Destiny |OT39| Tainted Love

Tl;dr: Can I write a Dear John letter, if I am myself John?

I'm done believing in Destiny too. And it's been that way for awhile for me. Y2 really ended up being a lot worse than Y1 so far. As much as we could bitch about all the terrible design decisions from Y1, they were at least supporting the game with paid dlc. And most importantly, the player base had something to look forward to. If we don't get a schedule announced for Y3, I'll assume the worst. I love how The Division has been so up front with all the stuff coming out after launch. That's what I want from Bungie.


As it should be everywhere. There isn't anything to do in the game and there hasn't been for some time.

I still enjoy a NF from time to time and only run Challenge mode. There is still stuff for me to obtain in the game on PS4, although I did get a Jade Rabbit so I will be spending less and less time on Destiny and more on other games.

IB also seems more fun on the PS4 side. It was quite stale on XB1 side.


Just got this drop. It's almost identical with the Finnala's, except the stability is higher here.
I have to stop wasting time.

Midnight, division servers died. So what did I do? Played 1 PvP daily and was on neogaf (both divOT and here) until 2:30am. 2 consecutive nights of 5 hours or less of sleep. I guess I'm preparing myself for when I have a little one.

Tomorrow, trials and Ori DE, at least
Picked up my First Curse yesterday, still not sure if I like it. It's powerful, for sure, but it's so damn slow. Or maybe I'm not choosing my battles wisely enough.

Treat it like pre-range nerf Hawkmoon and you can do well. But it is absolutely unforgiving if you miss a shot.

You want to play Trials tomorrow tho? Kappa.

Edit: I played about an hour of clash last night with TWL + 1K Stare last night John.

This is still my iPhone's home screen background:


My life for Trials!

My salt was all in good fun John.


Giving each other grief is what started this friendship.
That was awesome.

If you need anyone for trials on Xbox this weekend (assuming it's a good map) feel free to hit me up. I'll play better! :)

I'm always down to play Trials! No worries man.

Cool fight but you totally blew a revive that was ready while you were popping your super.

Hahaha I didn't notice that until I watched this vid. I was staring at the radar and I thought he was going to go directly for a revive.

The Clutch! I SUCK as a BladeDancer.

Quickdraw and Tarantella are 2 big reasons why I still run Blade when I'm a hunter, as long as my teammates both have fast revive. I do want to practice Nightstalker a bit more.


I like the Scout with Full Auto, Pulse with Firefly, Sniper with Hot Swap, and HMG. Everything else I use for infusion.

Pre-Nerf I loved the Smite with Firefly, it just feels hallow now.

Basically we have boiled down to everyone having similar loadouts if not the same in year two for PVE. The only thing to really change is no Y2 Fatebringer with arc burn, vision with Solar, ect.

Most people are using this as their Y2 Loadout now.
Hung Jury / Smite
Spindle / Stare
HMG / Exotic Sword

Year 1 was
Vision / Fatebringer
Hammer / Icebreaker
Gjallarhorn / HoC / CM


I have a bad feeling that Destiny might not recover on the Xbox. You might have to get used to LFG.

It's a barren wasteland over there.

I am banking on the fact that eventually our accounts can be transferred. I don't have the emotional fortitude to restart lol.

Yeah, Destiny on XBO is kill, and it really shouldn't come as a surprise.

The thing that kept me going was playing with my mates, and now all my mates are playing BLOPS3, Halo, FIFA, The Division and even Warframe lol, so there's no reason for me to play Destiny anymore. I can't even remember the last time I loaded it up, I think it was the day Bungie handed out the 320 ghosts.

P.S Warframe is the shit. I don't know why nobody ever told me that you play as a space ninja, if I had known I would have abandoned Destiny long ago.
Datto put up a good video regarding Kings Fall Weapons and specifically how they feel worse than most other weapons in the game.

Also he's comparing WoW weapons to Destiny weapons in a 1:1 capacity

That's incorrect, it's a false equivalence

In WoW weapons are stat sticks. What really matters are gear sets and trinkets in terms of letting you have different outputs, that is the unique bonuses they provide. He should be comparing that instead of the weapons themselves, because that's a closer, better comparison in terms of what he's trying to say.

