Save some farm for the weekend would ya?
Stuck on a mine site!
NF is real easy with the quest 1k Yard Stare (or any void sniper) and Dark Drinker (or void MG).
- You can use the ledge on the far end of the 1st encounter to stay immune from any attacks (just don't throw any grenades or fire rockets). Kill adds, then kill blights, then kill the major Taken Centurion to lift the Darkness Zone and end the encounter.
- Staircase run is RNG because on the 1st run we got Taken, but the next 2 runs we got Vex. If you get Taken, run to the top of stairs and spawn kill the three Taken Wizards, then move on. If you get Vex, kill as many of the major Vex Precursors that spawn, then snipe the Cyclops. After you kill the Cyclops, the Darkness Zone should end so try and rush past the Vex adds. If you get caught by a barrier, you have to kill most of the adds that spawn to lower the barrier to move on.
- Boss is no problem if you set up a Weapons of Light bubble along the entrance wall. You can stand above the bubble while still being in it. Snipe the boss and it'll die in 2-3 shield rotations.
I just did my 3x NF but happy to help out with nightfalls during the week.
That's how fast you can wreck the undying mind:
liken the Imago to another hand cannon.
Is it actually any good?
Y2 fatebringer good, without arc and slightly random rolls.
A few members and I are working on the OT. If you want to contribute, please PM me. All the help is appreciated.
liken the Imago to another hand cannon.
Is it actually any good?
God damn.I just did my 3x NF but happy to help out with nightfalls during the week.
That's how fast you can wreck the undying mind:
I wouldn't doubt it. On shores of time it spawned me on a platform before.
Good games everyone.
For the love of God, next IB or any IB should never be clash ever. Memento is the biggest culprit.
Yes it's fun!Did the Doubles Relic PVP just now. That's a lot of fun. It's not complete chaos and it works great if you and your partner are working well together.
You are still just getting started, hold onto your motes and strange coins for now.Im not lvl 40 yet (34), should I start buying items with Mote of Lights/Strange Coins now or wait until I'm 40? I have no clue how those items works really.
What happened?
As for nightfall, just remember the boss does Void damage if your bad at DPS.![]()
I know it should have fire, but when it killed in the weekly vanguard 1 hour ago it said void. :SUh, the boss does Solar damage. The adds on the other hand, minotaurs have void torch hammers, hobgoblins and goblins have void melees.
Uh, the boss does Solar damage. The adds on the other hand, minotaurs have void torch hammers, hobgoblins and goblins have void melees.
Imago Loop is only awesome only if you get Firefly. If you have a semi decent Eyasluna or you bought the IB hand cannon, you don't really need it.
As for nightfall, just remember the boss does Void damage if your bad at DPS.![]()
Uh, the boss does Solar damage. The adds on the other hand, minotaurs have void torch hammers, hobgoblins and goblins have void melees.
I know it should have fire, but when it killed in the weekly vanguard 1 hour ago it said void. :S
Destiny Wiki says its Void from Undying mind. I could have sworn I got solar burned from him last time. Stupid bungle making stupid visual errors.If you're referring to the boss in this weeks nightfall - he's damage is void. It just looks like solar.
You are still just getting started, hold onto your motes and strange coins for now.
Your best bet is to get up to around 250-270 light level by putting any higher light level gear on as it comes into your inventory, then start doing heroic strike playlist for higher loot drop chances, and possible strike specific gear.
Don't worry about legendaries too much just yet, but if you get any, just put them in storage, or wear them if higher light level.
Exotics are kind of the same thing. You can worry about getting them now, but it's not really advised until you get closer to a level you want to consider your max.
You can do normal strike playlist with a vanguard reputation booster, and get pretty far along in light levels, as well as level.
Be sure to pick up bounties from the tower as well to give even more exp.
I know it should have fire, but when it killed in the weekly vanguard 1 hour ago it said void. :S
If you're referring to the boss in this weeks nightfall - he's damage is void. It just looks like solar.
Destiny Wiki says its Void from Undying mind. I could have sworn I got solar burned from him last time. Stupid bungle making stupid visual errors.
Uh Oh. Release the Kraken!!Did someone say Imago Loop? :eyes:
Uh Oh. Release the Kraken!!
I'll be damned, it is void. Could've sworn it was solar. The first time it was a NF with solar burn, its attacks were one-shot kills.
Did someone say Imago Loop? :eyes:
Chances are you probably got killed by one of the Goblins as their weapons are Solar.
