I did I'm 100% up to date and yet my PS4 for some odd reason is still downloading a 30gb update............
Do you own the digital or the physical version?
I did I'm 100% up to date and yet my PS4 for some odd reason is still downloading a 30gb update............
Still around?Anyone with all 5 buffs willing to share it?
I did I'm 100% up to date and yet my PS4 for some odd reason is still downloading a 30gb update............
Still around?
I may be on again just before reset if you are on then as well.
NP, loading it up. PSN is same as GAF.Can I get them as well in a private match or something? Kinda curious to see if they persist after the reset.
How come? Can't you just buy back your old stuff?
Do you own the digital or the physical version?
Edge the Gunsmith!TFW edged and all you can do is CoO
I'm digital on it. I thought it was weird as I just downloaded that 13gb update the other day and then out of nowhere a massive 30gb update was sitting there waiting for me today
I'll be on around the time it goes live. I'll message you if anything.Still around?
I may be on again just before reset if you are on then as well.
Wonder if this happened with all digital owners.
haven't seen any 30 GB updates on my end with the digital version
Bizarre it seems like maybe just some sort of problem recognizing what version you have? I've been playing the game this week and just have this gigantic download out of nowhere
Bizarre it seems like maybe just some sort of problem recognizing what version you have? I've been playing the game this week and just have this gigantic download out of nowhere
I'm so close to losing my shit. Every match I've been stomped in tonight. Every match. Sometimes it's lag. Sometimes it's because a fucking YouTuber decides to make a tutorial video about jumping off the map or some dumb shit like that (we would have won if we'd had people defending the rift instead of half our team hiding underneath the map), sometimes it's because I'm going up against guys with some crazy teamwork and skills.
I just wanna complete my TMOW bounties, not get matched up with yet another bunch of people who decide they'd rather not complete objectives or play the game. And it doesn't help that I'm playing some of the worst I've ever played tonight.
is it "downloading" or "preparing for download" ?
I'm digital on it. I thought it was weird as I just downloaded that 13gb update the other day and then out of nowhere a massive 30gb update was sitting there waiting for me today - The one before Rise of Iron.
Fixed an issue where gear was not showing up properly in Kiosks
Fixed an issue where audio could cut out during long sessions
Added localization updates for Rise of Iron content
Fixed an issue with quest tracking not functioning properly on Cosmodrome and Mars
Fixed an issue with quest tracking not functioning properly for City Tower or City Tower NPCs
Fixed an issue with the volume of certain Shaxx lines
And as part of a dual deployment... - The one about Film Grain.
Fixed an issue where Film Grain was inadvertently added
Fixed an issue that shortened the revive interaction time and extended revive distance to pre 2.2.0 values
Stay tuned for an additional info article that will detail all changes to the player experience in Rise of Iron.
Not 100% sure I just paused the download because I'm drinking and watching YouTube and was like "Fuck this"
I'm gonna set it to download overnight and I really hope its not gonna actually be 30gb
I've got a digital copy as well, and as I just checked there was a hot fix update installed four hours ago, but nothing else.
Info about the update:
I've noticed the film grain, and thought it was intentional, but it never bothered me. It actually reminded me a bit of Mass Effect.![]()
PvP is absolutely horrible, all of TTK has has disgusting PvP.
Man I'm hoping RoI is more like year 1 and less like year 2 in that department.
That ship has sailed, everyone knows nasty snipe lines, head glitches, shotgun slide distances and every map inside out.
Only way to return to yr1 pvp is a new account.
It was ok at times but in dark areas? Ugh.
No special ammo makes the game crawl like molasses. Primaries need a buff.Honestly I think a full rebalance of PvP weapons would work.
Along with the removal of special ammo from the maps.
No special ammo makes the game crawl like molasses. Primaries need a buff.
Plus they already tried no special. We got around it by using ice breaker and side arms.
My mida destroys. Hardly use anything else right now. But yes most people run around with their shotguns. Primaries have been neglected into oblivion by Bungie pvp wise and its quite disappointing. It sucks how pvp and pve can't be separated.I'd be ok with a primary buff, but I played a solid 7 games earlier, and I think there was maybe 15% of the deaths to primaries. I'd consider a healthy percentage to be more like 60%.
if you haven't played today there was a small download but the "preparing to download" part took a while it's like that every update, especially if you're watching the %
My mida destroys. Hardly use anything else right now. But yes most people run around with their shotguns. Primaries have been neglected into oblivion by Bungie pvp wise and its quite disappointing. It sucks how pvp and pve can't be separated.
Turn it in at the reefSo what do I do with a completed Elder's Sigil?
Shotgunner you say. Top lolzMIDA is decent but still won't save you from a shotgunner sprinting down the corner.
Basically for PvP primaries you have:
Handcannons: You better have a maxed range stat with rangefinder, or don't bother. TLW works as well just because it's a bullshit design.
Scout Rifles: MIDA.
Auto Rifles: Why are you even trying?
Pulse Rifles: Enjoy seeing nothing but god rolled Grasp of Maloks.
I'm so close to losing my shit. Every match I've been stomped in tonight. Every match. Sometimes it's lag. Sometimes it's because a fucking YouTuber decides to make a tutorial video about jumping off the map or some dumb shit like that (we would have won if we'd had people defending the rift instead of half our team hiding underneath the map), sometimes it's because I'm going up against guys with some crazy teamwork and skills.
I just wanna complete my TMOW bounties, not get matched up with yet another bunch of people who decide they'd rather not complete objectives or play the game. And it doesn't help that I'm playing some of the worst I've ever played tonight.
Shotgunner you say. Top lolz
Yeah I know just funny. But eh shotguns are close quarters. It's your job to keep an eye on your surroundings.Well I did say rounding a corner haha. If you're running at someone without any attempt to dodge/blink/whatever you're going to lose in the 3 seconds it takes you to get there.
Well I did say rounding a corner haha. If you're running at someone without any attempt to dodge/blink/whatever you're going to lose in the 3 seconds it takes you to get there.
Well said. There are so many shotgun warriors in Destiny PvP it's ridiculous. The game has so many abilities that compliment the weapons, so not making use of them is a huge oversight.
On the subject, TrueVanguard just made a video about shotguns: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=whjNoir4iZM
I started following his youtube channel ever since that MLG tournament (I love fellow Plan C users) and it's been really educational.
I personally think the entire design of shotguns is cancerous to Destiny PvP. Having a 1-shot close range weapon, without heavy ammo constraints, in a game with as much movement as Destiny has is ridiculous. I mean at least fusion rifles require a bit of a charge first.
Also watching that video, holy fucking shit they need to lower the melee range on Thunderstrike.