Man even when Datto sounds like he's trying to say something sensible, he gets it so wrong


The only reason I use a bigger variety of weapons in year 2 is because none of them feel awesome, so I'm constantly moving from one thing to another.
The only reason I use a bigger variety of weapons in year 2 is because none of them feel awesome, so I'm constantly moving from one thing to another.

Nothing feels overpowered. I believe that's the difference.

It's funny, I loved Fatebringer, VoC, and the horn...but I really don't miss them. Just like I don't miss my old OP PvP weapons.


Nothing feels overpowered. I believe that's the difference.

It's funny, I loved Fatebringer, VoC, and the horn...but I really don't miss them. Just like I don't miss my old OP PvP weapons.

I wouldn't say I miss them either, but I miss rainbow burn nightfalls and feeling very strong and laying waste to anything in my path when using those weapons.
Nothing feels overpowered. I believe that's the difference.

It's funny, I loved Fatebringer, VoC, and the horn...but I really don't miss them. Just like I don't miss my old OP PvP weapons.

Forget the power, they were fun to use. Firefly chaining and taking out a group of thralls in the abyss, smashing sepiks or the land tank till they died with Blackhammer and that sweet sweet feeling of watching wolf pack rounds massacre that yellow barred enemy that used to take forever for you to kill for the first time


Forget the power, they were fun to use. Firefly chaining and taking out a group of thralls in the abyss, smashing sepiks or the land tank till they died with Blackhammer and that sweet sweet feeling of watching wolf pack rounds massacre that yellow barred enemy that used to take forever for you to kill for the first time



All this talk about dead Destiny and moving on to other more mathematically inclined games and I feel like I'm just discovering new stuff to play around here. Granted I jumped in on Destiny from year 2, so I missed out on a lot, but it's been fun to break out from my usual safe loadouts and try out other weapons that I'm finally acquiring. Now, I'm understanding the perk benefits as well, something I didn't really consider in the beginning. Since the PvE well has dried up, I've pretty much gone into my vault and tried out weapons that have been sitting there for PvP.

I'm still terrible at the multiplayer, but messing with a gun that clicks with me has been really satisfying. Pretty much only used pulse and scout rifles and have been moving on to auto rifles. Toughest transition has been trying to use handcannons. I'd love to be able to use them more often, but I'm slow firing weapons the hardest to use. Now that I unlocked Shaxx's Bounties, I'll probably stick to pvp for a bit until Dark Souls 3 and Uncharted 4 come out at least. Here's hoping that there will be some more info on the PvE update soon enough.
I got really bored of the hung jury pve meta. I have to use something else. At the minute I use a treads upon stars (firefly) and suros dis-43 with full stability.

Both are much more fun to use and don't block half the screen when not ADS.
You're overpowered.

You know it ;)

I wouldn't say I miss them either, but I miss rainbow burn nightfalls and feeling very strong and laying waste to anything in my path when using those weapons.

Forget the power, they were fun to use. Firefly chaining and taking out a group of thralls in the abyss, smashing sepiks or the land tank till they died with Blackhammer and that sweet sweet feeling of watching wolf pack rounds massacre that yellow barred enemy that used to take forever for you to kill for the first time

You guys aren't wrong. Y1 did have better fun weapons. Y2 has some decent ones, but not as many that really feel powerful. I really enjoy the Zhalo, Dragon's Breath, and all the exotic swords.

Edit: FWIW the supers in Y2 still feel awesome...well...unless you're a Titan, but Warlocks are the master race.
Swords were a great addition but the situations you'd use them are limited unless you spend most of your time grinding out strikes/farming omnigul

90 minutes till the next ride along which I'll watch just for the twitch chat. Then later another dose of Deej giving us his latest variation on soon, mega


Swords were a great addition but the situations you'd use them are limited unless you spend most of your time grinding out strikes/farming omnigul

90 minutes till the next ride along which I'll watch just for the twitch chat. Then later another dose of Deej giving us his latest variation on soon, mega
We can all talk about the division lol.


Swords were a great addition but the situations you'd use them are limited unless you spend most of your time grinding out strikes/farming omnigul

90 minutes till the next ride along which I'll watch just for the twitch chat. Then later another dose of Deej giving us his latest variation on soon, mega
This is why I watched the last one. The salt was hilarious.
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