I just tried to get the hidden ghost in the Summoning Pits strike (the last ghost, near Phogoth) and it was a total shit show. I could not get up on that ledge with my Warlock.
Any tips?
Do the Malok strike so you can have a clear room.
Turn agility up.
Each of them talked at length about their design inspiration and progression up until implementation into the game. We got a look at where the concept art team and just the art in general fits into the larger design and development of these releases.I couldn't watch it. Care to share some info you found interesting?
I just tried to get the hidden ghost in the Summoning Pits strike (the last ghost, near Phogoth) and it was a total shit show. I could not get up on that ledge with my Warlock.
Any tips?
If you do, keep me in mind. Haven't raided in a bit.
Night_Knight said:"Just what the doctor ordered!"
Setting: It was my second time with Igor and Drizz in Trials of Osiris. I believe the setting was Asylum round 4. We were up by 3 wins and just storming the other team. Drizz just got his super and told Igor and me to hang back and crouch for radar pressure.
Light_Knight: "Radar pressure? What?"
Igor: "Stay crouched and behind cover near them"
Drizz: "Almost there"
Igor demonstrated and explained that we just have to fool the enemy team into thinking we were approaching. We stayed behind cover while Drizz snuck around from behind.
Drizz: "Let's go!"
That's when we heard "push push!", Drizz popped his super and we collapsed on the opposing team with a 3 pronged attack, terrifying our foes. They didn't stand a chance as our beloved Bladedancer spliced though our enemies.
Drizz: "Good shit Light, good shit Igor"
Light_Knight: "Wow... I didn't even know that was possible"
ocean said:https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CgO9j7jUkAAVC6n.jpg[img]
I helped him carry people through Skolas. He helped carry me to Mercury. He was there for my first Gjallarhorn in that HM CE run where I didn't realize I had the wrong armor on and I was like 3 levels below spec.
I sometimes went on party chat with him just to talk shit even if we weren't playing together at the time. He only raged at players he thought were good and could do better - he'd never bring someone down for being unskilled. He said, when we discussed CA$H4CROTA or paid Mercury carries, that he respected others making money off these things but he'd never truly understand it. That you should just do it for fun, or to help out, if you could.
He used the word community a lot, and he laughed beautifully.
I miss you, my friend.[/quote]
[quote=optimus8936]So one day in Y1 me and a buddy asked Drizz if he could do Skolas with us. He said "Yeah, sure, I'll help you after I do a couple Trials runs." we waited all day watching his stream while he was carrying people. I couldn't believe how he was able to stay so patient, even after failing a run, and he never lost his cool, never raged at the carry, I was amazed. I could never be mad at him because I knew he was busy helping other people and it would be selfish of me to think that he should help me first. I even brought this story up in a Twitch stream and we had ahold laugh about it. He made up for it by taking me to the lighthouse for my second Y2 flawless. RIP Drizz, your impact in DGAF will never be forgotten and always be treasured.[/quote]
[quote=phen0m24]One of the first few times I played with Dr Drizzay involved my son Josh. My insanely lucky offspring managed to get the exotic Thorn bounty, and he did the pvp part on his Vita. (How about that, Lt in training!) He finished that and the last part he needed to do was the Xyor strike. Yeah, he tried to solo it (still on that Vita) but to no avail. He asked me for help. I saw Drizz online, and hesitantly asked him if he could help.... my 10 year old. Drizz gave a patented "Yeah man! No worries!" and then Josh's Vita battery ran out. So here I am, running this strike with Drizz. Of course we finish it, I mean, this is Drizzay we're talking about. But I'll never forget how he spent time complimenting Josh - how amazing it was that he had done all that pvp by himself via Remote Play. Here's this guy that I barely know, and he's bragging about my son! He simultaneously managed to get the strike done (Thorn Y1 OP hype) and made me feel like I could fly. I learned an important lesson about encouragement that day - one that I will never forget as long as I live.
The fact that my son, now 12, counted that as his favorite memory of Allen as well - immediately brought this grown man to tears.
Lauren, you married a special man, one that I was proud to call my friend. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for sharing him with us. Josh and I miss him already.[/quote]
[quote=Rehsa]I will start with the two images I have (sadly, though more may be on my PS4 I dont know) of my one and only personal trip to the Lighthouse.
