When's SRL?
If Denzel Washington from The Equalizer and Liam Neeson from Taken fought each other, who would win? Or would they just decide to team up and take out all the mafia?
December more than likely
When's SRL?
If Denzel Washington from The Equalizer and Liam Neeson from Taken fought each other, who would win? Or would they just decide to team up and take out all the mafia?
Damn kinda quiet in here...
Would like to run either last step of OP quest or a HM WotM. Any interest in either? Got space for 3 if OP quest or space for 4 for full raid.
Got damn slayer just got him to final stand again and within an inch of dying and didn't make it. Rip.
Need 1 for Aksis phase 2, hard mode. PSN LIfendz.
Need three to finish the hard mode raid starting at aksis phase 1. We have done it before so We know the mechanics.
Add me on psn: thenegativedude
1) slimy snake psn: thenegativedude
2) Miami wesker: psn dvader654
3) j2theizzay
Need one 385 plus Aksis Phase 2 PSN Lifendz
The early snipe to give us an edge, chuck a grenade or two to control area so I can revive then the fist to end it all.
We need 2 for a quick fresh normal WotM raid. Running a friend who hasn't run it yet.
Guys I need help to finish a strike am the only one there and I reached the brother bosses, anyone? I killed one but the other killed meplease 340+
Normal strike? Nf? Heroic?
It's normal strike not NF and its heroic
It's normal strike not NF and its heroic
Shield Brother strike
Psn : Snake__505
Guys I need help to finish a strike am the only one there and I reached the brother bosses, anyone? I killed one but the other killed meplease 340+
Did you not need help anymore?Psn : Snake__505
Did you not need help anymore?
Fun Trials with deaf and Hiryu. I'm super comfortable with the Hopscotch now. I'm ready for sweaty Trials. Was just completing passages for the book tonight.
I can help if needed. PSN jen867530nine
*cough* HaRyu *cough*
Hi. I feel like I know you from somewhere
Anyone up for running a Nightfall on PS4?
I'd be up for it. Preferably with the cheese.
Sweet, not sure what the cheese is though lol
One more want to join us?