About time someone wrote an article about this. I thought I'd have to wait for some employees' tell-all book 9 years down the line.
Yeah, same. Great work, Jason.
About time someone wrote an article about this. I thought I'd have to wait for some employees' tell-all book 9 years down the line.
I'm sure the tools are improving just like with any other software development cycle but I agree -If the designers don't have efficient tools to crank out content then this will not end well.Fantastic article Jason if you're reading - well-written, researched, and measured.
I don't think there's a smoking gun or anything but this further outlines what many have suspected.
The big takeaway for me moving forward is continued pessimism about the quality and volume of content we're going to get from the 'live team' in lieu of formal DLCs, supported by statements like this:
Well that part is accurate. It just seems they have garbage tools. Hopefully they can resolve those in the next year so in Destiny 2, five minute fixes actually take five minutes.
Nah. Jason Schrier is an asshole for pushing the tabloidization of regular game development.
Him coming in here and hyping up his article should tell you he's more interesting in "look at me!" than any actual investigative product.
From the site that posts Microsoft press-releases word for word as truth when 2 minutes of googling shows a complete fabrication.
I don't know. As someone who has spent some time reading Grimoire lore, I think they built a really cohesive mythology in Destiny and there was some really intriguing things that could have been uncovered and explored in the game had that lore been represented. It is hard to say that the shipped version of the story is better than the scrapped version because there isn't even a story in vanilla destiny. It is fragmented crap. I guess I would have preferred an over ambitious linear story falling flat than no story at all.
So the crucible maps Widows Court and Memento or totally from the cut European Dead Zone right? Damn, I think those maps have some really cool art direction and a patrol space in that zone would be sick.
Let's consider if you were him and have a passion for this game as much as the majority of DGAF. And you just wrote that, of course you would want to tell people. Personally I am glad Jason was comfortable enough to tease DGAF and posts here sometime.Nah. Jason Schrier is an asshole for pushing the tabloidization of regular game development.
Him coming in here and hyping up his article should tell you he's more interesting in "look at me!" than any actual investigative product.
So the crucible maps Widows Court and Memento or totally from the cut European Dead Zone right? Damn, I think those maps have some really cool art direction and a patrol space in that zone would be sick.
That pretty much confirms it for me. No new Raid until Destiny 2 in Fall 2016. Horrible.
Hope that justified a bit of teasing!
Can anyone TL;DR the article? Don't have time to read the whole thing right now.
|OT35| Zhellno Supercut
The part about the multiple fireteams in a patrol like setting makes me sad. We'll never have something like that.
It was information that was already known, or is standard game development being presented as a big revelation.
Bungie already said themselves publically multiple times that they had to get their internal tools up to speed. They repeatedly said it was a new engine. Which means new middle ware, which means you lose all the 'battle tested' code you had with your previous games.
It's hilarious when people keep begging for developers to make new engines and then ignore the cost of making a new engine (rebooting your entire internal toolchain and retraining everyone)
This isn't journalism, investigative, or even useful. It's a hitpiece on a developer that has always been open about their failures, but because they didn't write their post mortems fast enough they're now being treated as "hiding something".
No one is on Undying mind for touch of malice : ( any of you guys free to help me?
I suppose that's the difference. I'd rather be confused by a lack of details and coherence than laugh at a shitload of bad narrative and plot. The writing for the Ghost's dialogue is bad enough, I don't know if i could take more of that.
I judged Tomb Raider 2013 way more harshly than Destiny because it tried so hard and failed so badly to tell a story. Destiny barely tried, so there's only so much shit I can talk about it.
I've also never read a single grimoire card. My personal opinion is that I shouldn't have to.
Nah. Jason Schrier is an asshole for pushing the tabloidization of regular game development.
Him coming in here and hyping up his article should tell you he's more interesting in "look at me!" than any actual investigative product.
It was information that was already known, or is standard game development being presented as a big revelation.
Bungie already said themselves publically multiple times that they had to get their internal tools up to speed. They repeatedly said it was a new engine. Which means new middle ware, which means you lose all the 'battle tested' code you had with your previous games.
It's hilarious when people keep begging for developers to make new engines and then ignore the cost of making a new engine (rebooting your entire internal toolchain and retraining everyone)
This isn't journalism, investigative, or even useful. It's a hitpiece on a developer that has always been open about their failures, but because they didn't write their post mortems fast enough they're now being treated as "hiding something".