I am not good at PVP, so it took me a while to find the courage to ask Drizzay for a carry to the Lighthouse back in Y1. I have played PVE with him before but never PVP, though I watch the streams all the time at work. Him and Rubenov were carrying people all weekend and into Monday night, and it was finally my turn. We buy the card and boons and head to orbit. I am a nervous wreck, hand are sweaty moms spaghetti, and we are just queuing up. It is late and I can tell they are both exhausted, but they are willing to help. They tell me to make sure I am close by to get revives and to make sure I call out everything. First match goes as expected, I die immediately. I remember dying a lot, and Rubenov getting mad when I was running around like a chicken with its head cut off and not getting rezes, and Drizzay's exasperated sighs but always constructive criticism trying to help me get the feel of Trials. We had to restart the card a couple of times from losing right off the bat, but ended up going on a run to 8-0. Things were going great, I actually managed to contribute along the way getting some clutch kills and some "LETS FUCKING GO that's what I am talking about!" or "Good shit Moridhin". We were up 4-1 on Final Boss with no Mercy, then Rubenov got DC'ed. Drizz was like "It's OK these we got these guys". Except we didn't, because I was playing. They rushed us but he managed to take two of them out while dying and I would lose the 1v1. For 3 more matches.
Drizzay was a beast and almost took them all out for the win each time, and I was left to fail. Drizzay didn't get mad at me, he got mad at himself for not being able to take all 3 of them out to get me the final win. He was apologizing and berating himself for not being better even though I kept telling him it was OK and my fault, that is the kind of person he was. I was heartbroken and felt ashamed to have let him down and to have him blame himself compounded that feeling. They asked what I wanted to do then and I just told them maybe try for 1 more win for the bounty and call it, it was probably 2 AM and I wasn't going to ask for another card after that pitiful performance. We finished the bounty and Rubenov bounced, but I remember talking to Drizzay a bit and he said we would try again.
2 weeks later he set me up with XO and Private Hudson, he had to leave them to go help a friend finish a raid. They already had a few wins on a card, but considering my previous experience that didn't last long. We lost two and reset the card and boons, and was able to win a couple before losing again. Drizz finished helping in the raid and jumped back into Party Chat. Hudson decided to bounce and Drizz joined back up like the good guy machine he was. We got new cards (again :/) and off we went. We managed to go through this card and get a good final boss and won even with my abysmal performance. Again I managed to get some good kills or clutch rezes here and there and the praise from Drizzay made me feel like I was actually worth a damn. His calm and collected demeanor during the bad times, his joyful laughter and excitement during the good times made the experience the best thing in Destiny. That feeling of landing on Mercury, and his enthusiasm after doing this a million times and having to show me everything about it, the hidden room where you teabag the skeleton, the bouncy wall and finally the golden chest. I was probably one of his heaviest sacks to carry, and thanks to XO and Rubenov for putting up with it as well.
I still was't done with the Doc in Trials even though I never played, he stayed up late again and helped me get the Doctrine. Easy 7 wins and even though I had a worse KD than the two Lighthouse attempts, and he told me to save the card in case they got through everyone we could try for Mercury, but it never came to fruition. I was still grateful he helped me get one RODEO HYPE! He was even nice enough to run my account with the countless others for the Cat Emblem, and now I wish I would have played it myself with him. I wish I would have played more Trials with him to try to better myself but I didn't because I didn't want to be a burden even though he would never see it that way, and play more raids or run Skolass or PoE or anything.
RIP Boguester/DrDrizzay101/Allen, I am sad that I will never get to hear those exasperated sighs or "LETS FUCKING GO"s again. Thanks for the great times, few that they were.
Robdraggoo said:Drizz was kind enough to help me to mercury on my birthday.
Although it wasn't the loot that was the present or important. It was getting to play trials with drizz. When you played with drizz you never felt like you were getting carried. He was always encouraging, patient and made you fill like you were contributing even though you barely were. But you always walked away better than you before.
Ruthless said:I met Drizzay almost 2 years ago when most of DGAF was grouping up together to get the flawless raider achievement. Even though I didn't get mine
with him, I had run many practice attempts with him and learned a lot that helped me get it soon after. Sometime after Crota hard mode, I started
playing regularly with him and doing reset raids each week, which went on to be our weekly ritual and continued on until very recently.
All this time I've know Drizzay, he was always there to help out those who needed it, and inspired me to do the same. Our reset group shenanigans
were some of the best times I've had in the game and what kept me playing each week. Drizzay always seemed to have the right answer and correct
advice for any issues and his temperament was incredible. Where others would have rage quit, screamed or argued, he kept calm and kept on going
until the job was done.
