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Destiny |OT35| Time to Explain At Last

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It was more your patronizing attitude over such a trivial thing. I apologize if I offended you, though. I just think you're making a way bigger deal out of something than it needs to be.

Dude, I competently agree. This is a massive waste of time, but I am stubborn and its Friday, and arguing can be fun when the stakes are low. I never lead with derision or belittling of others, but if they take me down to that level, I have no problem returning the favor.

Fig, I'm not trying to be shitty, sorry if it devolved to that tone (tone is so hard to convey on the internet). It seemed like we were having a low stakes back and forth at first but now talking about "winning" makes it seem otherwise. Agree to disagree is probably the best we are getting here. No hard feelings.

Hopefully kind loot drops in ToO make up for all of it.
While we're on the fun subject of English, Impercation means a curse word you say when you're angry, so it's "the first curse" that comes to your mind. :)
Dude are Exotics still only 310 max? WTF is this ishh?

And if I am 311, why am I getting 290 exoitcs? This game sucks sometimes. Every exotic that drops is a damn helmet. I need 310 Primaries man or 320!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What am I wrong about again? I have said multiple times I now agree that we are very likely going to see 320, but you still insist I am making up this imaginary definition of rival when I have copied and pasted direct from dictionaries. You really want me to say I am wrong about knowing that rival has multiple uses, of which one includes being better than? That is absolutely absurd. I can't change the definition of a word so you can win.

No, you came in here spouting rubbish as facts because you misinterpreted a word that nobody else did and have doubled down on the fact that Bungie intentionally worded it so that it was confusing, which I completely disagree with.

I don't want you to say anything and I don't want to win anything. This isn't a competition.

Edit: Just saw your post above. I'll leave it at that.
Is it just a bounty? My gunsmith is rank 5.

So Trails starts today?

If xur is selling ZHALO I wonder if its pretty much worthless now, also since weapons wont have elemental damage.

You should get a quest. I can't remember if Imprecation is the first part of it though.


If xur is selling ZHALO I wonder if its pretty much worthless now, also since weapons wont have elemental damage.
Wait what? I thought that they weren't making elemental primaries not that they were taking away the elements from primaries?!?!


But we all want guaranteed 320 gear, right? This would be a positive if Trials offered it.

And sure you can say, "Well, KF HM doesn't guarantee 320", but it should. So if they got half of the end game right, we shouldn't be salty that they didn't do the fucked up RNG for both avenues of the end game.

Now we're talking about changes that should happen on the KF HM/PvE side. While I agree that KF HM gear should only drop 320 gear, it currently doesn't. Because it doesn't, it shouldn't happen in Trials.

If it does happen in Trials, Bungie better make all gear in KF HM drop at 320.

Even if it's less extreme than that it's still unfair. If you can get a guaranteed 310-320 primary weapon from Trials, than that makes the PvP/PvE balance skewed disproportionately.

How so? The only reasoning I can think of for that to even be unfair is because some KF HM encounters drop nothing at all.

That would be crazy. Like putting elemental primaries behind the Mercury wall. =)

Bungie fucked that up completely.
All I know is I'm ready for Trials.


Nope. Just 7 headshots kills in one crucible match. Death doesnt reset progress.

The pve part is even easier

Yeah, looking around that seems to be the case, but it's weird that it refers to it as a killing spree but deaths don't reset it.

Out for lunch right now, when I get back I might see if I can get some folks to help me out with it. I've barely been able to play for a week now, so right now I'm sitting on this, the Aetheon part of No Time To Explain, the last strike for all 3 exotic swords, and I haven't done any nightfalls. >_>
zhalo isn't even a good gun

i infused the hell out of my 310 one and never looked back

I think in Y2, the definition of "good" is different. Y1 there were the ultra load outs that worked in everything. NF, Raids, Patrols, hell even PvP sometimes. Zhalo isn't "good" for some end game content, but it is really strong in other situations. A lot of exotics are really good in specific situations, they just don't have that Y1 trump card feeling anymore. I don't think there is any exotic that is the end all be all right now, which is great! Also, Zhalo looks and sounds dope and is really fun to use.


I think in Y2, the definition of "good" is different. Y1 there were the ultra load outs that worked in everything. NF, Raids, Patrols, hell even PvP sometimes. Zhalo isn't "good" for some end game content, but it is really strong in certain situations. A lot of exotics are really good in specific situations, they just don't have that Y1 trump card feeling anymore. I don't think there is any exotic that is the end all be all right now, which is great!

The only trump card is the Hung Jury.
Thats what I said lol
Then I'm confused as to why you would think Zhalo is worthless?

It's the only primary with an element. Very useful for NFs and trash mobs.


How so? The only reasoning I can think of for that to even be unfair is because some KF HM encounters drop nothing at all.

There are no places in PvE to guarantee a 310-320 Primary weapon drop. The only place you can even have a chance at getting one is from downing Oryx in HM once a week. You could beat HM every week for a month and still not get 1.

If you can guarantee getting one in trials than the balance is off. I don't hate* that the trials people have access too it, but then they should increase the PvE drop rate to be fair.


There are no places in PvE to guarantee a 310-320 Primary weapon drop. The only place you can even have a chance at getting one is from downing Oryx in HM once a week. You could beat HM every week for a month and still not get 1.

If you can guarantee getting one in trials than the balance is off. I don't get that the trials people have access too it, but then they should increase the PvE drop rate to be fair.

I didn't think of this. You're right and this is true. This basically means for Trials to be fair, it has to have a loot table as janky as what KF HM currently has.


The truth. Was there ever a stronger vendor weapon? Hung Jury would be a legit roll reward from raid, ToO or IB it is so good. I loved my vanilla "The Devil You Know" but I don't think it was as god tier.

I'm just surprised that after all the trouble they went through with making every weapon mediocre enough that you could use just about any weapon in the right situation they went and made a god tier vendor weapon. I could understand if it dropped randomly with firefly and triple tap from a package, but to just sell it undid all the work they did in making PvE weapons balanced across the board.

I didn't think of this. You're right and this is true. This basically means for Trials to be fair, it has to have a loot table as janky as what KF HM currently has.

I think, and to agree with Zewone for once today (; , the idea is that at least get one half of the game right. Even if it is unfair to PvE players at least it is right. They can fix the PvE drop rates after. But why take away an avenue for 320 gear? It should be a good thing if they have the guaranteed drops. It doesn't have to be fair, it just has to be right. I'll take one way of getting 320 gear guaranteed over no ways. And if you aren't competent at PvP like me it honestly doesn't change anything, in fact it'll be helpful because more people will be higher level to help with HM Oryx.


Yay, I can finally try out Zhalo! For all my attempts at getting exotic engrams with 3oC, I've only found one weapon engram and tons of armor only. Least I got Jade Rabbit out of it.
I haven't subjected myself to HM KF enough times to hit maximum salt levels with poor drops, but my first handful of drops have been frustrating none the less. Even disregarding the LL clusterfuck, something else that really bothers me from the HM drops is the lack of new perks. Last night I got the HM HMG drop from Warpriest. It dropped at 312 and my current HMG was the NM raid one at 306. Now, my instincts were, the new one must be better! But as I looked at the perks I realized they're identical other than one roll and that my old one had a much more useful roll on that slot. So I infused my NM HMG up to 312 with the new one. That sucks. The new weapons shouldn't just be infusion fodder for the NM ones. I get if you want to infuse a AR into a pulse rifle, but it was really lame that the HM HMG was worse than my NM one.
Okay now I'm confused, unless I'm on a different part of the quest? Right now I have:

-Infuse the Weapon
-Seven Kill Sprees
-Crucible Precision Kill Spree

Is it worded poorly or something?

It's poorly worded, seven kill sprees is done in pve.
Crucible precision kill is not a spree, you can die but you need 7 precision kill in one match. Good luck.


I didn't think of this. You're right and this is true. This basically means for Trials to be fair, it has to have a loot table as janky as what KF HM currently has.

Or they need to fix the KF drops. Based on recent history, it may just be easier for them to make it janky :)


Nightfall patch has done fuck all for me.

Last week: 300 hand cannon, some crappy chest.

This week: 18 strange coins, 290 boots.

I'll trade you both the 310 4th Horseman and 310 Suros I got this week for those 18 strange coins!

Damn top page...hmmm..ok folks remember not to do what I did with your Trials cards!



Like Telesto, great in Nightfall and good for small fry. But I never use it in Raids or something. Sword is much better to have on and the vendor primaries are just way too useful.

Zhalo is great for the opening and totems. Only thing I use a sword for in the raid is going into third person to jump.


Then I'm confused as to why you would think Zhalo is worthless?

It's the only primary with an element. Very useful for NFs and trash mobs.

This is my personal opinion first off.

Because I assume Bungie will either stop having as many Arc burn Nightfalls or some other work around so people aren't JUST using the ZHALO. The reason they stopped making elemental primaries was because everyone was using the same weapon at times like that instead of a lot of the others, basically to add more variety.

When I first got mine it was an awesome drop that never left my primary weapon spot until I got Dead Orbits rifle. I keep it handy just in case but never use it unless absolutely necessary now though since the damage output is like 1/3rd of the damage all my other primaries can putout.


The truth. Was there ever a stronger vendor weapon? Hung Jury would be a legit roll reward from raid, ToO or IB it is so good. I loved my vanilla "The Devil You Know" but I don't think it was as god tier.

Vendor scouts have been good in year 1, such as the A1 something. But then you had VoC which reigned and was a raid reward. Raid weapons were the best. And thats the difference, you can buy the best weapons which eliminates RNG but its still kinda offputting getting 5+ Yard Stares that were massively inferior to the 2 you can get without RNG.

Zhalo is great for the opening and totems. Only thing I use a sword for in the raid is going into third person to jump.

I use Hung Jury there (mine is an RNG roll with Life Support and for the rest identical to vendor.. and LS procs quite a bit) but you could be right. I might try it out sometime.


I can't wait for my 310 Adept Summoner. Today is the day.
I wonder what Bungie is going to do for the Adept versions of the trials weapons now that they said elemental primaries aren't dropping anymore. Maybe an exclusive perk? Different type (low RoF/high impact instead of bullet hose)? It will be interesting for sure.

willow ve

Anyone else have a TTK logo floating over the tower no matter what quests they complete / pickup / abandon?

My map since TTK launch has always had the purple glowing triangle over the tower.
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