Good job team, if you guys need help with the prime quest feel free to ask. Looking for teammates can get pretty hard sometimes. time to sleep for now.
Forge anyone?
Forge anyone?
PS4, sorry.
Edit for new page:
Need 2 for a quick fresh normal WotM raid.
Running a NF now, will start after we fill up
Edit: need 1
Still got space?
Somebody give me a shout if you wanna do casual trials (or NF).
Thx for the nightfall, dude. That went pretty smooth for it being the NF FROM HELL, without any voice communication either.I'm about to run two NFs with Souldestroyer. Wanna join?
If you're still looking in 30mins, I can bring my titan. Grabbing lunch now.Looking for a Titan and a Warlock to do three Heroic Strikes and three public events with for the Outbreak Prime quest on PS4. We can do the next steps if there's enough time.
Slayerage just finished World's 2nd Aksis solo kill (ScaRdrow got first kill). Been watching him the last 2 nights working on it, so the catharsis on his last shot was pretty awesome. Mad respect to ScaRdrow and Slayerage for their ingenuity and execution!
Thx for the nightfall, dude. That went pretty smooth for it being the NF FROM HELL, without any voice communication either.
If you're still looking in 30mins, I can bring my titan. Grabbing lunch now.
So which one of you is abusing my PSN, after talking shit to WarBulletProof that they beat him in Trials? This username (minilegend905) ring a bell to anyone?
Thanks to Merhmantrout for bringing this to my attention.
Thx for the nightfall, dude. That went pretty smooth for it being the NF FROM HELL, without any voice communication either.
If you're still looking in 30mins, I can bring my titan. Grabbing lunch now.
Dunno what's going on in chat. Guess I'm getting too old for this.
Relatively speaking.Was smooth indeed!
Is Comitatus still bugged?
Well, does it really matter ?
Hi. I feel like I know you from somewhere
You can come , we r 2 now
If you are 399 will HM WotM loot sometimes drop at 399?
If you are 399 will HM WotM loot sometimes drop at 399?
Any interest in a fresh HM wotm run?
Any interest in a fresh HM wotm run?
Yea I'd be interested.Any interest in a fresh HM wotm run?
Two More! I'm ready to go when full.
2. spirit3
3. robdragoo
4. Sheppard
5. Tick221
Besides Raze Lighter and Dark Drinker, how are everyone dealing with the HM Vosik Captains that spawn?
Does Fist of Havoc kill him in 1 shot? Because FoH does kill the Aksis Captains in 1 shot for me (I'm 390+).
One More! I'm ready to go when full.
2. spirit3
3. robdragoo
4. Sheppard
One More! I'm ready to go when full.
2. spirit3
3. robdragoo
4. Sheppard
385LL okay?
Hey guys. Could use a hunter and warlock later today at around 4pm eastern for the outbreak prime quest. I'm on the first synchronization part but I have no problem starting fresh and going through the crucible and nightfall with you.
GT is Remydeauxpe.
Besides Raze Lighter and Dark Drinker, how are everyone dealing with the HM Vosik Captains that spawn?
Does Fist of Havoc kill him in 1 shot? Because FoH does kill the Aksis Captains in 1 shot for me (I'm 390+).
Besides Raze Lighter and Dark Drinker, how are everyone dealing with the HM Vosik Captains that spawn?
Does Fist of Havoc kill him in 1 shot? Because FoH does kill the Aksis Captains in 1 shot for me (I'm 390+).
Spirit3, sheppard what are your PSNs?
Sorry, just filled the last slot on discord. I'll let you know if a slot opens.
Got a few things I need to get done right now, but should be able to join in 2hrs. Pencil me in (PSN: ZonySUX).Anybody intereseted in a wotm HM run?
looking to start at noon EST (2 hours from now)
1. me
2. pandora
Voidwalker, fist of havoc, sunbro (the melee perk on super is great) nighthawk gunslinger. Those are all pretty reliable. Nighthawk goldy is the best.
Sunbreaker's hammers to melt both the captain and all those adds, put everything on flames and add control is no more a problem to deal with
someone was saying that FoH can knock the captain off-screen, who then reappears at inopportune times....
edit: but that may have been Aksis capt's.
I would like to join. Psn: BranaghsAnybody intereseted in a wotm HM run?
looking to start at noon EST (2 hours from now)
1. me
2. pandora
Not all of the context is in that image to be fair. What happened is that minilegend guy said he beat warbulletproof in trials and he was being kinda smug about it. Someone then asked what his PSN was and he promptly gave my PSN for some reason.
Besides Raze Lighter and Dark Drinker, how are everyone dealing with the HM Vosik Captains that spawn?
Does Fist of Havoc kill him in 1 shot? Because FoH does kill the Aksis Captains in 1 shot for me (I'm 390+).