Drizzay loved the fact that DGAF was made up of so many different people from various countries and backgrounds. He would have wanted and
cherished meeting as many people of the community as possible. When I went travelling and met some fellow DGAFers, he was probably more excited
than I was and wanted to hear everything about my experience with them.
The 17-hour blind raid we did is my most memorable event with him. Arguments and frustrations were trumped by teamwork and coordination. As hard
and taxing the challenge was, we got it done in the end, and straight after Drizzay went on to help others without even taking a break. Such was
his selfless nature and resolve to help the DGAF community. He always was the 'Last Guardian Standing'.
Raid Sherpa
Trials hero
Community leader
Reset brother
Mr. Destiny GAF
Allen Mackey
The good times will always be remembered, the memories made will never be forgotten.
Rest in Peace...
scarletham said:Drizz, the Fun Run couldn't have happened without you. Not really sure how you had the patience to watch me fail at the jumping ship puzzle 6-10 times a week. You were always there for me when the others had moved on. Sorry for all the times I'd push you off of platforms when you were AFK.
SheHateMe said:![]()
He is Legend.
I know I'm saying that now; bringing flowers for a person when they can't smell them, but I mean it: he is Legend.
I told him as much in our last interaction. Zoba (Twilight Gap) was holding a raffle in the OT for the next trip to Mercury, and I was picked. I felt like I'd won a million bucks; even with decades of FPS experience under my belt, I wasn't good enough to get to Mercury. I'd just be dead weight. (Or slightly above. I got a couple of kills on my trip.)
Not to Drizzay, though. He is Legend.
He told me to stay calm, play my position, call out whenever possible. Make every move better than your last move. Push when told, hold when asked. He never once made me feel bad for poking my head out from behind cover and getting it blown off. He simply told me that it was okay; I can and will get better. his voice was soothing, yet commanding. I watched move gracefully and with ease through 9 battles, each one more difficult than the last (except for Battle number 2: they quit once they saw his and Zoba's names. Free win.)
He is Legend.
We interacted before, mostly on the OT, but sometimes during the game we all love. He was with me on my first Oryx kill. He was assisting me with my only Skolas kill. (Even let me get the last hit. I'll never fight Skolas again.) He was always around to answer any question I might have. He was selfless. I asked him for 3 minutes; he gave me 30. He would've given DGAF everything he had to make sure we were the best community around.
And he did.
And he is Legend.
I said elsewhere that he is my Iron Lord for Y3, and I meant it. He was able to take a father and a husband who had limited time to play Destiny to the Lighthouse in under 2 hours. He never once yelled at me or made me feel less than. He actually encouraged me to spend my time getting better. I will always remember him for his grace under fire, for his time sacrificed to the community, and for his everlasting presence in Destiny GAF. I hope to be even a fourth of the person that he was to everybody: in game or not.
He. IS. Legend.
Now and forever.
Shiv47 said:I didn't get to play with Drizz very much at all, only a couple of times, but he was always gracious, especially the first time, which was running through Skolas before TTK dropped, as I was trying to get my Y1 Triumphs. Now, I had played the game at launch for about 2.5 months, but having been a strictly solo gamer up to that point in time, I never bothered hooking up with Gaf folks to do stuff. My involvement with DGAF was basically looking every once in a while at the threads as they frenetically moved along. Solo play was boring, and so I quit in early November.
Come the next August, the hype for TTK started to intrigue me, and I re-purchased the game and the DLC, and quickly became addicted, particularly as I had now begun reading the OT. I started doing stuff with GAF members, and closing in on my Triumphs, of which Drizz was kind enough to help out with Skolas. Trouble was, at that point in time, I'd only been playing again for a couple weeks, and I was pure garbage (compared to now, where I embody solid mediocrity). During that Skolas run, I was truly, truly abysmal, but Drizz held it together for us, killing literally 10 times the enemies I did, endlessly encouraging us, and getting us through what must have been a pretty difficult run. I just found his post where he saluted our achievement, and he wrote that it was "a slightly more exciting run, haha. Nevertheless finished Skolas off in no time at all." He was being very kind there, needless to say. I don't recall him once getting upset at my (in retrospect) almost insulting level of scrubbiness, and I have always been grateful for that.
