edit: hey todd we should do a pre-ROI episode of the mythocast.
Yeah we could definitely do that? Would you want to wait for more I information or do you want to do an episode soon?
edit: hey todd we should do a pre-ROI episode of the mythocast.
Yeah we could definitely do that? Would you want to wait for more I information or do you want to do an episode soon?
I was thinking about the Mythocast just recently. Feels like years.
Ohh man I remember that gun I would love to use it again. That gun was probably the most broken gun in destiny ever before they first patched it back in year 1. Good times.I was thinking about the Mythocast just recently. Feels like years.
Ohh man I remember that gun I would love to use it again. That gun was probably the most broken gun in destiny ever before they first patched it back in year 1. Good times.
Ohh man I remember that gun I would love to use it again. That gun was probably the most broken gun in destiny ever before they first patched it back in year 1. Good times.
I was thinking about the Mythocast just recently. Feels like years.
Well a lot has happened. You got married, had kids, moved countries...all that.
Oh wait. That's someone else.
Yeah we could definitely do that? Would you want to wait for more I information or do you want to do an episode soon?
I was thinking about the Mythocast just recently. Feels like years.
we should do it before sept. is more info coming out between now and then?makes "me too" noises
When was the last Mythocast even? Just before TTK came out, right? I suppose that's enough time lol.
I dont know, I only listened to the first one.
I believe July last year.When was the last Mythocast even? Just before TTK came out, right? I suppose that's enough time lol.
Apparently I wasn't really in that one.
I was stuck loading into the tower for 6 freaking minutes. -___-
I recorded that shit wanting to know exactly how long I spent watching the loading screen. It was a little over 6 minutes. When did this get BB's level loading times?
I kept waiting for an error message that never came. Not even a contacting destiny server message pop up at the bottom.
I believe July last year.
you were in the one I listened to...very low and distant.
but you were there! maybe it was the second one? I dunno.
Would have been quicker to reboot the game.
We were really bad at getting episodes out, weren't we? 😂
Haha that's what I meant. I was on the phone instead of using a mic. That was rectified by the second one.
makes "me too" noises
we should do it before sept. is more info coming out between now and then?
I wasn't even paying attention to the screen. Was reading Discord at the time. Looked up once and was like "why the fuck am I still loading in?" and promptly return to reading Discord.Would have been quicker to reboot the game.
We were really bad at getting episodes out, weren't we? 😂
we should do it before sept. is more info coming out between now and then?
They're doing it all month long.I think Game Informer is still releasing information slowly. We know enough that we can talk about it whenever though.
A 323 Hung Jury and the new Lord High Fixer after turning in packages? That's what I like about coming back to Destiny after a long hiatus.
They're doing it all month long.
Plus we still have Gamescom to look forward to where most of the focus will be on the PvP. Bungie has mentioned that they got an announcement saved up for it. From GI, it's something many fans has been asking for. Pretty much points towards custom games since that's been the most requested thing since launch.
I wasn't even paying attention to the screen. Was reading Discord at the time. Looked up once and was like "why the fuck am I still loading in?" and promptly return to reading Discord.
The exact time was 6 minutes and 55 seconds spent loading in. Game should have booted me midway through that.
We tended to take procrastinate on episodes a lot.
Last year they said they had a PvP announcement that many fans had been asking for too...
This is not like last year at all. Unlike Rift, they went and revealed the new game mode they have through GI while also teasing about an exciting pvp announcement. And then there's Jason hinting about it as well.Hung Jury is only as good as the OG perks that the vendor used to sell.
Last year they said they had a PvP announcement that many fans had been asking for too...
Sent you a pmHave I been out of the game too long to get a Discord invite? 😄
It will probably be at Gamescom.Refresh my memory. What did it turn out to be?
This is not like last year at all. Unlike Rift, they went and revealed the new game mode they have through GI while also teasing about an exciting pvp announcement. And then there's Jason hinting about it as well.
It's an "occasionally released" podcast, I think we were right on schedule.
They stiffed on me on the old school stability, but I got Triple Tap and Third Eye.Hung Jury is only as good as the OG perks that the vendor used to sell.
The fwc titan mark has the fwc logo in marquee ,but aside from that don't remember anything remotely animatedI wish there were more helmets as dope as this one, with the colourful animated logo:
It's an "occasionally released" podcast, I think we were right on schedule.
Am down for the train. S'been a while and I am rusty.Train train train. Let's do this.
Dthomp. Disney Infinity? Really?
Super slow night. Four will do for now.
Better get Macello on that podcast, he brings that REAL TALK.
Any info would be awesome.
Welcome back man, try doing Prison of elders or challenge of elders for legendary gearTL;DR: What should I be working toward if I haven't played since January? What gear / weapons are essential to get as a Warlock?
Any info would be awesome. I just love this game so much and it feels weird being away from it for such a long while. Can't wait for the new DLC.
I think armorwhat's the reward for hitting/passing 90,000 in challenge of elders again?
what's the reward for hitting/passing 90,000 in challenge of elders again?