Overall range reduction from the 2.0 update is bad, and I think six is a good minimum unless you've got a double-barreled shotgun.
Shotguns should have had doubled their range with the 2.0 update, and then severely adjusted the dropoff curve. When my Party Crasher has little 2s flying off the screen because I shot a guy ten feet away from me, we got problems.
Even worse, the PVP nerfs have destroyed shotguns for PVE. They're utterly useless in PVE. You can't even touch a boss with them. You have to be close enough to crowds to put yourself in danger (as opposed to every other gun), and with five rounds max, insanely high kick, and the slowest reload speeds in the game, there's just not much reason to use a shotgun in Destiny. Ever.
I'd join you, but I'm awful. I'm gonna go play some and lose a bunch just so I can get some more shots at that Eyasluna...