I am more interested in PVE with a bit of PVP but more PVE oriented, and I would like to be able of doing more damage rather than defending
All classes are capable of great DPS output, as your weapons play a greater role in DPS rather than your Super in most situations. Titan Striker isn't as played anymore, rarely used in PVE at the moment as their super just puts you in too much danger. Same goes for Hunter Bladedancer, mainly due to restricted orb generation during Super.
If you want RAW damage, you'll probably want a Sunbreaker Titan, Gunslinger Hunter, Voidwalker Warlock or Stormcaller Warlock.
That said, Nightstalker Hunter is a perfect mix. You're super increases damage to all enemies tethered, which is fantastic for keeping mobs at bay, and increasing your whole teams DPS against a boss. Defender Titan won't directly give you more DPS, but their super can give you a buff called "Weapons of Light" to anyone who passes through it, which increases weapon DPS.
Sunsinger Warlock is great for PVE. Most people use their Super as a clutch, as you can self-revive yourself with it. I typically only do this during Raids though, as holding on to your super like that and not generating orbs isn't worth it in normal strikes.
Remember though. Whichever class you pick, you can switch between subclasses at any time. You are not locked to one.