Destiny |OT♦35| Europa, next time they'll planet
a must... just go with it
Destiny |OT♦35| Europa, next time they'll planet
The suggestion of separating PVE and PVP in itemisation is something that's up to Bungie to best implement.
Look at The Last Word for example. 100% a PVP weapon which was grade A garbage in PVE.
Now imagine if they could have made it extremely potent in PVE too without rocking its performance in PVP as well? They need to be working towards that solution.
Your perk suggestion is one of many ways they can execute a solution to fix what most of us agree on is a long-term problem with Destiny.
Video game development sounds horrendously difficult based on that article.
Edit: What's NM?
All consumer software development is, really.Video game development sounds horrendously difficult based on that article.
Edit: What's NM?
All consumer software development is, really.
Game world will reboot soon message just popped up.
Bungie really lost a good opportunity by not making "grieves" a legendary emote. Best one yet.
The suggestion of separating PVE and PVP in itemisation is something that's up to Bungie to best implement.
Look at The Last Word for example. 100% a PVP weapon which was grade A garbage in PVE.
Now imagine if they could have made it extremely potent in PVE too without rocking its performance in PVP as well? They need to be working towards that solution.
Your perk suggestion is one of many ways they can execute a solution to fix what most of us agree on is a long-term problem with Destiny.
All consumer software development is, really.
Gimme dem patch notes, Bungie!Game world will reboot soon message just popped up.
Jasons article is fascinating.
Seems like all the tough call were also the right calls.
Can´t wait for Destiny 2.
There is no greater launcher in game. You get 4 (count 'em, FOUR!) rockets with the fastest rocket velocity, maximum blast radius and did I mention PROTOTYPE TRUTHSEEKING TRACKING?
Thunderlord is great too, don't get me wrong.
Honestly, and this is going to sound bad, I think Destiny ending up where it is now after that mess is actually a testament to whatever management is in place currently.
Also, speaking of IB drops, this was my last game before they closed it down:
So that is where all the weapon drops were hiding.
opted for a self ban, I have come to realize I need to get my shit in order.
So see you guys starside.
It is.Video game development sounds horrendously difficult based on that article.
True that, but few people realize how many specialized topics a game can touch. Developing an AAA game nowadays asks you for so much knowledge on so many different fields -- you basically need to be good at every field that can exist in computer engineering.All consumer software development is, really.
For fuck's sake. This piece held nothing compelling inside it for me personally, and I imagine that I do have a more sober conceptualization of "what regular game development looks like" than many in his intended audience. It bores the crap out of me reading stuff like this, and I'll never fully understand why so much of the playerbase is starving for it. But the market is clearly there, and more importantly there's no need to call the man an asshole.
In fact I think you should be temporarily banned for it. He's a member of our community like any other.
I'd like PVP and PVE have a very defined schism.
You shouldn't be allowed to take PVE weapons into PVP. Start off with basic gear in PVP and compete, do bounties, IB and Trails to get better weapons and armor. Also lazors (please)
Not sure what you gain from total separation of pve and pvp weapons though. Besides having two progression paths which could be interesting
Mhm. It's heartbreaking that they had to start from scratch because the story was too 'campy'. Fuck that shit. Give us a campy cheesy story. It was better than what we got.
Lends credence to the Need for a Destiny 2 instead of just updating the current build forever
They need a new engine
Not sure what you gain from total separation of pve and pvp weapons though. Besides having two progression paths which could be interesting
If I recall correctly this is how World of Warcraft works, but they seem to be moving away from it with each expansion.
If I recall correctly this is how World of Warcraft works, but they seem to be moving away from it with each expansion.
The thing that bothers me the most is knowing how much more areas the game, and then the expansion, was suppose to ship with. Several completely new area to explore instead of just retreading the same zones we have had since launch.
The sad thing is is that since we acepted how the game is, and since it is a pretty big success now they may not even see the need for putting in/doing the work for a bunch of new areas. Even when we get "2" we may just get stuck with the same areas that they launch that version of the game with for years. Why bother when people are fine with just going though the same area again backwards with some new enemies?
Game world will reboot soon message just popped up.
Not sure what you gain from total separation of pve and pvp weapons though. Besides having two progression paths which could be interesting
All I got from reading that was Europa and a Mars Raid.
Wallet, where are you going? I need you!
It was a great read anyway.
Cue in the musicPatch Hype Boyz?
Watch this old destiny reveal trailer and @about 4:09 in the video you'll see a chest open and watch what happens. Reminds me of CoO and what happens to bosses now. I like that the game is growing to it's original vision and we get to come along for the ride.
Also, i refuse to believe that bit of the Douche with Cayde's personality. Nope. He has the face of a douche. That ain't no charming face!
Lmaoo!Also, i refuse to believe that bit of the Douche with Cayde's personality. Nope. He has the face of a douche. That ain't no charming face!
Don't see what the big fuss is over the article personally.
It basically says everything that everyone has been saying since day zero.
Patch Hype Boyz?
Patch Hype Boyz?
Destiny |OT♦35| Europa, next time they'll planet
Everything we knew was simply rumors or educated speculation. This confirms it.
Are ppl normal raiding or just waiting on the heroic mode, I'm out of the loop
You realise Cayde annoys me like a Douche annoys me? They are pretty much the same. :d
As per usual, Hawk kinda nails it (not sure I agree with "ban"ter).
- I don't understand the praise for the piece.
- Without someone stepping into the light to be quoted, it's pretty thin. It may be 100% accurate, but without anything resembling actual confirmation it's hard to vest much in it.
- Every reference to a "source" made me care less and less (literally 30 references, btw).
- This is upsetting, because it's tinder for the "They cut stuff from vanilla and are selling it back to us!" narrative, even thought the article *attempts* (and fails, honestly) to convey none of this stuff was even approaching "done".
- That said, it's completely unnecessary to go ad hominem about it.
tl;dr Attempt at an "expose" fails when no one will be quoted. Literally every "factoid" in this will now be taken as gospel, and no "good" will come of this for the game or it's community. Still, there's no need to attack him personally.
Can't wait for that next Jason article.I can't respect patches after what Bungie did to Strange Coins and Weapon Parts. Not to mention the inexplicable reason behind the Black Spindle nerf that nobody asked for.