He helped me get my Black Spindle in the fall, and then, this past spring, he started carrying people's accounts through Trials so we non-pros could get the grimoire and loot, and as my crucible skill is far from good enough for getting through the massive sweatfest that Trials became, I was one of the folks he very kindly spent time doing this for. He messaged me that he could run my account one Friday night, and the next day, I woke up to discover he and the other two GAF pros (shoutouts to Vaalbar and Falifax) spent FIVE hours getting my account to Mercury. It may not have meant much to those guys, having done it however many times, but it meant, and still means, a lot to me. That is serious dedication to helping people out, and after I effusively praised them in the OT, Drizz modestly said it was no big deal. I got the Bastet emblem from the run, of course, but I've generally not worn it, because I myself didn't earn it, and it felt wrong to wear it, like I was an impostor. But I'll wear it more now, if only to honor the memory of a guy who gave so much and so freely.
SlenderBeans said:I unfortunately don't have any screenshots since I had to factory reset my PS4 a while back, but I do remember doing a Crota's End run back when hard mode released. He was the most patient and forgiving player I had ever seen. Even when one of the randoms kept getting angry because of the wipes, Drizzay never faltered and never once blamed anyone for messing up, whether it was their fault or even the lag. Nothing but encouragement from the man. He is one of the main reasons I continue to play Destiny and I continue to strive to be a better member of the DGAF community. RIP Drizzay.
stb said:My best "memory" of Drizz isn't one specific occurance, but the various times he helped me raid team on HM Crota. We'd struggle for a while and finally have to call in the big gun. Drizz would appear, sword Crota like a fucking ninja not once, but as many times as we needed to get everyone their clears (including the person who gave up their spot to make room for him to join), then take off into the ether to go help more folks like some sort of goddamn superhero.
He was also on deck to help me get my Skolas clear for Y1 Triumphs. I was dreading doing it; I genuinely hated the encounter, but knowing guys from my raid team wanted to help me do it, and Drizz was standing by in case he needed to bail me out really removed any excuse I had not to do it. Even when he wasn't DIRECTLY helping, he was still helping just by being there TO help if I needed it.
Stephen_drewz said:My most memorable moment with our Guardian Lord Drizz was goofing around in the Lighthouse and having a laugh after he helped me through a tough card to get me flawless for the first time. R.I.P Buddy.
T-44 said:I remember using GAF for the first time because I was looking for someone to do the nightfall or something with and LT was busy. I'd played with Drizz many times but didn't know him as Boguester. So I made my very first post asking for help and 'Boguester' said he would join me. Then LT texted me that I had hit the jackpot, and I was like 'what?' Then he said 'that's drizzay!!'
I was so pumped!
Teasing_Pink said:Shortly after I first booted up Destiny, I took a look at the trophy list, and one stood out for me in particular, "Flawless Raider". I immediately wrote this one off as nigh impossible, and continued on. While I was on GAF at the time, I wasn't an active member of DGAF. I ended up taking a long hiatus from Destiny the day the Vault of Glass opened, after my raid group got about halfway before disbanding, intending to reconvene, but never doing so.
Having preordered the Legendary Edition of Destiny, I returned after House of Wolves released, figuring I may as well get my money's worth and check out these expansions I had already bought. When I came back, I started getting more involved with DGAF, and was pleased to find a great community. One of my earliest groups with DGAF (and my first with Drizzay) was a flawless Crota run for the trophy. I answered one of Drizzay's posts looking for fireteam members, and was off. As you can see in the screenshot, this would end up being only my fourth successful raid completion. I was extremely green.
The entire time I was just trying to keep up and not ruin the whole thing for everyone. Drizzay on the other hand was the avatar of calm, collected patience. He explained every encounter, wrangled us when the shit hit the fan on the bridge, and buoyed our spirits through the close calls. Before I knew it, once last call for rockets went out (and me with my Corrective Measure, hah), and he cut down Crota. First try flawless, and in the end, it felt like it was easy with Drizzay as a sherpa. The "nigh impossible" achievement, and there it was. He thanked us for the run, congratulated us on the good teamwork, and excused himself, off to help another group. I left knowing the run inside and out, hyped for the trophy, and happy to have met some more great people along the way. I stuck around with DGAF and Destiny, and I know my enjoyment of the game wouldn't be a fraction of what it is without the wonderful community Drizzay helped build and epitomized.
It's easy to lionize people when they are gone, but I don't think that's possible with Drizzay. Humble, helpful, kind, and a genuinely good human being; none of that is an exaggeration. That was clear from just small interactions with him through the lens of Destiny. He will be sorely missed by everyone that knew him, family, friends, and guardians in arms alike.
