Yo guys, the Imprecation is legit. Proof: http://destinytracker.com/dg/3937634821
I take back everything I said about imprecation.
Your one game sample size has proven me completely wrong.
Thank you for your contribution to bettering GAF skills.
Yo guys, the Imprecation is legit. Proof: http://destinytracker.com/dg/3937634821
New phone triggered a precautionary account lock. They sent me a reset password which takes up to 24 hours to show up and they can't do it over the phone. Guess I can't do anything until I get that...
Down for casual add bigmanny287I'm up for a nightfall or trials psn MegaRockman. Casual trials.
Moral of this story...
New phones are sometimes dicks.
Angel of Mercy: Gain bonus Super energy from reviving others.
Seems like a legit Trials perk, although my helmet had a garbage Disc/Str roll.
Wow. Won't we see teams abusing that revive perk to fill up their supers faster?
I don't really see how you'd do that.
Plus every time you die, the revive timer gets 5 seconds longer, so you can't get your teammates up as fast and the enemy could just steamroll you right away.I don't really see how you'd do that and not be putting your team at a significant disadvantage. Other team is getting supers killing you.
I don't really see how you'd do that and not be putting your team at a significant disadvantage. Other team is getting supers killing you.
Double grenade warlock suicide at the beginning of the match. Doubt it would be useful in that scenario though.
Edit: or jump off the map.
Anyone want to join Grim and myself for some Trials?
In about 5 minutes
There isn't a good map for callouts yet, but I did atleast throw some basic markers on this image so people can kind of understand it better:
High but not crazy high. 54 base AA but it has Shortgaze which would kick it up to 69 AA.
Me. I need 2 more wins for the sniper. Psn is VincentgreyLooking for a third for Trials. Just doing Bounties and hopefully getting 7 wins for the Sniper.
Looking for a third for Trials. Just doing Bounties and hopefully getting 7 wins for the Sniper.
I may or may not have jinxed the map selection last night.
I'd be up for some trials action.
My sniper rolled with weapon parts
Someone just sent me a PM on NeoGAF asking if I will be getting UC4.
The inside of the message asked if I will be passing the treasure.
I cried, DGAF. I cried. You people don't understand the joy UC multiplayer brought me.
Someone just sent me a PM on NeoGAF asking if I will be getting UC4.
The inside of the message asked if I will be passing the treasure.
I cried, DGAF. I cried. You people don't understand the joy UC multiplayer brought me.
My sniper rolled with "Super refills Magazine" and "Kills have chance for bonus ammo"
What kind of bullshit is this.![]()
Look how lustrous.
There isn't a good map for callouts yet, but I did atleast throw some basic markers on this image so people can kind of understand it better:
Has anyone ever gotten anything from a ToO Silver Bounty package?
I got motes of light from mine, and that seems kind of lame. I've heard they have a small chance to give an exotic.
I was thinking about adding callouts, but jesus if this isn't the shittiest map blueprint i've ever seen.
Good and Solid Flawless card Drizzay and Wicked, got the Pulse with Headseeker at 318 and The Last Word at 310. Lawlz
Same. The map is so messy it'd be hard to just draw one from scratch, but the blueprint we have is god awful. Maybe we'll get lucky and Deej will start putting them in the BWU again. Or whoever it was that was tweeting them last time.
Look how lustrous.
Thanks for reminding me that we still don't have facial hair options in Destiny.
Has anyone ever gotten anything from a ToO Silver Bounty package?
I got motes of light from mine, and that seems kind of lame. I've heard they have a small chance to give an exotic.
Also, out of 8 games, I saw 2 seperate groups of 1 nightstalker with 2 bladedancers.
The stealthing from the BDs was actually really hard to cope with. Basically, they'd almost always guarantee a tie, at the least, and if you went to rez, the other one was waiting to blink strike you in the back.
Was very hard to work around. The Nightstalker would just stealth sniper in the back.