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Deus Ex: Human Revolution |OT| I never asked for this... It gave me lemon-lime

Turfster said:
See, the problem with everyone saying "the second boss is so easy, just use the Typhoon" is that people that go for a pacifist-stealth run usually don't have that since it's lethal. =p

The game doesn't penalize you for carrying a lethal weapon.

There's a difference between being pacifist/stealth and being well-prepared pacifist/stealth.


EmCeeGramr said:
Painkillers, hypostims, and alcohol give you temporary max health boosts that won't regenerate when you take damage.

Yeah I've gotten through Deus Ex difficulty pretty effectively in the latter half ignoring armor augs and just boosting my health with beers and painkillers (complementary as ever, those two). I usually have my health sitting at ~150 or more.

Linkzg said:
if you
use the CASIE on Taggart at the press conference, you lose the chance to save Sandoval. Instead of talking him out of suicide, he attacks you once you reach his sewer office.

the CASIE ends the conversation but the outcome isn't always favorable

Like Wallach, this wasn't the case for me. I used CASIE on both (I always do even when the interviews are going my way). With
Sandoval, you're able to talk him down from suicide if you pick the right options. He's easy enough to read with the Social Enhancer aug. It tells you to convey to Sandoval that you see "the good in him" or whatnot.

EmCeeGramr said:
There are usually multiple ways to confront and convince a target, which can range from getting them to feel guilty about their actions to boosting them up to straight up blackmail. I haven't failed that specific one, but I'm pretty sure if you fail it then you have to
sneak (or shoot) in there and frame him with the recording by putting it on his computer (which also has some conversations on it which shed light on Taggart and give you hints that he's Illuminati). I know some people at Sarif will congratulate you if you talked him down or just talk about how his speech started to convince them if you never bothered to confront him at all, I don't know what happens if you failed the confrontation.

As for the valid means of convincing
him, I've seen both appealing to his memory of his dead wife and how being involved in murders and kidnapping would tarnish her memory, and a CASIE(?) route where Jensen threatens to hand the recording over to the media.

Haha, with
Taggart I brought up his dead wife, and with Sandoval, I shamed him into standing down by bringing up his kids.

Jensen goes straight for the jugular.
Heavy said:
Don't even have to use the emp grenade. Just get next to him/her and instantly Typhoon back to back. He/she after the first Typhoon is stunned and has no time to get out of it. This was on normal diff. Might need more on hard. Two quick typhoons also work on the next boss. Upgrade the typhoon to max

Words on hard as well, Typhoon is so awesome.


Onion_Relish said:
The game has been out for a while and i dont really consider it a spoiler, but i did some testing and found a funny way to guarantee you free passage into the funicular (after youve cleared out the 2 guys and disabled the turret and camera)


all you have to do is jam some things into the 2 main door and the ai isnt smart enough to even path into them, let alone path through or over or around them. Had myself a chuckle once i figured this one out. You can stand practically in the middle of the room and they cant do anything.

I played that part like an engineer from TF 2, carried a pair of turrets and made them do all the work.
Just finished the game. Game totally lost momentum at the end - and there were some loose ends. Overall, the ending was a bit obvious - in a black, white and grey variety. But the first 75% of the game was so strong the end result was still AAA.

Also, what's with developers sharing the life history in video games all of a sudden? Pretty soon they'll be posting pictures, baby pictures, blood work test results etc., While I do think it's great to actually see some of these developers, you interestingly don't see movie credits showcasing the creators in such an open manner. Maybe film creators feel the need for that separation between audience. I don't know. Found it to be an odd trend though.


HeadlessRoland said:
Will the turrets fire while they are in your grasp?

Someone posted earlier they were using them as an autofiring gatling gun with the strength aug. Can't verify that for myself though.

Xevren said:
No, gotta drop them first.

I suppose I misunderstood.


Xevren said:
I played that part like an engineer from TF 2, carried a pair of turrets and made them do all the work.

I had one turret sitting at a choke point and another turret sitting in front of the funicular. Every enemy who tried to stream in got gunned down by one of the two. Made them all die amusingly fast, so fast that there were long stretches of silence while waiting when I "should" have otherwise been fighting or hiding from enemies, but everyone was dead.
HeadlessRoland said:
Will the turrets fire while they are in your grasp?

I saw some dude carry a turret into a shower stall, facing into it, and then for whatever reason, fired his PEPS at it.

It flipped up into the air and as it did, the turret rotated around and started firing at him in midair. It was hilarious.
Wallach said:
At least it'll run alright on today's computers. Game ran like shit on PC back when it released.

when I played it again last year or so, it exited out to my desktop every loading screen. if you played it, you know how frequent that could be.

making widescreen work with a fixed interface is can be a chore too.


The Quiet Man said:
The game doesn't penalize you for carrying a lethal weapon.

