So how is anyone supposed to increase their light level without doing raids? I must have decrypted over 200 engrams in the last 3 days and 90% of them are 270-290 items while I've been stuck around 300 for weeks.
When TK released I reached ~334 on all of my characters without a raid. However, most of my initial progress was because of the exotic engram hoarding I had been doing. Slowly creeping up one item at a time and using my highest LL character to power my other characters. Challenge of Elders, Nightfalls, Crucible Weeklies, Faction Packages and Iron Banner are enough to get you where you want.
SRL also helped me a lot. Happy to see that's only a once a year mode...
After having been away from the game even though it is much more forgiving now than it was I strongly dislike the LL system. The system largely seems like a backstop reward and obviously another grind. All of the mostly middling to terrible King's Fall weapons were made more acceptable because they served as infusion fodder.
Yay, 335 Hung Jury.
Exactly the same as my 280 Hung Jury...