So what, they create new variants in the likes of the Suros Regime Year 2, but then leave some weapons as just one version across the board? Whose bright idea was that then?Incorrect, my dusty one in the vault has the new perk
edit: lol, shame we didn't have this for Driviks
Golgoroth will drop one. Don't you worry.Hmm.
Maybe I shouldn't have deleted those Antiquated Runes.
Maybe I shouldn't have deleted those Antiquated Runes.
This is the very reason I didn't shard anything that wasn't a dupewhy did I shard my Year 1 Dragon's Breath?
Hahahahaha.Golgoroth will drop one. Don't you worry.
Need two for this quest step that eventually gives you a sparrow.? Why is that?
My problem is I dont have the Y1 version and Xur never sells primary legacy engrams lol. Guess I have to just wait and hope for Primary Engrams. I keep only getting helmets and gauntlets, never primaries -.-
At least the one I got gave me a Y2 Mida's...
Sparrow races with TLW equipped give renown![]()
? Why is that?
So what, they create new variants in the likes of the Suros Regime Year 2, but then leave some weapons as just one version across the board? Whose bright idea was that then?
Looking to do one or two Nightfalls before I take a break. I have a dirty martini if that helps
edit: new sparrows are in the NF too, neat
Alright, I have two charged stolen runes (that's all I have)I've got 1 charged one and 1 other one lying around with teh stolen runes to charge it (I gotta charge the stolens but I have the runes for that too)
Invite me, I've got five or six.WHO HAS TWO CHARGED ANTIQUATED RUNES?
Is this helmet any good?
Keep or shard?
PSN ID?Invite me, I've got five or six.
The fallout 4 patch downloaded and installed in the time it took destiny to prepare itself to 83%. What is it preparing for? Nuclear fallout? A birthday party?
Just raced. Got 2nd place. I like it.
The way Destiny specifically handles patches is ridiculous. Having to make sure the 18 gigs we downloaded in August are there every time we get a couple hundred mb patch is dumb.
I'm still looking to do the challenge if anyone else is.
I'll do the whole raid if people want to.
I'll join for one, or you can join me for one since I'm at the end right now.NF 3x
Join PSN DirtyAquaticApe
Edit: what? My conspiracy theory that was 313 is un-upgraded and 298 now?!
Why in the hell did they go back and make exotics adhere to shaders and then release the TG that absolutely does not in any way
I can't stop laughing
Anyone try the MIDA in Crucible yet? What about fusion rifles? How are the ARs holding up? Did Hard Light come over yet?
I can't stop laughing
MIDA was pretty dominant on Bannerfall at leastAnyone try the MIDA in Crucible yet? What about fusion rifles? How are the ARs holding up? Did Hard Light come over yet?
Got room for one more at the end of NF. Join on perineumlick or DirtyAquaticApe.
Are we still playing the raid? I don't know how big this patch is but i'm only 88% percent prepared for it.
I agree.