Destiny |OT40| Killed by the Architects


All the usual questions I ask people are: how much Trials have you played before? Ever been flawless? How many passage coins do you have?

If you like PvP and want to improve then we can definitely run a card. But if you're mainly interested in grimoire/emblem/loot then it's easier for me to run your account. Either way is totally cool with me, whatever you prefer.

I've done flawless a few times and just hit rank 5 on iron banet Im quite rusty since its been 5 months away from destiny if you perfer to run my account its also fine with me
I have 45 coins.
Started playing again last week.
I'm not that interested in PVP, but would like to get the Grimoire done for Mercury/Lighthouse. Emblem would be a nice bonus.
I would trust you to use my account.

Most definitely. Shoot me a PM with your login info and I can run it sometime later today. Same goes for anyone else in this particular situation.


Driz, me and zew are trying to run a card to get the Cat emblem. We went flawless a bunch of times in Y1 and a few times in Y2. Haven't really played it since last year. Any interest?
Tripmine is life, tripmine is love.

Back in the beta, Bungie was actively considering removing emotes from the Crucible because they let you peek. It's funny how much a little animation and some text can change an interaction.

So, I get salty quick when people emote at me after they kill me. Especially teabagging. I shake it off, but that's the point, it gets to me, so I have to shake it off.

This f
ing jerk did it to me at the start of a Clash match on Widow's Court. He killed me after I had just gotten a double kill and was weak. It wasn't even a fair duel, but nope, "Miguel dances at JohnOfMars".


I got your name, Miguel.

We proceeded to battle each other for the entire match.

Miguel (fusion rifle icon) JohnOfMars
Miguel waves.


JohnOfMars (chaperone icon) Miguel
JohnOfMars hotlines.

"How ya like me now, b

We were both leading our teams, and towards the end of the match we were just throwing ourselves at each other full tilt.

He wouldn't use his Nova Bomb on anyone but me.

I saved my smash for right in his smug face.

His team wound up destroying mine and everyone was quitting, but I fought on.

Miguel dances.
JohnOfMars waves.
Miguel taunts.
JohnOfMars disagrees.



Shaxx ended the match 10,000 to 8,000.

I took a breath and let it out slow.

I found his name in the Post Game Carnade Report and fired off a quick message.

Just sending the "Gg" stopped my blood from boiling, but I got a nice reply back.

I've been doing this a lot actually, just sending respectful post game matches to folks who gave me a good fight. Trying to "friendly up" the Destiny community. But it helps me too. Keeps me off tilt. I've never gotten a bad reply back. Most of the time it's a similar reply back of appreciation for the match, whether I won or lost.
I think you aren't quite understanding what he is saying.

He is saying build the lobby like this.

1. Grab 12 players based on connection quality and ignore skill.
2. Once you have those 12 players, assign the teams based on skill.

The initial comment was about skill disparity when in a fire team. Even if you have perfect connections that disparity is going to be there.

Title: Destiny | OT 41 | Legendary Rain
I've done flawless a few times and just hit rank 5 on iron banet Im quite rusty since its been 5 months away from destiny if you perfer to run my account its also fine with me
I have 45 coins.
Started playing again last week.

Totally up to you, either way is cool w me. Shoot me a PM if you want me to run it, otherwise I'll be around a few hours from now and available to run a card assuming there's another helper around.

Driz, me and zew are trying to run a card to get the Cat emblem. We went flawless a bunch of times in Y1 and a few times in Y2. Haven't really played it since last year. Any interest?

For sure. What time were you gonna be playing? Probably another couple hours before I'd be available but then I should be around most of the evening depending on how many people want to run some cards.


Will today be the day Drizz streams? :O


Mine wasn't so fun. Guy kept calling me tryhard for using Y1 weapons AFTER he teabagged me first. I did a wave emote after he did it again.

He didn't like getting hopscotch'ed. kek

Two days of text. He didn't bother replying after I pointed out that Crucible was equalized, so he was whining for nothing.


Totally up to you, either way is cool w me. Shoot me a PM if you want me to run it, otherwise I'll be around a few hours from now and available to run a card assuming there's another helper around.

For sure. What time were you gonna be playing? Probably another couple hours before I'd be available but then I should be around most of the evening depending on how many people want to run some cards.

Last page hype!

I'm around to help with trials.


It's always in your vault anyway.

Actually it hasn't been, :p I've been using it for everything except for the raid. Which I'm going to give it a try this week. Ammo reserve Buff has made it viable again.

It's been fun Popping heads like grapefruits then instantly reloading again.


Last page, we finally are going to surpass our guardians level cap. I'm up for virtually anything all I've been doing is IB this week and I can continue playing it. Rewards are that good.
Last page, we finally are going to surpass our guardians level cap. I'm up for virtually anything all I've been doing is IB this week and I can continue playing it. Rewards are that good.

Enemies in Heroics are 41 nightfall & Raid are 42.

I *still* can't believe how much of a troll a Bungie was to make the raid enemies 42.

Everyone after Crota was like "please don't make the enemies 41 in the raid, Bungie!" Some Reddit post had over 1500 up votes for that.

Bungie's response? "As you wish."


Totally up to you, either way is cool w me. Shoot me a PM if you want me to run it, otherwise I'll be around a few hours from now and available to run a card assuming there's another helper around.

For sure. What time were you gonna be playing? Probably another couple hours before I'd be available but then I should be around most of the evening depending on how many people want to run some cards.
Pm sent
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