So far I've spent 4 Skeleton Keys and no Candlelight shader. Today is the last day of the event. Do I really want to spend all of my gaming time grinding out another key for a chance at the shader? Ugh.
This is the shit about Festival of the Lost that bums me out.
It appears in your map as an extra version of the strike. It has matchmaking so have your fireteam pre-formed if you want one.
If you do match with randoms then pull out your sword to show them what element you want...hopefully they will do the same which means they have some idea of what they're doing. If they don't, then maybe invite them into party chat to make sure.
So far I've spent 4 Skeleton Keys and no Candlelight shader. Today is the last day of the event. Do I really want to spend all of my gaming time grinding out another key for a chance at the shader? Ugh.
This is the shit about Festival of the Lost that bums me out.
Trials anyone?
Ok we need a 3rd playing some tf2 in the mean timeI'm down for a card. It's always me!
Yes still need a 3rdGot a third?
Final Flawless of the weekend with Xplicit and Igor. GGs boys. Xplicit was a phantom on a 0-4 Final Boss comeback.
That said, Buh Bye FoTL and Inferno Trials. You will not be missed. Inferno aka Camp 2 Win Trials is awful.
Final Flawless of the weekend with Xplicit and Igor. GGs boys. Xplicit was a phantom on a 0-4 Final Boss comeback.
That said, Buh Bye FoTL and Inferno Trials. You will not be missed. Inferno aka Camp 2 Win Trials is awful.
A few people now have 2 manned heroic WOTM all the way from start to finish, here is slayerage's run. Pretty damn impressive
I want the FotL rewards, as shitty as they may be, and that requires jumping into Crucible. What I want to know is what is the easiest way to do this? What weapons should I use for Crucible? What game type should I start with? Any general tips or tricks for doing well(-ish, I expect much death) and ideally even enjoying myself?
Thanks for any advice.
A few people now have 2 manned heroic WOTM all the way from start to finish, here is slayerage's run. Pretty damn impressive
Anyone down for some SUPER CASUAL trials?
Just need 4 more wins for my gold tier bounty.
Yes. I think I need about 5 wins or so.
I'm not very good though. You've been warned.
PSN is Vincentgrey
I´m also not very good - even if we lose, the post match drops are still worth it.
I´ll invite as soon as we find a third.
I´m also not very good - even if we lose, the post match drops are still worth it.
I´ll invite as soon as we find a third.
you need a third ?
yay - send an invite to glamfm
Just been catching up on this thread and didn't see a reply to this. For the first time into crucible I would recommend using weapons you are comfortable with from pve. You will know how they handle and how to use it.
Pulse rifles are pretty strong at the minute and any of the high rate of fire archetypes such as the grasp of malok and hawksaw with high stability are very good to use. Hawksaw is a bit easier to use than grasp in my opinion.
Auto rifles are also a good one to start with whilst you get used to aiming at human opponents who move erratically compared to AI. Any with good stability and range will put in a performance.
Hand cannons and scouts are good if you are able to be precise with them in their effective ranges.
For secondary go with a shotgun. Nice easy one hit kills when close.
The best way to learn is to go in and just enjoy it. Don't take it to seriously and just learn the maps and how things work. Take a few breaths after getting killed before hitting respawn. Find a general area of the map you are comfortable in and try to wait for people to come to you where you can get the drop on them. Or follow a teammate around and shoot at what they do.
Also I would stick to clash or control for first time in.
Thanks for taking the time, mate. I truly appreciate it. My best pulse at the moment is Bad Juju. Is that suitable? Otherwise I'll probably infuse my trusty Monte Carlo again. For shotgun I'd go with Invective if I could use two exotics at once, so I'll have to dig around in my vault and infuse something.
Thanks for any advice.
Bad Juju [...] Monte Carlo
Looking for casual trials!
-5 wins halloween emblem
-trials card farming for book
PSN: Nicodemic
If you're still looking I need to finish my bounties. Be warned. I'm very average.
PSN MDavis360
Yep still looking! We need a 3rd though. And I think you're on my list.
I just joined someone on Reddit.
If you find one more let me know and I'll hop out when we finish a game.
Matadors dropping left and right in train. But none for me.
Too bad it's only smooth, cascade, rifled and close and personal.
Someone explain to me how rifled would be preferred over hammer forge or not. It seems they both boost the range the same but hammer does bring down reload. So wouldn't hammer be the better perk.
I wanna knock out five trials cards to finish this book requirement before reset. Anyone else running for similar reasons or bounties? I'm very mediocre at PvP, so do not expect greatness.
Cool, we just need a third then!I'm in!
I'll join if I get an inviteTrain 2.0. Join up.
Ape posted :O
Tou're going to help fellow gaffers now? Pls...
Got a hopscotch with counterbalance, red dot, braced and full auto. Did I win?