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Destiny |OT42| Embrace the Not-Knowing


me too, I went 2 LL in two days , and just doing strikes plus normal stuff like patrols, don't want to be burnt out lol

I would be perfectly fine grinding out those SIVA Heroic strikes...but honestly I don't feel like they're fun.

Supremacy though is a fun mode. PVP does the legendary drop scaling fine in their post-match drops and it feels much less stressful than completing heroic strikes with randoms.

Once Iron Banner rolls around, that should present a pretty good opportunity for people who aren't constantly farming Omnigul the first week to raise their light level to be raid ready I think.
Interesting comment from the review thread where someone describes TTK as a "revolution" and ROI as an "evolution". To that end, I agree, and i guess it helps with expectations, although I personally didn't have any going into this. Thus, while TTK had a much grander early impression until it dropped off in its end game, I think this "slow burner" will not only round out and polish the game by bringing it full circle, but it may just finally steer the bittersweet ship known as Destiny in the right direction.

I'm not enjoying the grind again...

Campaign was decent but too short.

I think ignoring the Raid this time around has allowed me to finally enjoy the game again.


I would be perfectly fine grinding out those SIVA Heroic strikes...but honestly I don't feel like they're fun.

Supremacy though is a fun mode. PVP does the legendary drop scaling fine in their post-match drops and it feels much less stressful than completing heroic strikes with randoms.

yup, normal stuff includes Crucible, I got 2 exotics using 3oC that way, some people are just in a hurry they get frustrated
I can see how people with limited time could be frustrated with the grind, but isn't that what this game is ultimately about in the end? I mean if everyone wants to be 380 right off the bat, what's the point?

The grind comes somewhere. You either do it when there is no new content and build up your inventory or when the new content drops. A lot of the people who are 370+ spent a lot of resources to get there too.

I think some have an issue with the LL progression because a small few were able to brute force their way to the top. They're the exception and not the rule.
Is there any incentive in keeping year 1 exotics? I haven't played in a very long time so I'm unaware of what's good and what isn't in PVP. Also, can I just decrypt a Y1 exotic to make a Y3 Gjallahorn?


Interesting comment from the review thread where someone describes TTK as a "revolution" and ROI as an "evolution". To that end, I agree, and i guess it helps with expectations, although I personally didn't have any going into this. Thus, while TTK had a much grander early impression until it dropped off in its end game, I think this "slow burner" will not only round out and polish the game by bringing it full circle, but it may just finally steer the bittersweet ship known as Destiny in the right direction.

Ideally, this really is the best way to consume these kinds of games (MMOs). So much is built for daily and weekly activities and all about dolling out large rewards at incremental times that brute forcing progression will just often lead to frustration. I know that many people, myself included, don't want to hit walls where we're (strongly) suggested to stop and come back the next day and would prefer to just get to new content asap.
Did 2 chars completely through the raid and 3rd char to the final boss. My 3rd char never played ROI yet and had to do the missions to unlock Felwinter's Peak to use the shared artifact.

Before I raided, main character was 371. Raid left him at 374 after combined with faction packages/exotics. Char 2 started at 374 and left a 376 with the same method. Char 3 started at 376 and ended at 380 with the same method but using all the rest of my heavy synths and exotics.

I just spent 1000 SC on Xur today and only have about 150 left. This is the first time I don't mind splurging because the progression in light is brutal so it's cool. Plus, there's literally nothing else to spend strange coins on so no need to save them.

This raid is legit though. I love it. I just hate the light levelling system and the 10 different light items (weapons/armor). Ghost and Artifact should NOT have light. That was a mistake.

This expansion continues to make me miss Drizz so much. He would have loved the raid.


Cognitive Dissonance, Distilled
I don't care about being able to grind to 380+ right now, but dammit I want to be able to
1-shot those Aksis shanks with a primary


Interesting comment from the review thread where someone describes TTK as a "revolution" and ROI as an "evolution". To that end, I agree, and i guess it helps with expectations, although I personally didn't have any going into this. Thus, while TTK had a much grander early impression until it dropped off in its end game, I think this "slow burner" will not only round out and polish the game by bringing it full circle, but it may just finally steer the bittersweet ship known as Destiny in the right direction.

I think ignoring the Raid this time around has allowed me to finally enjoy the game again.

I'm hoping to reach 350 so I can at least play with people. Everyone is 360+ already


Feeling that burn right now. I'll share my current strategy:
-Farm 3oC on "The Iron Tomb" (Pop 3oC and kill one boss, Pop another 3oC while hammer is reforging, kill second boss, wipe. I've been getting 2-3 engrams per 15 or so 3oC [Thanks Kadey!])
-Buy heavy ammo from Xur, and Variks (250 Glimmer + 1 Ether Seed) for faction rep.
You get TONS of House banners and Ether seeds from the bosses.

