Called into work no regrets
PM Hawkian and get the Discord invite. LFG from there. Should start filling up that FL pretty quickly.I just got a PS4 last month, I may go to D2 on PS4. I don't play with anyone on either.
Day ruined, patch late, pre-order cancelled!
Fixed an issue where killing Ir-Yut would not always end the Deathsinger encounter and players would have to deal with infinitely respawning Knights
Manually check on ps4. Just popped up for meI'm still not seeing an update.
Manually check on ps4. Just popped up for me
I don't see anything about the new quest that was supposed to be I missing something?
It's there if you talk to the speaker.
The Crucible Quartermaster now sells ammo synthesis consumables in exchange for Hadium Flakes
Twilight Garrison now changes color to match the equipped Shader
I didn't ask for this.
How large is the PS4 patch?
The preparing to download wait is just brutal : (
Fucking FINALLY. Was too anal about the lack of color change to wear it before. That changes today.Twilight Garrison now changes color to match the equipped Shader
Forgot to put my PS4 in Rest Mode last night. FeelsBadMan
Fucking FINALLY. Was too anal about the lack of color change to wear it before. That changes today.
Nice, the Raid posters on Bungie Store come with the Sign of the Battleborn emblem.
I kinda figured that emblem would be the reward for completing all the Raids in the Featured Weekly Raid.
Who wants to do a late night Crota Raid? At 9:30 PM pacific time on PS4
1- Vctor182
2- ?
3- ?
4- ?
5- ?
6- ?
It comes with anything you buy on the store, might just pick up one of the albums just to get it haha.
Anyone up for Nightfall or Crota on PS4?