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Destiny |OT37| Everything Old is New Again

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The investment team has clearly been prioritzing a grind to stretch the content as far as possible. Why? Because I think that they correctly realize most people are chasing 320, rather than optimizers like me. But they're partly at fault here because their design decisions are telling players that's what matters.

The new light system is a mistake and not only does it not change the progression depends on RNG of year 1, it doubles down on it.

I forgot all about custom loadouts. I had sets for the raids, burns and PvP. Good times.





Apologies for the noob character of mine, it doesnt glow as shiny with my main Titan lol.

Very nice, you teased it so much yesterday, it's good to finally see it.


Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.
Very nice, you teased it so much yesterday, it's good to finally see it.

Yeah sorry I went off before I took a screenshot lol. Now I need to level my alt JUST to see it in proper equipment lol.

It glows so badass though, I love it. Bit too eye-catchy for PvP probably, but otherwise... :p


So I have to spend real money to be able to complete the bounty? Seems a little, unfair.

No? When you're in the air just press something on the D-pad and your dude will do "tricks."

When you're on the ground the emotes are just the point left/right/forward/half. When you're in the air you do different emotes.


No? When you're in the air just less something on the D-pad and your dude will stick his legs out or something.

Ah, that's what I've been trying, even on the biggest jumps and finishing the emote with plenty of time, it's still not tracking... weird.


Ah, that's what I've been trying, even on the biggest jumps and finishing the emote with plenty of time, it's still not tracking... weird.

Quoting myself again: Are you getting fuel for side boosts off of it when you land?

Maybe the success of the landing is picky? Idk but I didn't have any problems finishing the bounty just spamming emotes every jump.


Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.
haha no just wanted to get rid of these antiquated runes

the 20 minute time limit for these missions is an insult :p

Fear's Embrace used to screw me, now we can screw it. It's nice.

Also confirming that you can still get the book rewards without buying it, I just did it lol


This is BULLSHIT!!!!

Why won't it drop for me? I'm over rank 2! Iwantoneiwantoneiwantoneiwantone!!!!

Fucking helmets...

That's all I seem to get.

1 Shader (The shitty Azure one) and about 10 Helms, I feel your Pain, when is it my turn to get the shimmer one?


Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.
Uhm... Pressing D-pad on my sparrow does the emote but it's not counting towards my bounty. Mhmmmm. What am I doing wrong? It's completed before landing too...


Haha. With me, if I see someone do better than me, I may feel good about what victories I have, but I will want to get good as or better than that other player. This is why I don't get carried. I resent them because it's like saying to me "Oh, you can't get to Mercury yourself?" The only time I ever was carried was when I returned to Destiny the week before TTK dropped and that was because Figs looked out for me and got me to the highest light level, so she got Wicked and Rubenov.

Since then, I haven't played with either of those two in PvP because I'm above being carried. For folks who want it? Sure, go right on ahead. I'd much rather be the person who gets asked for carries than the person asking for carries.

I'm decent at Destiny's PvP, but I could be better.

As for 3v3, I think I could have better map and situational awareness. So far, I hang back, but that doesn't help out as much when playing with randoms.

Playing with randoms is just a circus act. I won't even go into that. I could write a novel about randoms in pvp.

Just keep this in mind. When playing with other good players you are cannibalizing each others kills. Usually the more aggressive person will get to them first. It seems like your play style is staying back in 3v3. Use it to your advantage. If your teammates push try to keep a sight line with at least one of them. If they need to drop back you are ready with some cover fire or a sniper shot to down the attackers. 3v3 is more about communication and controlling the map in your favor. I love trip mine and lightning grenades for that very reason. 95% of the time I can angle them on any wall I want to keep enemies at bay to to kill people if they rush or go for a revive. It can help give the team time to retreat, revive or attack. Sometimes in 3v3 assists are just as good as kills. Everyone gets points and that means you have a good team shoot working. The numbers on the scoreboard don't always tell the full tale of the match as well. It just sounds like you need to play with a consistent group and develop some plans of attack. I'd invite you to play, but I'm on X1. Play with the guys you have fun with. No one gets to mercury alone. You need a fire team of 3 for matchmaking. I doubt you were hiding in a corner cloaked when playing with them (I think someone was trying to 2 man trials with an additional logged in character as backup)


No I'm not.

Hum, that's weird. I'll have to try doing emotes on an Overdrive Sparrow cause I get fuel doing emotes on a Trick Sparrow and that's how I confirm a successful trick. My bounty also completed on an emote jump. Possibility that only Trick Sparrows get fuel from tricks but I'd hope doing emotes on any count towards bounties...

Wish I could help more, sorry.

Supposedly you can just make loops CCW at the start of the Mars race and build tricks that way, according to reddit.


Anyone want to help me with the CoO for the SRL quest? I have 6 runes.

EDIT: Nevermind, there was surprisingly four randoms there doing the same thing for once.
soo wtf is up with bungies supposed base damage buff to ARs... on reddit most are saying its a nerf.. i posted yesterday and my silmars wrath feels weaker as well??

Working as intended.

I'm not even joking.

This same thing happened last year with Mythoclast. Bungie said they'd nerf it 34% and it was nerfed 50%. They never fixed it, much less acknowledged it.


Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.
Hum, that's weird. I'll have to try doing emotes on an Overdrive Sparrow cause I get fuel doing emotes on a Trick Sparrow and that's how I confirm a successful trick. My bounty also completed on an emote jump. Possibility that only Trick Sparrows get fuel from tricks but I'd hope doing emotes on any count towards bounties...

Wish I could help more.

I just tried it again on the longest jump with the normal sparrow - no fuel reward, no bounty completion. Gonna have to switch to the trick sparrow I guess boo.


I just tried it again on the longest jump with the normal sparrow - no fuel reward, no bounty completion. Gonna have to switch to the trick sparrow I guess boo.

There's apparently a chime for a successful trick so that's another way to confirm.

But I guess right now the mystery is if only air emotes on a Trick Sparrow count as tricks or if any air emotes on any Sparrows count but something is buggy or people aren't landing properly? The former would be kind of gross.



Hum, that's weird. I'll have to try doing emotes on an Overdrive Sparrow cause I get fuel doing emotes on a Trick Sparrow and that's how I confirm a successful trick. My bounty also completed on an emote jump. Possibility that only Trick Sparrows get fuel from tricks but I'd hope doing emotes on any count towards bounties...

Wish I could help more, sorry.

Supposedly you can just make loops CCW at the start of the Mars race and build tricks that way, according to reddit.

How do I differentiate between a trick sparrow and an overdrive sparrow?
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