There's a difference between being pacifist/stealth and being well-prepared pacifist/stealth.
Why invest 3 praxis into something you're probably never going to use/use one time tho ;)
And the 2 bosses after it totally didn't need it, they were piss-easy.


Dammit. I tried to map Cloak and Typhoon to the mouse wheel's left and right movements. Why are those inputs rarely recognized in games?
Turfster said:
Why invest 3 praxis into something you're probably never going to use/use one time tho ;)
And the 2 bosses after it totally didn't need it, they were piss-easy.

Why not? I didn't, but that's a valid way of playing the game if you think the bosses will give you trouble. And if you play carefully, you end up with a hell of a lot of Praxis to spend anyhow.

The point is not to box yourself into saying, "Well, I'm a non-lethal player, therefore I should not enhance myself in a lethal way or carry lethal weapons." The game encourages you to think outside the box, and it also rewards foresight. It doesn't reward slapping a label on yourself and not deviating away from it.


Linkzg said:
when I played it again last year or so, it exited out to my desktop every loading screen. if you played it, you know how frequent that could be.

making widescreen work with a fixed interface is can be a chore too.

Sheeeeit, cap'n. I wouldn't put up with that shit. Not from that game.

I'm downloading that New Vision thing so I can replay the original again. Anyone know if that includes the updated .exe so I can use the DX10 renderer and fix the mouse lag and stuffs? Is that even compatible?

Edit - Just read the readme for it, fuck yeah. This is going to be bad ass.


The Quiet Man said:
Why not? I didn't, but that's a valid way of playing the game if you think the bosses will give you trouble. And if you play carefully, you end up with a hell of a lot of Praxis to spend anyhow.

The point is not to box yourself into saying, "Well, I'm a non-lethal player, therefore I should not enhance myself in a lethal way or carry lethal weapons." The game encourages you to think outside the box, and it also rewards foresight. It doesn't reward slapping a label on yourself and not deviating away from it.
Oh, I didn't box myself in, I just spent my praxis on stuff I needed at that time.
"Hm, I want to get there, let's get the jumping one."
"Oh, there's something behind this box, but I can't lift it. Strength it is."
Also, I must have done something wrong on my first playthrough (even though I did all the side quests and hacked pretty much everything), because I didn't really have "a hell of a lot" of praxis. ;_;


Turfster said:
Also, I must have done something wrong on my first playthrough (even though I did all the side quests and hacked pretty much everything), because I didn't really have "a hell of a lot" of praxis. ;_;
Didn't you buy any?
Turfster said:
Also, I must have done something wrong on my first playthrough (even though I did all the side quests and hacked pretty much everything), because I didn't really have "a hell of a lot" of praxis. ;_;

It really just depends. Let me put it this way. If you hack every single thing, if you hit every single guard with a non lethal attack and get ghost and get smooth operator and you find all the individual praxis kits lying around the world and you buy all the praxis kits and you do all the sidequests and on top of all of that, you wish upon a lucky star, you can pretty much get everything maxed out. The first playthrough i had i think i was only missing 5 points by the end, and like i said, if i did EVERYTHING i mentioned here, i think it is possible to max everthing out. But yeah, a lot of things like mark and track and fortify really arent that useful so its kinda like i was maxed out anyways.

What people are saying is that the fact that you can achieve this seems counter-intuitive to the "pick a route and youre good" rule, but ultimately, i dont mind it one bit both from a gameplay standpoint as well as from a lore standpoint. Jensen would have all these things eventually, might as well speed up the process. Also, i do agree with the "dont buy it" mentality. No game can be perfect and no developer can ever anticipate just how thorough some people can be.


Fuck, finally beat this whore. And without The explosion mod. Typhoon.

Have to

Use Stun Gun Stun, Shoot with upgraded pistol
Use EMP Mine, Shoot, Run.

Let her charge, stun again, use emp mine, and shoot with pistol

What a bitch though goddam


Gold Member
Heavy said:
What ridiculous hyperbole. Your opinion sucks.

What a great argument. You certainly dug deep for that brilliant retort.


I guess shitty-looking FMVs really float your boat, don't they? Sorry for hurting your video game feelings.


Great DLC news, guys!

- Three separate installments, each running about 12 hours
- Stories are standalone but tie in with HR and each other
- New protagonists for first two DLC; Jensen returns in third
- New hubs: Montreal, Canada; Mumbai, India; Tokyo, Japan
- Three story missions and three sidequests in each hub
- Each mission pushes your augmented abilities to the max
- Each is richly detailed and has a plethora of paths to take
- Boss battles can be won non-lethally or avoided altogether
- One such “fight” is a dialogue-driven face-off with Jensen
- All-new weapons and augmentations to unlock with Praxis
- All-new pocket secretaries, e-books and newspapers/casts
- DLC will be collected on disk ala Episodes from Liberty City

I wish. :( :( :(


Gold Member
Neiteio said:
Great DLC news, guys!

