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Deus Ex: Human Revolution |OT| I never asked for this... It gave me lemon-lime


shuri said:
I learned that in D:HR's world, any kind of problems will be resolved by having a convenient vent in the promixity of the problem and/or challenge.

Road blocked by the police? A vent will allow you to bypass it
Camera? VENT!
Heavily armored mech? VENT VENT VENT
Need to get into a building? TURN AROUND! VENT!

Deus EX had the 'time-to-crate' meme; now it's 'time-to-vent'
This actually made me laugh out loud several times for a very specific reason... this was a very common and very popular criticism of Invisible War, that every solution could be easily solved by sneaking through a vent. I laugh because Eidos Montreal were very obviously aware and clearly decided to do something about it. Their solution? Put a box in front of the vent. Genius... :-/


I've done nothing with my life except eat and fap
stuminus3 said:
Their solution? Put a box in front of the vent. Genius... :-/

It's a heavy box sometimes. And some people decided no to invest in this aug.

also not every problem is solved through a vent, only about 60% of them lol.


Geoff9920 said:
I love this game, but keeping something like the Automatic Unlocking Device as a pre-order bonus item only (for US folks) is an aweful idea. When I originally read about the item I thought they had just given people one for "free" and they'd still appear in game.
But hacking is fun! And easy! I'm glad it's not included in the regular game.


pakkit said:
But hacking is fun! And easy! I'm glad it's not included in the regular game.
I agree.

They could improve vents by requiring you to use a screwdriver.

I just can't believe that 95% of the vents in this game world are easy to access. It's just not believable.


Nine out of ten orphans can't tell the difference.
subversus said:
It's a heavy box sometimes. And some people decided no to invest in this aug.

also not every problem is solved through a vent, only about 60% of them lol.

To me vents are just an alternate route, like many other things you don't HAVE to use vents. There are windows, rooftop access, hackable doors, hidden random holes, brittle walls, access through sewers, or just use social or blast your way in.

I do agree that vents are more prevalent and one has to chalk certain things to suspense of disbelief, however it would be much worse if a certain guarded buildings were riddled with open windows and/or brittle walls. At least vents make some sense.

edit : Actually, come to think of it almost everytime I used a vent it backtracked me to some "prior" place progression wise. So more often then not I relied on hacking/sneaking and subsequently opted out of most of the vents. Most of em.


Dina said:
It's a cool game, but boy does the last 1/3th part of the game drag on. The last level is quite possibly the worst disappointment in any game, ever.

Yes, its pretty bad.

The game is a GOTY contender for me personally, but the last part was just shit. The final level sucks in terms of design, layout and about everything.
Corky said:
I do agree that vents are more prevalent and one has to chalk certain things to suspense of disbelief, however it would be much worse if a certain guarded buildings were riddled with open windows and/or brittle walls. At least vents make some sense.

It would have been nice if some or most of the vents required you to pry their fronts off prior to use, sort of like in Akrham Asylum (but without the annoying button mashing to open). This would possibly alert guards, so there would be a risk/reward thing and it would have helped a bit with the suspension of disbelief issues.


Nine out of ten orphans can't tell the difference.
ThoseDeafMutes said:
It would have been nice if some or most of the vents required you to pry their fronts off prior to use, sort of like in Akrham Asylum (but without the annoying button mashing to open). This would possibly alert guards, so there would be a risk/reward thing and it would have helped a bit with the suspension of disbelief issues.

Yeah agree, I would've enjoyed this more.


pakkit said:
But hacking is fun! And easy! I'm glad it's not included in the regular game.
Yes, fortunately hacking is a lot fun otherwise it would have made the decision to exclude game content for the sake of pre-orders even worse.


Corky said:
what does this autotracking do? Is it essentially autoaim?

no it's better than that, the gun locks onto a person and shows a corridor on your HUD (like in HAWX's auto-maneuvers) that can curve depending where you look. You then aim your gun at that corridor and bullets home in. Do it right and you can get the corridor to curve round walls and over cover.


There were a lot of vents in the first Deus Ex as well but they were balanced by being locked. You needed to burn a lockpick or three (or a LAM) to get into the most important ones.