Got one with Rangefinder + LITC but I already have one with Outlaw + Firefly.
Get rid of everything that is 170 light or less, unless you have an emotional attachment to it or it's still a monster in pvp. ( various old party breaker, Matador, ... shotguns and snipers).Didn't play since TTK. I've beaten Crota on Normal and never touched Destiny since then. In preparation for the new DLC i booted it up again yesterday and it felt like there were some changes. I'm at 305 Light, what should i do to get ready for RoI? 340 is the light cap? What are the best weapons? What items can i dismiss?
If you enjoy our salty tears, yeah ;pIt's been a very long time. The question is should I?
This is what you need to farm for.....
Top of the page, No Need for Edit: ^
Nightfall this week is Unndying mind: Void burn, Specialist, Juggler. Berserk.
CoE is Super kill bonus: Berserk and Small Arms.
Weekly Crucible is Doubles.
Weekly heroic playlist is Void burn, Small arms and Juggler.
Paging Darryl M R.
It depends on weapon type (scout, pulse, auto rifle, hand cannon, shotgun, sniper rifle, sidearm, fusion rifle, rocket launcher, machine gun) and the overall list is pretty intense.What upgrades are considered "good" for weapons? Is there a list I can bookmark?
With a light level that low, you should get upgrades from faction rank up packages. And you have plenty of time to grind out multiple rank up packages. There's still a month to go until Rise of Iron.I have 3 factions leveled up to just below the next level so that when RoI drops I can get new gear from faction packages. But my light is only 307, will I get way higher light level stuff or will it still start from 307+1 and so on?
Get rid of everything that is 170 light or less, unless you have an emotional attachment to it or it's still a monster in pvp. ( various old party breaker, Matador, ... shotguns and snipers).
335 is the cap right now and progression is linear. If you level up vanguard, crucible or faction you will soon get better gear but only up to 330 light. You have to do king's fall raid, nightfall, crucible weekly or Challenge of the elders to get gear higher than 330 light and only if you're near 330 or higher yourself. You won't get gear near 330 when you're still at 300+.
And just play, while there might be current stuff that would be worth having it's still RNG so you might just get better gear once ROI hits and all the preparations would be for nothing.
Try to have fun , if you don't there's not point in farming good gear. You'll be worn out before ROI arrives.
edit: oh right weekly vanguard strikes can drop legendary loot up to 335 as well
I'd like to add a bit onto the post that I had Phenom post for me yesterday when i was banned. For now, I think this reflects my thoughts, and there is plenty more that will be said another time.
Over the last two years, this game has been an emotional rollercoaster for me. Bungie created a world where you meet new people and go out on adventures to become legends. But what really makes you legendary is not how high your light is or how good you are at the game, but how many people you leave an impression on along the way.
DestinyGAF is not just a tight-nit community, but a family - forged in the fires of the now distant Alpha - and it has been burning ever since. There are many pillars of this community - some have moved on and some have remained - and they have each contributed to making this community what it is today. But if there was one who constantly went out of his way, relentlessly extending a helping hand to anyone who needed it, it was Dr Drizzay.
Drizzay put the D in DestinyGAF. The community that exists today through all its ups and downs is very much his own. If the entirety of DestinyGAF were in a clan, he was its leader. He was a literal example of what a Guardian should be. But now, that Guardian is down.
The outpouring of support for Drizzay from various corners of the internet has shown just how many people his light reached. People who didn't even play with him have felt his warmth, and everyone has a positive story to share about their time with him.
I have very fond memories of the moments I shared with him, however, I am not proud of our last encounter. It was in May during a Trials of Osiris run. I had grown frustrated and stopped doing my best. He sensed that and encouraged me to do better - because that is the kind of person he was. He never got upset with you, but he would always call you out if he knew you weren't doing your best. Unfortunately, I did not heed his words and he then said to me "It's okay if you are not feeling up to it." This was someone who always looked forward to playing with me every weekend, and on that day, I let him down.
Drizzay's untimely passing reminds us that he was human. Even though his machine-like operation and omnipresence said otherwise, he'd get frustrated at the game the same as I or anyone would and even he'd take the occasional break And he'd be the first person to tell you to stop playing if you were not having fun.. But he would then spend hours watching over his footage or studying the game mechanics to learn its ins and outs so that he could learn from his mistakes and teach others. His unwavering dedication to not just the game, but to everyone in its community is what will make him immortal. It's that selfless commitment that he leaves behind, inspiring all of us to be better.