- Three separate installments, each running about 12 hours
- Stories are standalone but tie in with HR and each other
- New protagonists for first two DLC; Jensen returns in third
- New hubs: Montreal, Canada; Mumbai, India; Tokyo, Japan
- Three story missions and three sidequests in each hub
- Each mission pushes your augmented abilities to the max
- Each is richly detailed and has a plethora of paths to take
- Boss battles can be won non-lethally or avoided altogether
- One such “fight” is a dialogue-driven face-off with Jensen
- All-new weapons and augmentations to unlock with Praxis
- All-new pocket secretaries, e-books and newspapers/casts
- DLC will be collected on disk ala Episodes from Liberty City

I wish. :( :( :(

That's pretty fucked up, actually. lol
Neiteio said:
Great DLC news, guys!

- Three separate installments, each running about 12 hours
- Stories are standalone but tie in with HR and each other
- New protagonists for first two DLC; Jensen returns in third
- New hubs: Montreal, Canada; Mumbai, India; Tokyo, Japan
- Three story missions and three sidequests in each hub
- Each mission pushes your augmented abilities to the max
- Each is richly detailed and has a plethora of paths to take
- Boss battles can be won non-lethally or avoided altogether
- One such “fight” is a dialogue-driven face-off with Jensen
- All-new weapons and augmentations to unlock with Praxis
- All-new pocket secretaries, e-books and newspapers/casts
- DLC will be collected on disk ala Episodes from Liberty City

I wish. :( :( :(



So I flashed banged a group of guys and one of them shot another one of the guys in the group. Does that count as a kill?


Neiteio said:
Great DLC news, guys!

- Three separate installments, each running about 12 hours
- Stories are standalone but tie in with HR and each other
- New protagonists for first two DLC; Jensen returns in third
- New hubs: Montreal, Canada; Mumbai, India; Tokyo, Japan
- Three story missions and three sidequests in each hub
- Each mission pushes your augmented abilities to the max
- Each is richly detailed and has a plethora of paths to take
- Boss battles can be won non-lethally or avoided altogether
- One such “fight” is a dialogue-driven face-off with Jensen
- All-new weapons and augmentations to unlock with Praxis
- All-new pocket secretaries, e-books and newspapers/casts
- DLC will be collected on disk ala Episodes from Liberty City

I wish. :( :( :(
I searched, but I didn't see anything. Did anyone notice the names/passwords that you find for the Police Station?

bsterling investor
pdick lectrolamb
jballard solempire
jchampagne grimster
wgibson baronnull
rdeckard unicorn
hellison cordwainer
bbethke maverick
pcadigan desprit

They are named after famous Sci-Fi authors and the passwords are something about them. Bruce Sterling, Phillip K Dick (Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep), William Gibson (Count Zero), Harlan Ellison (his alias), Bruce Bethke (Wild Wild West), Pat Cadigan (Mindplayers?), etc. And R Deckard for the main character in Bladerunner (His dream).

Thought it was a pretty cool nod.
MisterAnderson said:
I just noticed that now whenever I go to hack something/read a computer terminal/aim down my weapon sites, the framerate stutters during the transition to the new point of view. This didn't used to happen... has anyone else experienced this/found a fix for it? (PC)

Does anyone know anything about this? It's not a game breaker by any means, but it's pretty annoying.
Shortt Sirket said:
I searched, but I didn't see anything. Did anyone notice the names/passwords that you find for the Police Station?

bsterling investor
pdick lectrolamb
jballard solempire
jchampagne grimster
wgibson baronnull
rdeckard unicorn
hellison cordwainer
bbethke maverick
pcadigan desprit

They are named after famous Sci-Fi authors and the passwords are something about them. Bruce Sterling, Phillip K Dick (Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep), William Gibson (Count Zero), Harlan Ellison (his alias), Bruce Bethke (Wild Wild West), Pat Cadigan (Mindplayers?), etc. And R Deckard for the main character in Bladerunner (His dream).

Thought it was a pretty cool nod.

Another reference to scifi, during the "private" talk of Adam and David where he asks you what weapons you want, early on the game:




HAL from 2001: A Space Odyssey was watching your "private" conversation ;)


I can't believe we're still seeing so many " I can't beat this boss!" posts. Stun gun, headshots, repeat until profit rolls in. No boss should take more than a minute or two at most.


Solo said:
I can't believe we're still seeing so many " I can't beat this boss!" posts. Stun gun, headshots, repeat until profit rolls in. No boss should take more than a minute or two at most.

I can see how it can be frustrating. If you have no idea what you're doing the bosses basically just one shot you so you get stuck in a cycle of "what the fuck is going on how do i beat this"
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