I prefer the first game in spite of all of HR's improvements because of stuff like this.


Nine out of ten orphans can't tell the difference.
Zenith said:
no it's better than that, the gun locks onto a person and shows a corridor on your HUD (like in HAWX's auto-maneuvers) that can curve depending where you look. You then aim your gun at that corridor and bullets home in. Do it right and you can get the corridor to curve round walls and over cover.

:O omg


33-Hit-Combo said:
Even after completing it, I've never seen a person wake up from being non-lethalled, unless someone wakes them up. Does it happen?
Don't think so.

Kinda sucks but not a big issue. It could get annoying in the middle of missions but would be much more realistic.

I just imagine that Jensen modded the ammo to make it super long lasting. Something a psycho would do.
Zenith said:
no it's better than that, the gun locks onto a person and shows a corridor on your HUD (like in HAWX's auto-maneuvers) that can curve depending where you look. You then aim your gun at that corridor and bullets home in. Do it right and you can get the corridor to curve round walls and over cover.

I can't decide whether this, the quantum tunneling pistol upgrade or the laser-that-ignores-walls is the dumbest thing in the game.
Enco said:
Don't think so.

Kinda sucks but not a big issue. It could get annoying in the middle of missions but would be much more realistic.

I just imagine that Jensen modded the ammo to make it super long lasting. Something a psycho would do.

I suppose it would make sense, depending on the drug. Jensen's choice > Snake's 2 minute snooze doses.


fallengorn said:
Better than what I started to do.

The idea that these dudes would wake up contorted and confused in a vent amuses me.
Great Fucked up minds think alike! It was a bitch to get the vent closed, and re-opening it causes the game's physics to just wriggle and tumble their way out without you touching them, if you pack them in closely enough.

(I'm actually rather proud of myself for managing to fit seven guys in that vent, considering that it's like maybe six feet long.)


ThoseDeafMutes said:
I can't decide whether this, the quantum tunneling pistol upgrade or the laser-that-ignores-walls is the dumbest thing in the game.

quantum tunneling pistol upgrade? Is that how good the armour piercing is?


33-Hit-Combo said:
Even after completing it, I've never seen a person wake up from being non-lethalled, unless someone wakes them up. Does it happen?

It happened a lot of me in
As soon as I would stun gun a thug the other thug would bend down and wake the one I just stunned. But that's the stun gun, it might be different with the darts.

oh, but no, I haven't seen someone wake up on their own.
Jintor said:
quantum tunneling pistol upgrade? Is that how good the armour piercing is?

Don't know about pistol, but explosive bullets for the revolver kill Heavies in one shot on Give Me Deus Ex no matter where you hit them. I did everyone-knows-which-scene in circa. 15 seconds with just the revolver and Cloak - got Ghost for it ^^


Corky said:
To me vents are just an alternate route, like many other things you don't HAVE to use vents. There are windows, rooftop access, hackable doors, hidden random holes, brittle walls, access through sewers, or just use social or blast your way in.
I agree with this because of the aforementioned Invisible War thing. One major thing they did with Invisible War that caused a shitstorm was remove many of the barriers to letting players proceed though the game however they wanted whenever they wanted... so even though something was there, it was up to the player to decide if they wanted it or not, not the game (which is also a major part of the reason the players allegiances are somewhat inconsequential in that game). I actually enjoyed this, it was an interesting experiment in emergent gameplay that unfortunately just wasn't well received and definitely misunderstood by the more enthusiastic Deus Ex fans (read: PC gamers) at the time.

I just find it funny that Eidos Montreal addressed the issue with cardboard boxes and vending machines.


ThoseDeafMutes said:
The AP upgrade description says it works using quantum tunneling. I banged my head into the desk like 20 times when I read that.

The fuck does that even mean? The bullets teleport to their targets? They simultaneously exist as light and as a partical in two places at the same time? Blarkljgasodiasdnlnzxc *head explodes*

You are the science guy though, I bet your head blew up more than mine.


