Destiny |OT39| Tainted Love


Really? Teasing about the spring update being worked on and then drops the disappointment that they won't talk about it today...


Platinum Trophy: Learned to Shit While Upright Again.
OK, I'm so confused by this game

Drizzay is my BAE & MVP but I have no idea what I'm doing :/

I have enough on my plate but holy shit even for me this game feels like a burden with this stupid infusion

Fuck man, just to get my 314 sniper gloves to 320 required 3 gloves and them ungodly amount of materials
Jesus I'm a blueberry masquerading as an elite
And some people on Division thread said Destiny doesn't sound like you're shooting real guns but only Toys, LOL

This is pretty awesome, actually. I love sounds/music


Platinum Trophy: Learned to Shit While Upright Again.
Someone give me tips please!
I'm thinking about just burning the vault down

I don't even wanna infuse or defuse!
What do I do with all these guns and legendary marks


Shout out to Seattle Children's Hospital. One of the top paediatric hospitals in the world and trained so many leaders in pediatrics for other developing countries.
Today is the first Thursday in a long time that I don't care about the BWU.

It is a weird feeling - partly because I have the Division to play (first game since Destiny to pull me in - love the feeling of progression in the game) and partly because I have accepted that Destiny is dead.

I have no interest in the Spring Update content-wise and the QoL changes probably won't fix the main problems Destiny Year 2 has (Light Level and Loot).

I'll still play but I ain't worried about it.

I am in same boat. First time in months I didn't care about doing oryx challenge mode. I am literally one point away from hitting 320 on my hunter(319, 316 on titan and warlock) and I couldnt care less anymore. I still play the game for the pvp but with how bad the lag has been and Bungie not caring enough, I think Destiny and I are going to be on a long break...

Also because, THE division is just too much damn fun. :)

Someone give me tips please!
I'm thinking about just burning the vault down

I don't even wanna infuse or defuse!
What do I do with all these guns and legendary marks

Welcome back, grave! Infuse all of raid crap into other armor and weapons because all the raid stuff is crap other then the light level.

Also get your gunsmith rank up if you haven't for those chances at some godly rolls.


Wait, the DGAF@E3 chat is GONE?!?!

Someone invite me to whatever the new chat is:

xplicit_one is my twitch

Same, chat is gone.

The DGAF=Best chat is still there though.

Add me back whoever has access, thanks. Twitch = djruthles

Its gone for me too

Did someone delete DGAF @ E3 chat? Or maybe boot me from it (lol)? It's not showing up in my chat list as an option on Twitch.

I accidentally hit the x button on it the other day, was trying to leave another group chat. I didn't realize it would kick everyone

Sorry guys :(
Wow, talking about the original script and plans for the future. Somebody was probably flailing their arms around in a "Cut!" motion off camera.

Glad to hear that kinda stuff though, it's a nice change of pace.
Vidoc was great, sound design is so brilliant in this game. Also, I never understood why people thought the queen was dead. There was so much space magic!

I accidentally hit the x button on it the other day, was trying to leave another group chat. I didn't realize it would kick everyone

Sorry guys :(

lol Noomi pls. The Destiny betrayal is so real ;_;
At least I got a shoutout from Annialis before it went sub only.




Yay Twilight Garrison obtained! That completes exotic armor for my Titan. This is one of the rare times RNG gave me exactly what I wanted.
ViDoc was probably the best one imo. This game doesn't have a lot to do right now but the music and sounds of guns, melees, and everything is so Top Notch
Yay Twilight Garrison obtained! That completes exotic armor for my Titan. This is one of the rare times RNG gave me exactly what I wanted.

Gotta love when that happens. All i need is Tarantella and Jade Rabbit. Well, not including the quest stuff like 3x exotic swords and 9x faction exotic class items.


I hope they bring the animators in next and the engine developers. This game has an amazing amount of animation detail and the world is so beautiful.


Platinum Trophy: Learned to Shit While Upright Again.
lol I need to finish making new OT but I might be able to get online a bit later to hang out and chat. I know it can be overwhelming for any "new" player, lol. So much has changed since you played! :p

Seriously, its not the Destiny I left

I have no idea bro...
So much stuff, I'm so fn confused
I got most of my gear to 320 for infusing using other chars extra 320 so they could have it

Good lord, at the moment I'm a chicken with his head cut off


Seriously, its not the Destiny I left

I have no idea bro...
So much stuff, I'm so fn confused
I got most of my gear to 320 for infusing using other chars extra 320 so they could have it

Good lord, at the moment I'm a chicken with his head cut off

You basically have been given the keys to the kingdom and have to learn the new rules all at once. Information overload.
Morla Gorrondona (Eris) is beautiful. That's all.

DeeJ said next week will be a Twitch stream about Clans and have REZO there doing Rift. And then one of the near future streams after will talk about the new content. So we're looking at 2 weeks at the very earliest for new information.


Morla Gorrondona (Eris) is beautiful. That's all.

DeeJ said next week will be a Twitch stream about Clans and have REZO there doing Rift. And then one of the near future streams after will talk about the new content. So we're looking at 2 weeks at the very earliest for new information.

Yes she is
Thanks for putting up the chat Val. Today's Bungie stream was fun! Yeah, they didn't announce anything new, but it was an entertaining show still! Trance really knows how to end a chat btw...


The vidoc was great, the rest was pretty okay chatter with nice tidbits here and there.

Next week: clans (this ones gonna suck, because clans are incredibly useless)

somtime "soon" (deejTM) well get new info on what's to come :S
Wow, talking about the original script and plans for the future. Somebody was probably flailing their arms around in a "Cut!" motion off camera.

Glad to hear that kinda stuff though, it's a nice change of pace.

haha the best part was when the Queen voice actress gave away that the queen was still alive, but then later she had to add "or maybe she's dead!" as if someone reprimanded her for being too open. We know the queen is alive Bungie. It's okay.

E92 M3

Thanks for putting up the chat Val. Today's Bungie stream was fun! Yeah, they didn't announce anything new, but it was an entertaining show still! Trance really knows how to end a chat btw...

Laughing is the key to happiness!

The queen made that joke too easy though lol
Jason Schreier wrote a few articles regarding Destiny's development from behind the scenes. Things like changing the game's story structure, to major engine complications (8+ hours to move engine assets?) and more.

The Messy, True Story Behind the Making of Destiny

He posted another article early in the year that pretty much stated that Destiny 2 was going to be delayed and that there really wasn't going to be much new content, other than stuff like the Halloween event and SRL. People were speculating that Destiny 2 was coming out this year, going by Bungie's old 10 year plan that was posted long ago, but Jason seems to be right on the money with his articles and there is a lot of issues going on internally that is in need of fixing.

The Great Destiny Malaise of 2016

Thanks for all of this man.
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