TylerDurden from DGAF got in early on the April Update on PS4 and it said he was playing "Private Test Build."
I would assume that D2 is on an entirely different level in terms of secrecy than the April update.
TylerDurden from DGAF got in early on the April Update on PS4 and it said he was playing "Private Test Build."
Whether this D2 stuff is actually fake or not, I'm curious to know how people are confirming it's fake. Is Bungie saying it's fake?
TylerDurden from DGAF got in early on the April Update on PS4 and it said he was playing "Private Test Build."
The Bungie developer whose name was in the first screenshot tweeted that it wasn't real. Don't know about the video because I don't care— of course Bungie is playtesting the game coming out in the fall. This 'leak', fake or real, isn't tantalizing.
So was I, and you can't hide it because the PS4's privacy options are completely broken. You aren't required to hide your status for PTBs on either platform.
I'm not saying it is. Do you really think that Bungie developer would tell you it's real even if it was?
You can hide it by going into appear offline mode on PS4. At least you can now. I forget when they introduced offline mode.
Another possibility is that the developer who reveled it made a mistake and is now trying to cover it up. Just saying...
Wouldn't really be a big surprise if they were playtesting D2 story missions at this point.
Exactly maybe they messed up. They would. Ever admit it.
Does anyone else still need to beat WotM CM?
We're doing normal mode + CM in a bit if you're interested, have 1 spot.
I'm a 375 warlock btw. How many hours away is this?
Does anyone else still need to beat WotM CM?
This group:
up for a reset-raid tomorrow?
Me. I'm up for trying to get a group together but I'm UK based so can't really start for another 2 hours yet.
If anyone cant make it, i'll be online glam. 3 raids lets go.
How does Light Level (Dis)Advantage work since RoI dropped?
Should I even bother with IB this week with a 370 character?
Whether this D2 stuff is actually fake or not, I'm curious to know how people are confirming it's fake. Is Bungie saying it's fake? If it were 100% real, there's no way Bungie would ever confirm or verify that. "Oh, that unannounced game we're making? Yep, the test build must have leaked on Xbone. We were going to wait for E3, but yeah, confirmed." The Taken King, Eververse, and Rise of Iron were all leaked ahead of time. I'm more inclined to believe it nowadays.
Sent invite. Gonna start very soon. If you cannot do it we can get someone else and ill make sure to do it again this week with you if you are interested.
1 Spot for NM WotM + CM + medallions. Ready to go
Does anyone else still need to beat WotM CM?
This group:
up for a reset-raid tomorrow?
I still need it on two characters. I'll be available roughly 2 hours from now.
The Bungie developer whose name was in the first screenshot tweeted that it wasn't real. Don't know about the video because I don't care of course Bungie is playtesting the game coming out in the fall. This 'leak', fake or real, isn't tantalizing.
As we go on
We remember
All the times we
Had together
And as our lives change
Come whatever
We will still be
Friends forever
Best graduation song.
Ours was Boyz II Men "End of the Road"
Ridiculously old
Well I'm 36 now, so this is 17-18 years ago...
I could do a HM + cm run
Let me know when. I need a HM + CM run.
Team first tried everything last raid so I quit after the first wipe.
520 Titan with 520 Gjallarhorn Regime.
I didn't know you are that old. Always thought you were in early 20s. I grew up not liking b2m and they are from my hometown. New edition and pm dawn.
Bungie ain't releasing Destiny II this coming fall
RDR2 sucked out all of the hype for September & October releases for 2017
I'm still pegging for a March 2018 drop
In between we'll get one last magical DLC again that somehow they stitched together
Will be $29.99 like ROI, just give us the Cabal Raid everyone wants
Will be the swan song, DLC at least keeps you going until release of sequel
Press Sneak Fuck said Destiny and Bungie look shaky for September release (I think Deku tweeted to jschrier for reply)
So we are getting into lullaby state
Once Iron Banana leaves everyone and their mother will be stockpiled with 400LL gear and weapon sets
Then its just accumulation
SRL December, Crimson Days February, April Spring time for 0.04% buff to weapons, then E3 announcement
If 2018 release Cabal Raid in September
They'll just reuse art assets of Dreadnaught Canal ship crash and create a hub that extends way more or adjacent to it
I'm reaching Mid-Life Crisis status lady!
Bungie ain't releasing Destiny II this coming fall
RDR2 sucked out all of the hype for September & October releases for 2017
I'm still pegging for a March 2018 drop
In between we'll get one last magical DLC again that somehow they stitched together
Will be $29.99 like ROI, just give us the Cabal Raid everyone wants
Will be the swan song, DLC at least keeps you going until release of sequel
Press Sneak Fuck said Destiny and Bungie look shaky for September release (I think Deku tweeted to jschrier for reply)
So we are getting into lullaby state
Once Iron Banana leaves everyone and their mother will be stockpiled with 400LL gear and weapon sets
Then its just accumulation
SRL December, Crimson Days February, April Spring time for 0.04% buff to weapons, then E3 announcement
If 2018 release Cabal Raid in September
They'll just reuse art assets of Dreadnaught Canal ship crash and create a hub that extends way more or adjacent to it
I'm hanging onto some hope Destiny 2 will finally show itself come December's Playstation Experience, but what you wrote here may be the honest truth. I have yet to reach 400 LL, but the game is getting old for me at this point. WotM while fun, wasn't enough to keep me going and now i must find a new addiction after this round of IB rolls through.
Do you still need one more?
I'm looking to do NM WotM.
Sent invite. Gonna start very soon. If you cannot do it we can get someone else and ill make sure to do it again this week with you if you are interested.
1 Spot for NM WotM + CM + medallions. Ready to go
I'm sorry. This was at 3am my time >_<
Calling WeTa-San! Don't do all your raids tomorrow! I will schedule another one for next saturday if everyone is up for it. In fact, here are the culprits list (decypher it you fools!):
I'm going back to WaifuWatch and Paragon
Once I have Pro, might grab Pro Enabled games for the time being
Looking for a good 4K TV
Either 75" Sony or 65" LG OLED
Black Friday, if not wait for CES for refresh
Then see what gets slashed and the new model prices
Saturday is good for me. Won't be doing any raids during the week.
Can't wait for aksis challenge mode "supercharge guardians during each teleport"
Rip everyone
I'm hanging onto some hope Destiny 2 will finally show itself come December's Playstation Experience, but what you wrote here may be the honest truth. I have yet to reach 400 LL, but the game is getting old for me at this point. WotM while fun, wasn't enough to keep me going and now i must find a new addiction after this round of IB rolls through.
Bah, easy breezy. Remember my first wotm raid? Wasn't confused at all...![]()
Hmmm, I sense so falsehoods here.
I'm reaching Mid-Life Crisis status lady!