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Destiny |OT33| Hey Luke, What's the Theme for King's Fall? (Unmarked Spoilers)


xur be useless... guess ill just get more heavy synth...:/

first post of page is this what it feels like...
fuck yeah... Rahool was good to me today!

Bought 5 helm engrams:

310 Graviton Forfeit
310 Skyburners Annex
310 Light Beyond Nemesis
310 Stag
290 Obsidian Mind (meh)

With this kind of luck I want to try more for a 310 Saint-14

Which class did you decrypt them on? And was it all consecutive decrypting or did you leave his menu and come back?

Deku Tree

Anyone want to help with "Fears Embrace"?

I'm in the final encounter room. It's kind of a pain to solo. I can kill everything no problem, but then I run out of primary ammo and die.

Just jump in.



was anyone else psyched for those gauntlets from xur?

basically inmost light for sunbreakers

They are my "go to" PVP exotic atm. I've had them since week 1 thanks to a 3oC. Wearing them in the Crucible allows me to use the first perk in the Hammer tree (the one that makes your hammers curve towards your targets and gives you a little bit of agility and recovery) since the Fists grant Explosive Pyre.

The only thing I don't like about them is that they don't change color with a shader. =/


Come on wiped out you know the drill

Ship shader shards or speeder

Is this VoG? ;)

Very Frustrating, They got many things wrong with Crota but it seemed that you almost got something for beating him. Every now and then it seemed he would just spit out mats but this is the hardest content yet and overall the loot system is very disappointing.

Which one is worth to be upgraded to about 305?



Agree with both but 1000 yard first since it isn't a class exclusive.
9 raids in, collecting all shards every time, and I have 5 pieces of raid armor. Anyone praising the drop rates in KF is either Wicked in disguise or a taken saboteur.


Cayde is simply much better than Eris. I side with Cayde and Zavala every time the weird broad opens her mouth.

It's okay though, I too am horribly wrong sometimes.

I believe Juraash (kaiotheforsaken) had expressed a desire to be an alt if possible. Would be great just on the off chance I get waylaid at a rum bar or so tonight and can't make it :X

Thank you sir. I am definitely in the market for a group this evening.


They are my "go to" PVP exotic atm. I've had them since week 1 thanks to a 3oC. Wearing them in the Crucible allows me to use the first perk in the Hammer tree (the one that makes your hammers curve towards your targets and gives you a little bit of agility and recovery) since the Fists grant Explosive Pyre.

The only thing I don't like about them is that they don't change color with a shader. =/

wasn't interested until I saw this post.

E92 M3

2 Shards, 2 freaking Shards was all I got for my last Oryx kill. Bungie please.

Don't get me started, son.

You must have been very lucky with VoG. I didn't get Corrective Measure until 2 months ago. I think KF will be kinder to you. :p

Took me about 6 months to get the Fatebringer and I was doing a lot of VoG! Realistically, people skipped gate keepers often.

I got that last night on the warpriest (first drop). I really like it. Its quite easy to get a whole clip of precision headshots

It's a beautiful gun and I think the best legendary LMG in the game.


Holy shit hopped into a Heroic Strike (just got to the quest where you need to do 5 heroic strikes on my last character), it was Taniks and my two randoms are actually awesome. Taniks dropped an exotic engram, a legendary engram, an sublime engram, and 3 blues. What in the actual fuck


I'm tip toeing through the thread right now, but I 1) have no idea how PSN Communities work, or 2) how to join the DestinyGAF one, but I'd like to anyways. Just not sure how - didn't see it in the OP.
Which class did you decrypt them on? And was it all consecutive decrypting or did you leave his menu and come back?
Did them all on my hunter who was 302 light at the time.

I bought 2 and decrypted. Bought two more and decrypted. Then bought one and decrypted.

I think this is the best method as I've really noticed the streaky RNG when doing all at once.

Last time it was STAG, STAG, STAG, STAG. Wish I had all those coins back from week 1, heh.
Morning DGAF!

Happy to hear our East Coast folks will be good this weekend.

I woke up early and spent about 200+ coins trying to get the last two new helmets.

The Graviton Forfeit would not drop for me. I got about 10 Celestial Nighthawks however. Smart Loot! I did snag a 310 Taikonaut for my Titan. Smart Loot.

So, after playing some PVP last night and this morning I have decided the Red Death will be my primary of choice for Trials. My Warlock has armor for Pulse Rifle reload, ammo, and shotgun ammo. I am still debating about what exotic armor to use. I have yet to see the benefits of the Stag.

I am learning twoards Sunsinger instead of stormcaller. Any sniper worth a damn can drop a Warlock in Stormcaller mode quick.

As for my Titan, he is all spec'ed out for max sniper reload and ammo. The question is, what sniper should I go with?

For heavy round I will switch between the exotic arc sword and the FWC Vertigo RL depending upon the situation.


If you have more than 1 character, 1000 Yard Stare. If not, then still probably 1000 Yard Stare.

I really don't like the Hakke sniper scopes.
I love my stillpierce scope SO. MUCH.
Clean and precise. No big circle of "I don't know where this is going to shoot, really".

That being said, yeah, 1000 Yard Stare if you have other subclasses to play.


The Cryptarch's Bane
I'm tip toeing through the thread right now, but I 1) have no idea how PSN Communities work, or 2) how to join the DestinyGAF one, but I'd like to anyways. Just not sure how - didn't see it in the OP.
PM Me, GutZ, iRawr, Afro or Boguester, and you can send a request on PSN through the communities interface to the group (it's called Destiny GAF Community).