Went from 365 to 369 today.

used 15 strange coins...1 engram drop....

did they put some kind of limiter so you can't farm this over and over in quick succession?


Honest question, back when destiny released i sank countless hours, days, weeks into it, and continued to do so until about a month after the taken king released, despite never really finding pvp appealing.
With that in mind is there enough added since the taken king where it would be worth jumping in again (without factoring in pvp)?, dont really want to buy the expansion and renew ps+ if the new content will be done and dusted in one sitting.



Great job T-44, Mars, Hawk, Kreep, and Dorssom. And special thanks to stephen drewz and Camokid for joining us for the end. So much fun.


used 15 strange coins...1 engram drop....

did they put some kind of limiter so you can't farm this over and over in quick succession?

They definitely did, but I didn't have too much issue with it.
I just did some farming again and I got 3 engrams out of maybe 20-25? Guess it depends.


Something I'd recommend if you feel underleveled for last encounter but don't want to keep grinding packages then do this:

Instead of spending hours and hours making little progress on the final boss and getting frustrated, switch characters and run the raid fresh up until that point. If you fear your character isn't as high enough as your main then just simply use armour from your main to infuse your secondary (I am assuming you guys aren't infusing every time you get something because that might mean you will have to infuse your good stat armour). If it's raid armour/weapons then do not for a second hesitate to infuse it, I know you want to keep one of each but this raid is going to be here a year. And you can do this again for new loot in 2 days.

The general idea being running raid on your secondary after getting it to as high LL as possible and then running until the end encounter. You can gain 2LL or so each time which would push you closer to that desired level.


I spoke with Dan Miller from Bungie earlier today (before i kicked him out of my party lol) and he mentioned that this was going to be a muuuuuuch slower grind than before, so ya'll mofos already hitting your head against the soft caps barely a week nto it are making me roll my eyes more than the gunsmith used to reroll perks

I for one look forward to spending the next year casually grinding Vanguard packages for an LDR.
Obviously because they are barely going to release anything for a year, so wanted people to spend ages leveling up.


Fresh. I've got to do fresh on my Titan, then need to beat boss on the other two characters.
So just the run up to boss on one and then the boss himself on other two, or a complete run first then 2 boss run? Anyways just curious why you'd ask for a 370+. Since it doesn't matters outside of final boss and even there it's not paramount, especially if you already have a few.

Anyhow my Warlock is the only one who I haven't done the run uo to the boss yet and he is 366. So let me know if you want.

Edit: I only have about 2.5 hrs though.


Mrs. Harvey
Congrats the Woody squadron on beating the raid I assume. Unless you are talking about a drinking party or something.


Unconfirmed Member
Are Crota quests still a thing? CoO is dead so not sure how to get Crota Bane rep an hopefully get an Artifact upgrade.

If you check the abandoned quest kiosk you might find the Crota's End quests in there which give some rep (I have no idea how much). If you haven't done the quests since year 2 changed them they're all available again there and some award different kinds of rep.

The quest kiosk is on the side wall in room with the Vanguard leaders by the way. I guess some people have never even looked at it.


It really sucks when your clan is never available to raid anymore. We get like 2 hours in then someone needs to go... then the next day some people can't play.. then the next day... ugh.

The worst part is I got an invite from someone on my friend's list and I felt too bad joining and they completed it :'(

Deku Tree

Got all but the final loot drop in the raid. Went from 370-373 using one key and one exotic engram. Also got an exotic from an blue or legendary engram that I picked up. Still rocking my 365 artifact though.


Finally got a Cloak of Taniks after a fucking year. Take that you fucking hobo, get a house.

Also hit 358 light (finally), I think I'm ready to start the raid now! Probably later today though, stayed up way too late playing =_=


I'll be around later at 367 as well. I'm not sure what to expect about trying to find a group

No one is accepting anyone if they aren't at least 370.

My own group of people that I play with told me it would be too difficult carrying someone below the recommended and they're high 370's sooooooooo
Exotic engram farm, faction packages, court of oryx for Eris rep, use motes of light to rank up factions if you have them, or heavy ammo if you have a shit load, crucible rewards, nightfall, crucible weekly bounty, the raid.

So, everything but Strikes.

Now I know what I was doing wrong.
No one is accepting anyone if they aren't at least 370.

My own group of people that I play with told me it would be too difficult carrying someone below the recommended and they're high 370's sooooooooo

I dunno; I've heard plenty of folks start the raid at 365 and do fine.


No one is accepting anyone if they aren't at least 370.

My own group of people that I play with told me it would be too difficult carrying someone below the recommended and they're high 370's sooooooooo
Yea that's bs. People here have finished with a team averaging less than 370 or entire team less than 370. If they are high 370s they have even less reason to worry about a 367.

Majority of your DPS comes from using the canons correctly and as such there should be plenty of DPS, especially for a team with mostly high 370s.
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