Drizzay did everything. He was up bright and early to lead reset Raids and on later in the week to help fill the last spot. He sherpa'd countless guardians through Skolas, and then he'd hop on over to anchor an Iron Banner train.. He carried people to the lighthouse week after week, and even started playing on other player's accounts, challenging himself with unfamiliar builds. He even helped people with quests, and he wouldn't complain when you booted up the quest again after realizing that you were doing the wrong one halfway through. You'd have a hard time finding someone here who didn't have a trophy or achievement that he wasn't involved in here. Because at the end of the day, he was always here. He would always take the time to share strategies and tips or hop in our streams and cheer us on, and he was always looking for the next person who needed a helping hand. How many OTs has he diligently coordinated and posted for us now? Again, this community is very much his. He took it by the reigns and said "I care about these people" and he never let us down. Not once. The biggest mistake we have all made is in believing that he would always be here.
What I will remember of him most fondly is actually not even related to Destiny. It was the day I played through the Halo 5 Campaign with him and Unstable. We were shooting the shit and talking about everything except Destiny, and it made me realize that this isn't a community that exists solely to LFG or argue over what the best class in the game is. We're friends, and many of us have created real, meaningful and life-long bonds from this game that transcend its boundaries.
I am humbled to have known someone like him. Really, we should all be so lucky. His light reached everyone. Even Bungie themselves:
I lost someone I would consider a mentor. Someone who would always praise me for my ability at the game, but then he'd turn around and surpass me. I felt like I would always learn something new when I played with him. His presence was otherworldly. Nobody else could jump into a lobby and make you feel like everything would be fine. When Drizzay was around, you knew shit was going to get done. And even when it did not, he would be there the next day to make sure it did.
I wrote this poem a while ago when I was going through a rough time. I think it speaks to the kind of man he was:
Bright flames dont burn for long, their light too strong to last
The ashes scatter in the wind, and darkness comes to pass
But in that moment, though brief and rare, no shadows will you find
For just as brightly as you burned, your glow you will leave behind
Luke Smith said it best. He didn't need to become a legend. He was already legendary.
Congrats to Deadpool and Felcandy for their HM Oryx.
This was the smoothest run I have had yet running through Kings Fall even though the bombs were lagging on us. You guys were amazing especially considering my wife was a lower light level. Again thanks and I am available any time you guys need help.
I bet next IB will be supremacy. Which is fine by me. At least teams are forced to move around.
People camping certain sections of the maps was something i hated about this last IB.
Black shield... Ugh..
TBH I want to keep faction packages solely for next DLC, but if they drop at similar light levels then I might just go for them now.It depends on weapon type (scout, pulse, auto rifle, hand cannon, shotgun, sniper rifle, sidearm, fusion rifle, rocket launcher, machine gun) and the overall list is pretty intense.
Googling for "[weapon name] god roll" will help you along. Some upgrades/perks are only available on certain weapons. For example, pulse rifles get Headseeker, auto rifles get Persistence and so on.With a light level that low, you should get upgrades from faction rank up packages. And you have plenty of time to grind out multiple rank up packages. There's still a month to go until Rise of Iron.
Get all the upgrades you can get. Rise of Iron stuff will be around light level 350-360.
The mighty Zen Meteor, my first-ever exotic, literally gave its all (0 shots left!) in defeating the Taken King and earning me the title of Guardian Lord.
HUGE shout out to Hawkian, Halo & everyone else who stayed patient while my Sunsinger floated into the abyss over & over at those ships, and helped me reach this milestone. I've never worked harder for a platinum.
Yes congrats and a huge thanks to all of you guys for helping some first timers HM & CM run, only 3 fragments left now. Got a shit ton of loot, two exotics off Oryx alone. Hawkins it was a pleasure to play with you again and nice to meet the rest of you
Thanks for the challenge mode clear guys and congrats on the Guardian Lord platinum Atlas! Just what I needed tonight![]()
Thanks for the hm run everyone. Smooth and most important, fun.
This OT is filling up rather fast. I'm going to PM Ghaleon now just to make sure we can let it go a little longer than usual to get our ducks in a row.
Was a grand run you guys. Feels good. Many congrats on the Guardian Lord.
20,000 posts, or 200 pages if viewing GAF the correct way.What are the OT's usually capped at?