Jintor said:
The fuck does that even mean? The bullets teleport to their targets? They simultaneously exist as light and as a partical in two places at the same time? Blarkljgasodiasdnlnzxc *head explodes*

You are the science guy though, I bet your head blew up more than mine.
Quantum tunneling is a phenomenon that occurs on the scale of a couple of nanometers; applying it to anything as massive as a bullet is wacky science on the same level as flicking the ground beneath you with your thumb and forefinger, and knocking the Earth into Mars like a couple of marbles. It's definitely the worst pseudo-science I've seen in the game.

Although there's a reference to The High Frontier in the game, so in my eyes any other crazy shit is forgiven.


So what exactly is this automatic lock device you got for pre-ordering the game? Does it basically negate the need for hacking altogether?


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Time to continue this wonderful game.


banjoted said:
So what exactly is this automatic lock device you got for pre-ordering the game? Does it basically negate the need for hacking altogether?

Definitely not. They're sparse. I've only used them about 5 or 6 times altogether. And I must have hacked at least 100 times.
Corky said:
Did your eyes stop tickling you?

Was too late for me to suggest this, but maybe Yoshi needed to turn on the targeting reticle? Sometimes with FPS games people have trouble if they cannot focus on one point, and reticle solves that.


Hey you guys, I'm thinking of getting this but I need some advice:

Would this run better on my Xbox or on my PC with a 9800GTX/Q6600/4GB Ram?


I've done nothing with my life except eat and fap
kissenger said:
Hey you guys, I'm thinking of getting this but I need some advice:

Would this run better on my Xbox or on my PC with a 9800GTX/Q6600/4GB Ram?

depends on settings and resolution you want to play on.


Yeah, ive finished all the side quests up to the police station and now i'm in there.

As of right now... I'm not overly impressed. Someone else said that the stealth was overly basic and copypasted from MGS. I'd agree with that. Vents, cardboard boxes, takedowns, stupid stupid AI, it just seems like nothing groundbreaking or new or even particularly interesting. What about making light and sound distractions more viable options?What about more open areas with different terrain? Just seems like everything right now is a FEAR esque office, and it's quite boring to navigate. Seriously, what sets this apart from any standard stealth game? I haven't seen it. Honestly, MGS4 gave me more interesting options to deal with enemies, and a more entertaining and fluid cloaking system.

I see that a lot of people are getting pissed at people dissing the shooting. I say get out of here with that honestly. The aiming and feel from the guns is pretty vanilla. The tactics you have in a combat situation aren't the best either. And i feel like experience wise going Rambo isn't rewarded well enough. The combat augs are limited in scope and effectiveness, and in a game where ammo is limited run and gun isn't really that preferable of an option to begin with. It's not a skill that most players are being encouraged to learn at all, which is probably why so many people think the boss fights suck(havent given them a go myself yet).

the hacking/computer aspect is whatever. A decent minigame, I guess. Why couldn't I do something like hacking a guard's neural system for a limited time. Or other NPC's? It would bring the character interaction of the game up by quite a bit, especially when it comes to gathering intel. This aspect of the game is so painfully underdeveloped. Why are the options for security systems so limited?I'd have liked to do things like gain remote control for lights in areas, things like that. Right now... It's just nothing I havent seen before.

The character interaction is OK. After playing the witcher 2 i feel like its rather underwhelming in delivery and options so far. It's not Oblivion bad, just doesn't do much for me. The best parts of this game so far are definitely the exploration aspects of the whole thing and the shinkawaesque art style. The music and story are pretty engrossing as well. But the rest...doesn't feel like a quantum leap forward. it seems like the product of older DE games and a lot of more recent titles, and i dont think it necessarily surpasses either. That being said, i'm still quite early in the game iirc... But the core gameplay isn't GotY material.
Coxswain said:
It's definitely the worst pseudo-science I've seen in the game.

It's definitely the most misapplied scientific principle, but I'm not sure if that's the worst breach in the game. I mean, of all the weapons that could have gone through walls, they chose the least probable one in existence, the laser rifle. The diffraction index of solid walls is off the charts, but somehow the beam maintains perfect coherency after going through several feet of brick, steel and wood, without even leaving a mark! But somehow the laser beams "know" when it's hitting enemies, and stops magically ignoring matter to blast them when it intersects with people.

