I was however I was getting killed in one shot from the exact same distance.are you shooting them from far away? there's a range stat now.
Are the daily bounties the same ones as yesterday?
I don't know if a bounty asking people to cap points would be a good thing, I mean all the blueberrys are already capping the third point and flipping the spawns, so if you give them a reason for that now... ^^
The 7 kill streak can be done in pve environment , the headshot sprees mean you only need to get 7 hs kills in one crucible game , you apparently can die in between. Btw morning gaf
You have 308s and are complaining!
Souldestroyer, pls
Not entering the crucible until I have a good pr. Got my ass handed to.
vertical looks sexy af though. is the Suros one all white?
The 7 kill streak can be done in pve environment , the headshot sprees mean you only need to get 7 hs kills in one crucible game , you apparently can die in between. Btw morning gaf
Imprecation quest done, reallt wasnt so bad. Popped into rumble and it was done.
Now we wait another week.
So it's 7 headshots in 1 game? Dying is okay, but has to be in one game?
Thanks for the NF guys, thought I'd have been able to force my hunter through but that was tough.
Also what's with the bullshit reward? Lvl 300 legendary gauntlets? Are you fucking kidding me? The ones I have equipped are 308.
Smart loot my ass.
White and Red. Suros colors.
Wait, I can get the kill sprees in PvE on first curse quest? I already have the headshots part done.
Luke isn't really the guy one would ask anyways.
"Return of the handcannons" in weapon balance 6Right on that easy use part and aim assist. But as you said pulse can 2 burst anyone at a good range, the aim assist plus the easy to use factor might not even save you there. What is it good for? Risk/reward seem to be not on the spot for the type of weapon it is.
Luck factor ? Each time I use an hand cannon I think: Range, accuracy and stability seem to have randomly generated values per shot. I do include range cause its more than just range.
I am far from a good player. And used HC since launch. My skills aren't that bad to detect that it wont cut it out unless I use the Ace or the baby hankmoon. Should say a lot.
Not quitting on them though.
My PS4 is stuck at Preparing to Download 0%. I just want to play
My PS4 is stuck at Preparing to Download 0%. I just want to play
I got the in-between version of this: switched on the PS4, went to do other things, and when I came back to it my download was tagged as "couldn't update". Trying to start it again would prompt the same message again after a few seconds stucked at "preparing download: 0%", telling me the data was corrupt.For me it sat at 0% for a good 15 mins then decided to download 500mb (which took another 20 mins or so)
A buddy of mine wasn't so lucky and it decided to re-download 18 gigs. (corrupt files I think he said)
Lol the post is now removed.finally somebody who is making some goram sense.
oh, i just realized who the OP is
I tried to do it in Siege of the Warmind and it didn't work.
Lol the post is now removed.
Eh I dont want to post it without his permission.Zoba has an Xbone? What's your GT?
Imprecation quest complete, classic 6v6 worked 1st game for headshot kills, so many scrubs. 7 killstreak in PvE has to be done without reloading, now to wait another week.
IB is just pulse rifles, not fun at all.
Lol the post is now removed.
Eh I dont want to post it without his permission.
Anyway,what's yours? my Xbone GT is the same as my GAF which is the same as my PSN..which is the same as, you guessed it, my Steam name as well
I just read it. And it had a reddit gold also.
Here it is:
That "If you have shotgun equipped you should lose all agility, mobility and accuracy" sounds like terribad idea that should never reach game itself. I'm not saying shotguns aren't too easy and go-to special atm, but going to extremes and making whole weapon class worthless is never solution.
Not reloading in PvE isn't working either.
Not reloading in PvE isn't working either.