I'm stuck in a weird spot where I have two Trials groups.
Trials Group A just dgaf anymore. I don't really blame them as there's lots of great games coming out. But even then I think the general skill level that everyone's playing at around 7 wins has surpassed this group. These two are some good PSN buddies of mine and I've been playing games with them weekly for 1-2 years.
Trials Group B are two real life friends of mine that I've known since childhood. The first guy is committed to getting better but has very little time to play and just isn't that great. He's definitely above average but going flawless is a serious challenge with him. The second guy is a wildcard sometimes he's good sometimes he's terrible but generally even though I love him to death he's just not a competitive person. After a loss it's like water off a ducks back. I don't think he'll ever go flawless.
So I don't know what I should do. Destiny has been getting shittier and shittier in general with the current meta, micro transactions, and the economy. Should I just give up? I still love playing Trials but finding a new team of people that aren't assholes, are just as competitive as me (as in they're in it to win it I'm not a psychopath or anything), and have the skill to match seems really tough.
What do you think I should do DetsinyGAF?