TheAquaticApe said:![]()
Just wanted to add this contribution for Drizzay. I will always remember him for his sense of humor and ability to make me laugh at the little things.
thelongdarkrivers said:DrDrizzay101 said:Another first-try-first-timer, congrats to darkistheway on his first clear! Couldn't have been smoother once the silent assassin drassill joined up to help.
From almost a year ago, back in OT 28.
I don't know what else to do. This is my tribute to him. He got me my Year One Triumph and he did it pretty much by himself. I loved that he thought to take a picture.
drassill had no mic so we pulled the essence off him whenever he danced. It was fun and totally chill. If you happen to die, Drizzay would just say "no worries, we're fine" and he would revive you next rotation. I was in awe of his skill and his willingness to help.
I can run a card. Might not be able to do two though.Any CoE going on? Still looking for full card runs for 2 characters.
Any CoE going on? Still looking for full card runs for 2 characters.
What is the recommended light to complete a CoE run and get the points needed for the quest thingy?
Could a 305 do it?
Anyone wanna run a quick CoE or Oryx HM?
X_magik_ox psn
I'm down for a CoE card.
I'll bite.Need 1 more.
Piece of advice: Hold off even doing it until the next time SRL comes around, and then just equip the Last Word then. It counts as a PvP event and as such the race results add to the Jolly Holliday questI fucking hate this bullshit Jolly Holiday horseshit. I don't know if SBMM is a thing, but if it is, first of all, whoever at Bungie thought it was a good idea can fuck off and whoever thought I should be matched with the people I'm being matched against can fuck off too.
I've went from enjoying this PvP to absolutely fucking despising it since Year 2 started. Jesus christ. This is the least enjoyable shit I've ever done in recent memory.
Piece of advice: Hold off even doing it until the next time SRL comes around, and then just equip the Last Word then. It counts as a PvP event and as such the race results add to the Jolly Holliday quest![]()
I don't remember this game but then again played alot og games this weekend.Biggy and Manny and Manny's kid are in this guy's montage at 4:28 and 10:22: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gw2aARwOh5Y
yoooo I'd be down for a couple oryx CMs and stuff on the weekend.
Uncharted is awesome
I feel your pain. SRL was the only way that I was able to finish the JH questline, because I hate using the Last Word. Also haven't touched the Imprecation questline either.I know. I wasn't playing Destiny much during SRL. The weight of deaths is too high and the weight of wins in wayyyy too low. I don't really want to have to wait until whenever bungie decides to listen and bring back SRL to get it.![]()
Me and a friend are down for it. PSN is shiv2099Looking to start another CoE card. Anyone up for it? PSN same as GAF.
Is KF HM still LL 320?
Me and a friend are down for it. PSN is shiv2099
No problem, been there done that!Nice runs guys. Sorry for no mic, but the kids were being light sleepers tonight.
I know. I wasn't playing Destiny much during SRL. The weight of deaths is too high and the weight of wins in wayyyy too low. I don't really want to have to wait until whenever bungie decides to listen and bring back SRL to get it.![]()
Me and T are running a Sigil. (No mic). Join up
Is the Longbow sought after?
I got one with Firefly and Life Support.
It has Shortgaze though.
Is the Longbow sought after?
I got one with Firefly and Life Support.
It has Shortgaze though.
I've been around a while to know that this is a PS4 heavy group, but for those on Xbox One looking for a clan that are decent at PvP come check our Xbox One clan out, we still have about 20 very active members that are sticking with Destiny.
We do require a 1.0 k/d in crucible to join that means you can hold your own when playing with our members. New players join as recruits and play with other Resurrekt members to be accepted.
Don't even care about the double post. Y'all aren't doing your fair share of posting.
They are never going to fix this broken friends list thing are they?
Don't even care about the double post. Y'all aren't doing your fair share of posting.
Because all the random chat is on the discord.
I should imagine there resources on this iteration of the game is at its bare bones, have they even acknowledged it or is it like most bugs they ignore the community then bring out a fix months later?
Patrol could have been so much more. I hope in Destiny 2 they dramatically revamp everything, but especially patrol.
Here's what I'd like in patrol:
- patrol should be an additional way to access missions. Run around the environment and walk up to mission start points.
- patrol should be a social space. Drastically increase the amount of players in the world and ensure that I see them more often.
- implement better in game grouping tools so randoms can do missions together.
- add more activities. Let us do pick up sparrow races for example.
- put hidden bosses around each planet. Make drawing them out something that needs coordination with multiple players.
- add more public events and increase their rewards.
- make patrol bounties more worthwhile.
I think that the dreadnought is a step in the right direction but there's still room to improve.