The game is quite good, but a little disappointing towards the end(let's say, starting with the
. If I were to review it in the neogaf thread I'd probably give it a 2 1/2 stars out of 3.
One thing I noticed about this game is that very few characters shine. Pritchard and Malik were cool, though they felt absent towards the end. I felt like I needed way more interaction the major players, especially in comparison to Deus Ex. Speaking of which one of the more exciting moments was seeing certain names in the emails at the
Probably the most standout thing about the game, aside from being an acceptable successor to Deus Ex, is the conversation system. You mix this with Alpha Protocol and make those "boss" conversations even more complex, and you are on to something truly amazing.
After mulling it over, I have to go with the boss battles being pretty lame. 2nd and 3rd looked like they had some potential, but I think they fell short. This was no MGS. Normal encounters with enemies were fine. Well, thinking it over, the game might have been a little too easy with stealth/hacking, but what can you do about that?
EDIT: I wonder if locations were dictated by "next-gen" budgets.