The curve bullets mentioned previously are also massively stupid, like all curve bullets in all media. Then there was an email where they demonstrated some misunderstandings about evolution and had some very dumb statements coming from an alleged expert on the subject.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Corky said:
Did your eyes stop tickling you?
Yoshichan said:
Just solved it :D!

Pushed my monitor back around 7 inches. Turned on all lights in my room. Lowered the brightness on my screen. Changed FOV to 90 and turned triple buffering and V-Sync on!

Just played through some of the tutorial parts and I'm feeling perfectly fine :D!

Thanks GAF ♥



At what point am I supposed to experience this drop in quality? I'm in
Singapore now, looking for members of Megan's team
and this mission + the one preceding it are as good as the game has been.
I continued the game today and arrived in Detroit for the second time, played a bit and had my laptop on the side, skimming the thread when I read something about a private investigator. I was a bit surprised and thought it might be a bug because I was really thorough with my exploration so I researched for a bit and found out that I missed the sidequest because
I forgot to read the mails Sarif sent to my office.
And surprisingly I got angry at myself, not at the game. It was entirely my fault I missed it because the game told me it was my decision to do so. And that's kinda awesome.

Also, second time in Hengsha I
killed everyone to save Malik
and regretted it afterwards so I reloaded an earlier save. I just can't do it!


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
Timber said:
At what point am I supposed to experience this drop in quality? I'm in
Singapore now, looking for members of Megan's team
and this mission + the one preceding it are as good as the game has been.

Keep playing, you'll see.

Endgame spoilers:

The final level should've been a culmination of all the challenges we faced in earlier levels. It should NOT have been "LOL ZOMBIES, HAVE FUN!"

itxaka said:
Some help on getting trough this? Location Spoilers BTW: http://cloud.steampowered.com/ugc/578932944786496703/B28D8C42ACEA048073EB27C8589CAEA9B348F565/

Been checking all around for a way to get to the door but Im unable to find anything. No vents, no different levels, no hacking doors left, no nothing, so Im thinking if maybe the closed door wit the red sign should be open and the game just bugged on me?


Maybe I'm missing something but couldn't you just jump through the window?


33-Hit-Combo said:
I suppose it would make sense, depending on the drug. Jensen's choice > Snake's 2 minute snooze doses.

I dont like how MGS guards sleep on a timer so that you practically know when theyre about to get up and then you can just fire another dart in them to the point where they start to resemble Pinhead.
MGS does shorten the sleep time depending on how much you screw with the guards though. Dragging them around will cause them to wake up sooner.
MGS also has knocked out, sleeping, and dead "status effects" for the guards, with each one lasting a little longer and death being, well, permanent.

In DXHR, whether you put a bullet in their head, a tranq dart, or punch them in the nose, theyre all as good as dead. They just lay there without worry unless another enemy comes across them. I actually prefer MGS over this.

That said, DXHR probably has my favorite stealth in a game since Peace Walker. Itd be awesome to see both series take some cues from eachother in the next games. For instance, MGS is in need of some sort of capable cover system like DXHR has as well as the more sporadic enemy patterns.

One thing that every stealth game needs is the MGS wall tap. Im amazed that its still not standard in every stealth game considering that MGS had it in 1998. Its such a basic and useful idea.

My biggest complaint about DXHR so far is the recharge on the aug meter. Why did they only give us one rechargeable? Im such a hoarder with energy snacks (I also hoarded as many bio cells in DX1 as I could) that I find myself juggling one battery the entire time instead of eating to regen some more. Sure, its partially my fault, but I just hate knowing that I might need energy at a crucial moment and I wont have it because I wasted it all so I could silently KO a room full of enemies.

What game was is with the segmented health bar where each quadrant would regen as long as you didnt completely use it up? Resistance?
Something similar to that wouldve been better than what we got. Ideally, we should be able to upgrade another battery to auto regen.


Pancakes said:
Keep playing, you'll see.

Endgame spoilers:

The final level should've been a culmination of all the challenges we faced in earlier levels. It should NOT have been "LOL ZOMBIES, HAVE FUN!"
sell though right!? RIGHT!?
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