I have no idea how they work, either.

E92 M3

I think it is...


Jeff was having genuine fun with Destiny and that is something new for sure.

Holy shit hopped into a Heroic Strike (just got to the quest where you need to do 5 heroic strikes on my last character), it was Taniks and my two randoms are actually awesome. Taniks dropped an exotic engram, a legendary engram, an sublime engram, and 3 blues. What in the actual fuck

Well, that's a payday.

I don't think I ever skipped Gatekeepers when I did VoG.

Did you do VOG every reset? And if you were doing it on heroic, that might have shifted the loot drop against you as well.


Best area to farm relic iron for the sword quest?

first area on mars... go in a big circle... kill those vex at the bottom for ability kills every once in a while... took me 2.5 hours...

then go to the woke the hive story mission for the rest...
So what's the current best and easiest 3oc loot farm?
Either do strikes and pop one every time. Cooldown should be short enough for it not to matter. Or if you just want a quick kill, I actually think Sardok in the Shrine of Oryx is the best option. You don't lose the checkpoint like I seem to always do with Draksis and the Gatelord.


Don't get me started, son.

Took me about 6 months to get the Fatebringer and I was doing a lot of VoG! Realistically, people skipped gate keepers often.

It's a beautiful gun and I think the best legendary LMG in the game.

Trance, we both have received good things from this raid. Just Oryx is being a stingy bitch.
Did you do VOG every reset? And if you were doing it on heroic, that might have shifted the loot drop against you as well.

Every reset for a while, but I will admit my VoG raid time dropped off dramatically when TDB came out. I got a Praedyth's Timepiece and a Praetorian Foil before I got Corrective Measure lol. One of the supposedly most common drops. It wasn't the beast it used to be when I got it. :(


Lt let me know what's up tonight. I may just start my hunter if you already have 6.

Or maybe I'll catch up on sleep yeah right


I believe Juraash (kaiotheforsaken) had expressed a desire to be an alt if possible. Would be great just on the off chance I get waylaid at a rum bar or so tonight and can't make it :X

Semi-blind King’s Fall Raid Reminder!

The raid will start at around 8 p.m CT (central time zone) today (11 hours from this post)!

Here are our candidates.

1. Chrnocide
2. shadyderp
3. NostalgiaUltraa
4. legilimens.
5. churmom
6. Hawkian

Alt #1: kaiotheforsaken

If anyone would like to sign up as an alt in case something doesn’t work out please let me know and I can add you to the list! Our requirements are patience, friendliness, the ability to communicate (via mic) and at least a 285 light level! (preferably 290+)

Accepting at least 1 more person!
Do you still need to get to the Lighthouse to get these adept weapons, I know in yesterdays weekly update they said you can get gear drops after winning matches.


Top of page, shoutout to mah Holy Diver Bro's

There are regular ones that are yellow and the adept ones are black but the specs are the same. I am betting that the yellow ones will drop from 290 to 300 something based on where they drop in the playlist, and the black ones drop at 310 out of the mercury chest only. There's only black versions of the primaries, unlike the black raid weapons and armor, of which they all have harrowed versions.


Best way to use 3oC is to just pop them in a beginning of a strike, right?
Best way to use them is to have the buff active at all time, really.
Each time you kill an enemy with a skull next to its name, check if the buff is gone or not (ie: if it was a real, proper ultra or not), and if so pop another one.

Just pop one every time right after you've "consumed" one. That way you're always good to go for the next Ultra kill.
Yep, this.
Apparently you can use the strike streak rep bonus to increase your Vanguard bounties (do two strikes in a row then turn in bounties while in third strike). Might do it regularly simply for the Faction boost.


Has Valus Ta'Aurc been fixed regarding 3oC?

Edit: Is 30,000 damage to a boss a good amount? I'm wondering if this 6x Gunslinger is worth it. I haven't checked what numbers other supers give out.

nah i dont think its worth it... should be 100k or something NH helm is pretty useles in pvp.. so it being mainly a pve helm they should up the dam... the new hunter helm is the best helm now..
Did them all on my hunter who was 302 light at the time.

I bought 2 and decrypted. Bought two more and decrypted. Then bought one and decrypted.

I think this is the best method as I've really noticed the streaky RNG when doing all at once.

Last time it was STAG, STAG, STAG, STAG. Wish I had all those coins back from week 1, heh.

Thanks for the tip. I probably only have enough SC to buy 5 engrams so I will be trying this method later today.
Oh ok D:

I only got one Hereafter to spend on this right now.

And I only play hunter atm, but still I think I'll go with 1000 yard (or should I buy the vendor one and upgraded that? - perkwise)

Vendor one is great. Depends what you want, really. Your void one looks like it has good PvP perks and the vendor one is great for PvE.

Edit: that's arc and I'm blind


Normal Strike playlist. Pop one at any time before boss.

Probably heroic strikes.
I was doing this, but strikes get tiring after a while and take a little too long.

Either do strikes and pop one every time. Cooldown should be short enough for it not to matter. Or if you just want a quick kill, I actually think Sardok in the Shrine of Oryx is the best option. You don't lose the checkpoint like I seem to always do with Draksis and the Gatelord.
Ill try this later, thanks.
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