be an exotic piece of armor for another class as I intend on playing with the other two classes I've yet to try with. Or it might just be that I prefer the look of it than the helmet if it's a Titan armor.

I just want to spend my Motes is all. :lol

How much does the exotic helm cost

17 Strange Coins apparently.


Some cool Gauntlets, but he also always sells a random exotic engram, this week it was a chest. I bought it on my Hunter.

I didn't even think about that, I was so excited to see what I got that I forgot it was him "giving" it to me.

I bet Xur had the perfect bladedancer armor chest all picked out for me. And
w that asshole put it in under his table and gave me this:

But the joke's on him. I want to praise the sun.

fuuuuuuck! I'd have loved that. That thing has mad disipline. That plus praise the sun + radience = nades all day. ;_; Maybe next week if I can get enough motes ;_;

Exotic helm is 13 coins like the rest which is bullshit because helms cost more from the other vendors.


The Cryptarch's Bane
A note on alt progression in Destiny.

I have the above exotic in my vault.

When my Warlock hits 20, he will likely be in all greens. I will then equip this chest. He will then be level 21. With two upgrades, neither of which cost any Ascendant materials, he will be almost at 22. Then, equipping a single upgraded level 20 blue, he will be 23. If I get a single Warlock armor drop on my Hunter before the Warlock hits 20, this will all happen in a matter of minutes.

This will get silly quite rapidly.

anybody feel like farming some engrams


The Cryptarch's Bane
Xur sells strange coins for 2401 glimmer each one time per week only. But you can buy one per character so just create 3 and buy 3 then pop them in your vault.
Just tried on my new warlock, this works. Glimmer is account-bound and the coins are available at level 2. Coins can be stored in the vault.


Guys, I believe a form of infinite (ineffable flow of time notwithstanding) coin farming exists for the moment, for the next 40 hours or so if you have the patience and inclination.

If your third character slot is unused, make a character and bring him or her to the tower, buy a coin and deposit. You'll have to sit through the first mission and flight to the tower. Then delete the character and repeat. When you run out of glimmer, farm it on your main and continue.

I will not be doing this. But there you go.

30,000% better idea than engram farming


Formerly Gizmowned
Wow another Legendary engram, thats the 3rd this morning by playing Strikes.

Shame it's for gauntlets because I already purchased the Vanguard versions.

Never twigged you were UK too. Might harass you now on then!

I added you. I live in Spain but I'm from the UK, I hate playing matchmaking because I keep getting matched with Spanish or French.


The legendary chest I already have for my Hunter is better than the exotic Xur has for sale. I'm tempted to get the Titan helm to use whenever I start an alt but I think I might just save my coins this week.
Never twigged you were UK too. Might harass you now on then!

Wow another Legendary engram, thats the 3rd this morning by playing Strikes.

Shame it's for gauntlets because I already purchased the Vanguard versions.

I added you. I live in Spain but I'm from the UK, I hate playing matchmaking because I keep getting matched with Spanish or French.

I ended up playing with a couple of US Gaffers till 4am the other night so we could complete the Weekly Strike we were doing. I need me some UK peeps
will still probably play till 4am though


Just tried on my new warlock, this works. Glimmer is account-bound and the coins are available at level 2. Coins can be stored in the vault.


Guys, I believe a form of infinite (ineffable flow of time notwithstanding) coin farming exists for the moment, for the next 40 hours or so if you have the patience and inclination.

If your third character slot is unused, make a character and bring him or her to the tower, buy a coin and deposit. You'll have to sit through the first mission and flight to the tower. Then delete the character and repeat. When you run out of glimmer, farm it on your main and continue.

I will not be doing this. But there you go.

30,000% better idea than engram farming

I wish you'd never told me that... must resist.


Just tried on my new warlock, this works. Glimmer is account-bound and the coins are available at level 2. Coins can be stored in the vault.


Guys, I believe a form of infinite (ineffable flow of time notwithstanding) coin farming exists for the moment, for the next 40 hours or so if you have the patience and inclination.

