Destiny |OT39| Tainted Love


Swords were a great addition but the situations you'd use them are limited unless you spend most of your time grinding out strikes/farming omnigul

90 minutes till the next ride along which I'll watch just for the twitch chat. Then later another dose of Deej giving us his latest variation on soon, mega

If only we would get some information on the "spring" update...

What does "significant" mean for the light level increase? 350? 370? 400?
When can we expect the patch? April? May?
Are we getting new content or just VoG/CE/PoE with challenges and old strikes added to the playlist?
new exotic weapons? new gear?
Is SRL ever coming back?

Just give us some information man. They don't even have to be precise about most of the stuff, like an exact date, just give us a timeframe that they are currently targeting (like last 2 weeks of april or something like that). And they don't have to say what exactly the new content is, just if there will actually be new stuff to do or if it's just a rehash of the old stuff.


I feel like even Bungie doesn't know what's happening, going by what's been written on that Kotaku article. It sounds like they're still trying to right things from within.
Swords were a great addition but the situations you'd use them are limited unless you spend most of your time grinding out strikes/farming omnigul

90 minutes till the next ride along which I'll watch just for the twitch chat. Then later another dose of Deej giving us his latest variation on soon, mega

Their blog actually said they were going to answer some questions from chat :p
Oh I don't have any expectations, especially when the said they will answer questions about the audio

Tune in and turn it up! We'll be taking some questions from chat, so you just might have a chance to have your specific curiosities about the process of giving characters in the game a voice.
I feel like even Bungie doesn't know what's happening, going by what's been written on that Kotaku article. It sounds like they're still trying to right things from within.

Yup. At this point it's obvious that their 10 year plan had...some hiccups on it because year 2 has been barren so far. That and the shake up with the CEO, hiring another studio to supposedly help them out...and the whole 'Oh we're gonna do another expansion for this year and Destiny 2 will be next year instead' means that there's something happening in terms of the team.


I'd just take a date tbh

Also the dreams alive Lars, liked my tweet

Lars Bakken liked your Tweet
8h: @_mantis_ @lars_bakken bring zone control back more often pls it's by far the best 6v6 mode, would also be perfect for IB #Destiny

Don't let me down Lars

I don't expect a date until it's very close to launch. They're probably afraid people get angry if they have to move it back :S I'd be fine with just a rough estimate. If it's earlier? cool. Later? no big deal. Just say something and make it clear it's not finalized.

I don't think I've ever played zone control (same with combined arms)... what's the difference to control?
I don't expect a date until it's very close to launch. They're probably afraid people get angry if they have to move it back :S I'd be fine with just a rough estimate. If it's earlier? cool. Later? no big deal. Just say something and make it clear it's not finalized.

I don't think I've ever played zone control (same with combined arms)... what's the difference to control?

Same premise as control but it's shorter (first to 1500pts) and you get 10pts for each zone you hold every 20 (or 30) seconds. It plays like a mixture of clash and control

Nami is dead. Long live the new Nami! OT40 in progress...

Someone's got to hold this lot together seeing as you've gone awol

Edit the zone control trains starting up for anyone who fancies it


What article?
Jason Schreier wrote a few articles regarding Destiny's development from behind the scenes. Things like changing the game's story structure, to major engine complications (8+ hours to move engine assets?) and more.

The Messy, True Story Behind the Making of Destiny

He posted another article early in the year that pretty much stated that Destiny 2 was going to be delayed and that there really wasn't going to be much new content, other than stuff like the Halloween event and SRL. People were speculating that Destiny 2 was coming out this year, going by Bungie's old 10 year plan that was posted long ago, but Jason seems to be right on the money with his articles and there is a lot of issues going on internally that is in need of fixing.

The Great Destiny Malaise of 2016
Today is the first Thursday in a long time that I don't care about the BWU.

It is a weird feeling - partly because I have the Division to play (first game since Destiny to pull me in - love the feeling of progression in the game) and partly because I have accepted that Destiny is dead.

I have no interest in the Spring Update content-wise and the QoL changes probably won't fix the main problems Destiny Year 2 has (Light Level and Loot).

I'll still play but I ain't worried about it.
Someone's got to hold this lot together seeing as you've gone awol

pssh I ain't dead yet. I even made the wall of shame (barely). Honestly I've said everything I have to say about the current state of the game and don't want to keep repeating myself. If I wasn't such a scrub I'd make fancy posts like raid encounter rankings, but sadly I am such a scrub.

edit: if you can invite me Vaal, twitch is DrDrizzay101
Was this the one where they covered the Dreadnaught? What are they covering today?

Last one they covered the Dreadnaught, this one they're talking with the sound people:

This week, we're turning up the volume on Destiny. Our Audio Team will be front and center to share their process for creating the sounds that propel your adventures.

Hype for a discussion of the music of Destiny? I am personally not hyped.

The hype is a lie.
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