Oh for sure. I imagine they were supposed to be truly supplemental material for those who wanted to dive deeper with their original story arch. It just so happened with what launched, if you wanted any story, you had to go to the grimoire. It should never have been that way. That said, there is some really great shit in there. Enough so that you find yourself thing, "A Destiny movie would totally be possible."
Lighthouse always felt like it was meant for something else. Would love to have seen it used as intended. They've kind of made it sound like it's just a one off thing for trials now. Such a wasted space.
I won't be doing Hard Mode for a while yet, so if the crew is up for a NM run (and okay with me not talkingYou didn't miss anything.
Separate note...what are your thoughts on raiding with Team No-fun this week? Wait for HM or should we still do NM tonight?
It was information that was already known, or is standard game development being presented as a big revelation.
Bungie already said themselves publically multiple times that they had to get their internal tools up to speed. They repeatedly said it was a new engine. Which means new middle ware, which means you lose all the 'battle tested' code you had with your previous games.
It's hilarious when people keep begging for developers to make new engines and then ignore the cost of making a new engine (rebooting your entire internal toolchain and retraining everyone)
This isn't journalism, investigative, or even useful. It's a hitpiece on a developer that has always been open about their failures, but because they didn't write their post mortems fast enough they're now being treated as "hiding something".
I'm real curious to see if anything at the Lighthouse has changed post TTK, you know people will be hunting for little hidden secrets once they arrive.
So Taken King originally had a Raid on Mars (possibly Cabal I imagine) and they cut it for Destiny 2?
I have a full set of the Hunter NM stuff too. It's sexy.
This isn't a hit piece at all. There's tons of info that hasn't been talked about in there.It was information that was already known, or is standard game development being presented as a big revelation.
Bungie already said themselves publically multiple times that they had to get their internal tools up to speed. They repeatedly said it was a new engine. Which means new middle ware, which means you lose all the 'battle tested' code you had with your previous games.
It's hilarious when people keep begging for developers to make new engines and then ignore the cost of making a new engine (rebooting your entire internal toolchain and retraining everyone)
This isn't journalism, investigative, or even useful. It's a hitpiece on a developer that has always been open about their failures, but because they didn't write their post mortems fast enough they're now being treated as "hiding something".
Let's consider if you were him and have a passion for this game as much as the majority of DGAF. And you just wrote that, of course you would want to tell people. Personally I am glad Jason was comfortable enough to tease DGAF and posts here sometime.
Thank you for your elaboration. I assume you are a developer yourself?
The thing that bothers me the most is knowing how much more areas the game, and then the expansion, was suppose to ship with. Several completely new area to explore instead of just retreading the same zones we have had since launch.
The sad thing is is that since we acepted how the game is, and since it is a pretty big success now they may not even see the need for putting in/doing the work for a bunch of new areas. Even when we get "2" we may just get stuck with the same areas that they launch that version of the game with for years. Why bother when people are fine with just going though the same area again backwards with some new enemies?
I can't remember how the different raid difficulties work remind me..
If I do normal mode today, I can do hard mode on Friday right? I don't need to wait for reset?
I know a lot of things about Halo and Destiny's development. I also have respect for my fellow man and don't fucking stab people in the back for clicks.
When I "revealed" that Reach had a cut Lockout Forge remake, I asked if it was postable first. If I had been told no, I would have never talked about it.
Lighthouse always felt like it was meant for something else. Would love to have seen it used as intended. They've kind of made it sound like it's just a one off thing for trials now. Such a wasted space.
Fantastic read. Really puts things into perspective. I love Destiny and this makes its faults easier to stomach.
For fuck's sake. This piece held nothing compelling inside it for me personally, and I imagine that I do have a more sober conceptualization of "what regular game development looks like" than many in his intended audience. It bores the crap out of me reading stuff like this, and I'll never fully understand why so much of the playerbase is starving for it. But the market is clearly there, and more importantly there's no need to call the man an asshole.Nah. Jason Schrier is an asshole for pushing the tabloidization of regular game development.
Him coming in here and hyping up his article should tell you he's more interesting in "look at me!" than any actual investigative product.
I wish Europa existed - it's my favorite moon in the solar system. Love Europa.