God damn. Brought a tear man
I never played with (or even spoke with) the man and I get emotional when I read the reactions and emotional outpouring. My heart breaks for his family.
God damn. Brought a tear man
Good stuff, thanks again for setting it up and the updates.
what system?Good stuff, thanks again for setting it up and the updates.
Also, I'm a dummy I think. I may have a TTK code I meant to give away but can't remember if I did or not... kinda late now but if anyone here needs it and wants to try it out, first to quote gets it! *disclaimer* should work but no guarantees...
I just cheesed this earlier today with 2 friendsno way was I going to do it otherwise.
PS4, was the one that came packed in the Destiny console bundle. Got an extra disc too, if you wanna pay shipping, it's yours😝what system?
It's even less worth it when you do it legit twice.I did it legit. Not worth it. But gotta catch em all.
You said the one we currently have can serve both but that's not at all true.
Currently lfg in this thread is a crap shoot for Xbox people. There's so much noise about general discussion and PS4 lfg'ing that xbox1 people that they don't really get a bite, and that discourages them from seeking out dgaf members. An exclusive discord makes sense. That's why I made the BET joke earlier aka "why isn't there a white entertainment television" argument. If the status quo is psn people and general discussion it makes it harder for Xboxers to group up. Why not give them the option to make things easier, it doesn't really hurt anyone else, but it does hurt a minority of the community when there are natural preventive measures for helping them to get games going.
I beat taken king once a long time ago then quit and now I want to prepare for the expansion. Is there any way to get gear 320+ without doing taken king hard mode? I quit at 300.
Add gt:shermasAnyone here with the Xbox One version? I need people to complete the quest "King's Fall". Just name day and time and I'll comply.
Ah ok I have it for ps4. Need an xbone copy 😆PS4, was the one that came packed in the Destiny console bundle. Got an extra disc too, if you wanna pay shipping, it's yours😝
Anyone want to do CoE? Up to run a full card.
I'm good whenever, if we can grab a third.Sure let me know when your ready
Had my first strike with a group. Got to unload and deliver the final blows on the boss with Golden Gun. Feels good. :3
I'm a dummy I think. I may have a PS4 TTK code I meant to give away but can't remember if I did or not... kinda late now but if anyone here needs it and wants to try it out, first to quote gets it! *disclaimer* should work but no guarantees...
I'm good whenever, if we can grab a third.
Hippo_PRIME said:Xbone raid group for Thursday at 8pm MDT. Let me know if you sign up and can't make it and we'll find alternates. The plan right now is normal King's Fall, maybe bumped to heroic based on experience.
1. Hippo_PRIME
2. Triplike
3. ich00
4. Oblivionmancer
5. akileese
I can't now, but maybe tomorrow if you don't find anyone tonight. PM me with your psn.By the way, anyone wants to help me get the black spindle?
I can if a third is game. It's been so long, lol. It would be interesting.By the way, anyone wants to help me get the black spindle?
Sounds good. Just playing some crucible in the mean time
Any young guardians 300 plus they want done sweet sweet loot?
I can if a third is game. It's been so long, lol. It would be interesting.
I'd come. I've never done CoE before though. At 314 light.
I'm just knocking out bounties, so whenever we can all go is good.Sounds good. Just playing some crucible in the mean time
Any young guardians 300 plus they want done sweet sweet loot?
Send fr to robdraggoo
Reposting before the end of the night. Xbox One Raid tomorrow! Feel free to sign up as an alternate if you might be interested.
It dissapeard lol
Can you send again
I tried and it said I already sent. Try sending one to me KC_Darkness.
BTW, will this work as a quest? because I have that raid as a quest on my character. D:
Hippo_PRIME said:Xbone raid group for Thursday at 8pm MDT. Let me know if you sign up and can't make it and we'll find alternates. The plan right now is normal King's Fall, maybe bumped to heroic based on experience.
1. Hippo_PRIME
2. Triplike
3. ich00
4. Oblivionmancer
5. akileese
6. CyberMiguelo
I got nothing. Wtf PSN. I guess we can join through PSN party or something.
The request from shiv disappeared too. Try inviting me to a party or fireteam?
I got a third, Mc, if you're still around and game to do this.Thank you, lets see if we find a 3rd one then, maybe in list form?
1. McArkus
2. LunaticLMD
I got a third, Mc, if you're still around and game to do this.
Sent you a FR, too.