I'm in the same position as you. I'm down.
Cool, then we have 3.
I'm in the same position as you. I'm down.
Cool, then we have 3.
Anyone got opinions of the pdx 45 from gunsmith this week?
1: Hammer Forced, Feather Mag / Private Eye / Smallbore, Lightweight
2: Perfect Balance, Casket Mag / Rangefinder / Snapshot, Reinforced Barrel
3: Fitted Stock, Oiled Frame / Unflinching / Snapshot, Smallbore
I have the order on two characters and was going to maybe buy the second option this week and save my othet pdx 45 order for a CB or HH roll next week. Isint range on pulses better then highest stability?
Edit: i know everyones discussing the new update but shameless bump for new page.
Depends on when exactly, but I'm up for getting killed a lot.OK...So I'm trying to help get a DGAF crazy 6v6 mayhem clash for this weekend. The list is growing so far.
1. Merhmantrout
2. the_id
3. real2kev (bigmanny)
4. Biggy
5. Tri4
6. TheAquaticApe
7. Feetiemaomao
8. Shiv2099
Have I missed anyone?
We've half so far, need another 5.
^ I can do some Friday Trials. I'll even play on PS4!
I will do a run, no mic though
Igor needs his Scarab! He's been wanting to play with you anyway and I got my Scarab at 14 wins last weekend and he went all the way to 20 without one. :-/
Can run with an alt with you after we do this one.
You'll be around too right? Need to get as much of my Trials fix done Friday as I can.
Igor needs his Scarab! He's been wanting to play with you anyway. I can help, but I don't know if I can go all the way. I got my Scarab at 14 wins last weekend and he went all the way to 20 without one. :-/
Oh and shiv, I'm going to get wrecked as well.1. Merhmantrout
2. the_id
3. real2kev (bigmanny)
4. Biggy
5. Tri4
6. Shiv47
7. Feetiemaomao
8. Night_Knight
1. TheAquaticApe
.Replaced the original header I had for the April Update thread with this:
Wish I could get this pic without the whole April Update and stream dates+content so that I can use it as a wallpaper. Best I could do was this:
I love you
Damn. Did you actually modify that picture and take away the words? Insane
Game Informer also has 100 screenshots from the new update stuff. More pics of the Taken PoE arenas and enemies, as well as the new (?) sword, taken shader/weapon etc.
^ I can do some Friday Trials. I'll even play on PS4! Maybe.
I'm not sure how exactly the stats work out with those various perk combinations, but none of those rolls look too OP. The word from that recent Crucible Playbook post was that range actually has more affect than stability on all the bullets from a burst doing damage (or crit damage). Higher stability would improve the burst grouping but that didn't always translate to getting critical hit markers as consistently as higher range did.
Personally I've never done any testing myself but any roll that gives you decent range and stability boosts is a good option. You'd also probably want CB as the extra perk instead of any of those options there, although I've never been a huge pulse rifle guy so other folks might know better.
Give them a miss this week.
The thing with roll 2 is Perfect Balance reduces range (though it doesn't actually tell you this) and Reinforced Barrel reduces stability, so you're not getting much benefit from either one.
Dear Jesus I need that new Titan armor.
That's a Lord of Wolves.
Actually it could be a Wolfslayer's claw.
Get hyped PSFHyped for Challenge of the Elders!
Damn. Did you actually modify that picture and take away the words? Insane
Added you to the list.Sign me up for the weekend.
Lol, WYL was insta banned from the Bungie stream
Funny but pretty pathetic on there part
Lol, WYL was insta banned from the Bungie stream
Funny but pretty pathetic on there part
Where are the "ranged drops" and where are the "guaranteed max light" drops?I haven't been able to watch the stream, but from what I'm reading, can't say I'm too thrilled.
I don't like that it appears there is still ranged drops, I really wish they would have done away that.
I'm holding out hope for the PvP changes. I've morphed into a PvP player only over the past 3-4 months and it doesn't look like anything here to change that yet.
Where are the "ranged drops" and where are the "guaranteed max light" drops?
If it's a bunch of ranged stuff, I'm with you. O U T
The ironyLol, WYL was insta banned from the Bungie stream
Funny but pretty pathetic on there part
Max level gear will be behind challenge modes again. I'm definitely only taking my Warlock forward after seeing that shit show
You're referring to the PoE challenge mode right? The "weekly bounty" where you earn 30000/90000 points. Doing those will give you guaranteed max light rewards, right?Max level gear will be behind challenge modes again. I'm definitely only taking my Warlock forward after seeing that shit show
Not surprised at Wish being banned from commenting on stream. He absolutely had it coming.
Uhh if I have a live show before an audience full of people ranging all ages and somebody interferes, uninvited, insulting me? Yeah I'll ban him from participating in my shows in the future.For saying Deej can suck my balls, what next ban him from the game entirely?