If your third character slot is unused, make a character and bring him or her to the tower, buy a coin and deposit. You'll have to sit through the first mission and flight to the tower. Then delete the character and repeat. When you run out of glimmer, farm it on your main and continue.

I will not be doing this. But there you go.

30,000% better idea than engram farming

That sounds like a bitch to go through the tutorial mission / cutscenes and then farm a bit to get glimmer and only buy one coin. No thanks haha.


The Cryptarch's Bane
What does Light stat gives you?
It levels you up.

That sounds like a bitch to go through the tutorial mission / cutscenes and then farm a bit to get glimmer and only buy one coin. No thanks haha.
Intolerable from my perspective. But people with nothing to do will be able to go hogwild and stockpile coins right now.

Kind of expect this to be patched maybe even by Xur's next visit.
Just tried on my new warlock, this works. Glimmer is account-bound and the coins are available at level 2. Coins can be stored in the vault.


Guys, I believe a form of infinite (ineffable flow of time notwithstanding) coin farming exists for the moment, for the next 40 hours or so if you have the patience and inclination.

If your third character slot is unused, make a character and bring him or her to the tower, buy a coin and deposit. You'll have to sit through the first mission and flight to the tower. Then delete the character and repeat. When you run out of glimmer, farm it on your main and continue.

I will not be doing this. But there you go.

30,000% better idea than engram farming

For reference my Warlock which I created then got to the tower has a play time of 8 minutes.
The legendary chest I already have for my Hunter is better than the exotic Xur has for sale. I'm tempted to get the Titan helm to use whenever I start an alt but I think I might just save my coins this week.

Is that because your Legenday is upgraded, where as the Exotic is not (yet?)

If that is the case, then you can do the following:

- Go around your normal missions/strikes/bounties etc in your Legendary gear

- Before handing in your bounties, CHANGE your gear for stuff that needs ranking up (anything that has a yellow box around it, change)

- This means the XP that you gain is attributed to the items/weapons you have equipped at the time of handing it in

A neat tip a Gaffer taught me :)


Fuck it. Decided to go with the Sunbreakers (praise the sun) and gonna try PVP with longer lasting Solar Grenades and quicker super.


LOL ffs. How many coins is the chest piece?

Engrams scare me anyway, what weapons has Xur got for sale and how much?

I have 25 strange coins to spend!

The exotic chest engram is 23 motes of light.

Exotic weapon this week is Gjallarhorn (rocket launcher) for 17 strange coins.


The Cryptarch's Bane
Nice table.

But what does a higher level give you? Showing off?
hahaha I really like that idea.

Effects of Light-leveling:

  • In any scenario which your level is compared to the mob you are fighting, you do more damage and take less damage. This effect is immediate upon "crossing" the next level.
  • Your personal loot table seems totally dependent on your light level. I didn't see a single piece of Lvl 20 rare gear until hitting 22. now, a majority of my drops are 19 and 20 gear.
  • Unlocks content. The raid requires level 26.
Where did Xur show up? He's in the tower right?
Yeah apparently he moves around though. Go visit the Speaker and follow the crowd.


My main class is a Hunter. I have enough strange coins to buy the chest piece..should I? I don't have a single piece of legendary or exotic armor currently. Just not sure if I should buy this or try and hold off in case there's something better next week.. Or I could gamble with the engram and hope to get something better and save my coins for the gun he sells next week.


Just tried on my new warlock, this works. Glimmer is account-bound and the coins are available at level 2. Coins can be stored in the vault.


Guys, I believe a form of infinite (ineffable flow of time notwithstanding) coin farming exists for the moment, for the next 40 hours or so if you have the patience and inclination.

If your third character slot is unused, make a character and bring him or her to the tower, buy a coin and deposit. You'll have to sit through the first mission and flight to the tower. Then delete the character and repeat. When you run out of glimmer, farm it on your main and continue.

I will not be doing this. But there you go.

30,000% better idea than engram farming

Haha never thought of that but yeah still better than Engram farming xD Can't wait to see people stream that procedure on Twitch for a couple of hours!
Play to have fun? What's that?!
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