...he's a dev who's trying to do damage control......
Why do we constantly have these situations with Destiny?
It's because we just get dumped with a load of patch notes. No reasoning behind it.
Look at the Weapon part and Strange Coin nerf. It just looks like a "fuck you, we are slowing your progress down because we thought fuck it, why not"
Half of this shit could be resolved by them giving more information "we are doing this because". Currently you get what is equivilent of a Daily Mail Headline, without the article. So people go in to Rabble mode and DeeJ, Luke et al. have to go into "damage control"
All I see is having to spend more time playing the game to get what i want (weapon parts) Which is the opposite of what i thought Luke had said about TTK? Personally i think they should take weapon parts out of the game, but i'm sure they have a place on the game development "wheel of fortune" that provide some metric of what makes the game "fun"
The Content should be enjoyable enough to want to run through without gating progress behind things like weapon parts (And Most of it is!). If that isn't the case, it's the games fault, not ours.
Also, the 400 free silver and then pricing the Carlton at 500 was a real low ball.