Anyone available for some help on exotic sword quests. I had all of them stuck for over a year now. I also have the shield brothers quest. Anyone of these would be appreciated.
What part are you on, the final strike to kill alak hul and the other thing within 30 seconds?
Also, which exotic sword..
Yes, the final part where we have to kill the two within 30s. I have all 3 stuck on this last step. I'm thinking about maybe do the dark drinker first since I heard it's more useful in the raid.
If we can get a 3rd ill do that strike
Just finish all the story missions, that will level you up on its own. You can play crucible and the strike playlist that scales to your current light level to level up as well.Hey Destiny Gaf - If anyone wants to answer some total noob questions....
I bought the Taken King edition of Destiny about a month ago to jump in for the first time. I've finished all the vanilla Destiny story missions along with the first 2 expansions (dark below/house of wolves). I just started The Taken King Story missions. I've also played a handful of crucible matches and did a bunch of the Strikes.
I'm at level 40 now and light level 233. It look like I'll need to start getting Legendary Marks so I can buy gear to advance my light level. I saw online I can do a daily heroic strike to get 15 Legendary Marks, but the light level suggestion is way above mine. Should I just keep playing the story missions and hope to find better and better gear that way? Am I doing this wrong?
Any advice to point me in the right direction would be awesome.
Just wow. This game is dead in Europe.
Just wow. This game is dead in Europe. Clash this morning was 4v4 against same people regardless of how long I left between joining matchmaking. Just spent 6 minutes in orbit waiting for a game of control. Which is the daily! I think it's time for me to put this game away and find a new mp game as this is unbearable. Taking 20 mins to do one 9 minute match is not fun
Make a new account. Full lobby in seconds. Always different people. Until you have played enough games and SBMM kicks back in. Bungie is full of shit.
Unfortunately getting rid of SBMM is only a temporary fix. The bottom 10% who get stomped each match will leave...and then the next 10% will get stomped all the time and they will leave...and so on.
I've posted on this topic before but Bungie are basically trying to minimise player losses by deciding on who they annoy and by how much. With a rapidly shrinking player pool there is only so much they can do.
Any XBL'ers want to make a clan? I have myself and a friend interested in either creating or joining. We both have mics and enjoy chatting and playing.
Got Titanfall 2 for black friday and the first thing i was surprised with was that Auto Rifles are really good in this game hahaha
Yell at everybody to be sure no one damages him with anything until after the supercharge happens :]Ran into this twice while doing challenge mode where he teleports for final DPS before the team completes the super charges. Any tips or strategies for that or is this a legit issue?
Sorry if covered already
Yell at everybody to be sure no one damages him with anything until after the supercharge happens :]
I've been on a few teams where we get super paranoid about it and 'remind' each other over and over lol. All part of the fun. By now DPS isn't really an issue so doing less, but making sure you complete the challenge mode objective is more important if that is what you are going for.
What's more dead. Destiny or Upcoming Marvel vs Capcom news.
Hey Bungie, hardly anyone is playing this week, if you drop the Perfect Balance, Counterbalance, Rifled Barrel PDX 45 this Armsday, people might come back to the game.
Lovely DPS management .. the new wrinkle in raids. At what percentage (roughly) do you scale back the damage and wait for the 3rd slam? Super charge is the most important objective yes but you don't want to under DPS and go to another cycle and shanks and servitors.
Of the games I watch on Twitch; Destiny is still over 8000 viewers. Far above BF1 for example...
But why so ded?