Does the recruit a friend promotion give out anything good?
I just got this for the Xbone.
It definitely gives out good stuff. A sparrow, I think a special sword(?), an icon, and a shader IIRC.
Does the recruit a friend promotion give out anything good?
I just got this for the Xbone.
Exotic Khvostov? Whaaaaaaat.
So if I had 29 kills with primary, 3 with special, 1 with grenade and 4 with super, what accounts for the other kills to get my overall 39?
I'll be ready for a train in like 15 or so.
Tonight was a waste.
Finished the weekly crucible bounty while ranking up both Crucible and NM factions.
Got a 329 Celestial Nighthawk, 329 sidearm, and a 330 MG. My helmet, special, and heavy are already 330.
Nothing ventured, nothing gained I suppose.
Ahhhhh, so you are the one stealing my Ghots now. Good. Now if someone posts that they got the dam fusion rifle i will be much more confident of actualy getting something good.I completed my weekly shaxx bounty and got an awesome Ghost lol.
Much sarcasm.
Idly wondering what RoI's horde mode would do that Prison of Elders doesn't already.
Joined Dead Orbit to check out Hung Jury...lucked out and got one as part of a level package, but the perks kinda suck :/ As a rifle, it's just alright, can't complain about the lucky gift though. I guess I'll use my marks on Paleocontact when the time comes instead.
Yeah, I have one for each character - pretty much all I use in PvE and there's going to have to be some great new weapons in RoI to convince my not to just infuse those up!The perfect PvE roll of HJ was before the April update. You missed that one D:
At least you guys are staying stable. My light has gone down like 12 points in the past two days, getting lower specced gear with more relevant perks, but nothing higher to infuse them with.
Exotic Khvostov? Whaaaaaaat.
How can you have nothing to infuse them into if your light level went down 12 points?
What happened to the armour and weapons you already had?
Situational equipment. Just because I'm going for pulse rifle stuff doesn't mean I want to ditch my scout rifle/auto rifle focused gear that works better in PvE.
so luke smith says that he is the director of an un-announced Bungie video game on his twitter description.
Good games. We started off rough because Neo is playing with himself hard or something while Driz was talking about astrophysicists and Xeno wants to see how Neo does it. It's not how you start but how you finish and we did good.
so luke smith says that he is the director of an un-announced Bungie video game on his twitter description.
Pretty sure he's had that up there for a while.
Susanoo and Immobius are fairly underwhelming, but Stillpiercer is an excellent sniper.What's the consensus on the class-exclusive legendaries? They all seem pretty unique; do people actually use them a lot?
Susanoo, Stillpiercer and Immobius?
What's the consensus on the class-exclusive legendaries? They all seem pretty unique; do people actually use them a lot?
Susanoo, Stillpiercer and Immobius?
Last night I decided to use the Mayhem Clash playlist to finally grind out the first part of the Chaperone quest. It was a real pain in the ass but I got it done in a few hours.
Last night I decided to use the Mayhem Clash playlist to finally grind out the first part of the Chaperone quest. It was a real pain in the ass but I got it done in a few hours.
Last night I decided to use the Mayhem Clash playlist to finally grind out the first part of the Chaperone quest. It was a real pain in the ass but I got it done in a few hours.
Tonight I will be attempting the First Curse quest where you have to get 7 precision kills in one Crucible match with the white Imprecation gun...
TLW sounds like a breeze compared to this![]()
Destiny just booted me off for maintenance. Must be the one doing final admin for the incoming patch / update
They said there are two separate patrol items on the director. Part of me wishes the the existing one was retired just for consistency.So is the whole "snow in the cosmodrome" stuff all just for certain story missions? So I go in there in patrol and it's all normal then I enter in mission and it's snow and collapsed wall?
I used to play during the day in the States before I had two jobs. Maintenance is always going to fuck somebody because this game is played around the clock.Just when a long workday has ended and all you want to do is relax a bit with Destiny... Server maintenance, because fuck you Europe.
They said there are two separate patrol items on the director. Part of me wishes the the existing one was retired just for consistency.
So is the whole "snow in the cosmodrome" stuff all just for certain story missions? So I go in there in patrol and it's all normal then I enter in mission and it's snow and collapsed wall?
It makes sense to me to go back to the old Cosmodrome for the old story missions, but there being two "current" Cosmodromes is confusing from a living world perspective.Ah,ok that makes sense
I used to play during the day in the States before I had two jobs. Maintenance is always going to fuck somebody because this game is played around the clock.
Tonight I will do the following:
1) Do a charged Argoronarch rune or whatever for the fragment.
2) kill the arkham knight or whatever his name is.
Anyone is welcome to join if they need those things.
Came in to see if anyone replied and couldn't find the OT on the 1st page for the first time.
I can't wait to get more doubles in today. I wish xb1 and ps4 had shared grimoire at least. I want those 100 wins eventually but I can definitely not do them in both.
XB1 or PS4? I need both of these (on XB1).
It makes sense to me to go back to the old Cosmodrome for the old story missions, but there being two "current" Cosmodromes is confusing from a living world perspective.
PS4 haha. I don't have the will to complete everything on XB1 as well. I can barely have the will to do the exotic quest on PS4 but I should.
It makes sense to me to go back to the old Cosmodrome for the old story missions, but there being two "current" Cosmodromes is confusing from a living world perspective.
Yeah it's pretty lame world/lorewise. The old story missions could surely work with the snow and changes to geometry. Patrol missions could and should be replaced with new ones...