I personally think the entire design of shotguns is cancerous to Destiny PvP. Having a 1-shot close range weapon, without heavy ammo constraints, in a game with as much movement as Destiny has is ridiculous. I mean at least fusion rifles require a bit of a charge first.
Also watching that video, holy fucking shit they need to lower the melee range on Thunderstrike.
Honestly, (me mainly using fusion rifles) it's so easy to fake out shotgunners and get that range kill. I've started to learn based on radar position and player habits when someone will come around a corner, and give myself plenty of time to react and get the proper distance.
Shotgun/Fusion/Sniper is just a big game of rock paper scissors.
If you're just using a shotgun, and never pull out your primary the entire match, never use your abilities, you're doing Destiny wrong. It's not going to work out well.
Also yes, I gawked at a few of those ranged thunderstrikes. Here's a fun video on that: