- Opencritic: 82 (64 reviews)
- Metacritic PC: 82 (34 reviews)
- Metacritic PS4: 85 (43 reviews)
- Metacritic XB1: 83 (10 reviews)
- Game Rankings PC: 81.47% (18 reviews)
- Game Rankings PS4: 84.33% (24 reviews)
- Game Rankings XB1: 84.12% (8 reviews)
- Xbox Achievements (Dan Webb): 88/100
Held back from true greatness by the odd grumble here and there, Mankind Divided is worthy of anyone’s time and money. - IGN (Vince Ingenito): 9.2/10
Aside from the smaller-feeling plot, Deus Ex: Mankind Divided improves upon its excellent predecessor in every other way. - Destructoid (Chris Carter) : 8/10
Deus Ex: Mankind Divided doesn't succeed in making me care about the plight of humans and augs, but it still pulled me into its compelling cloak-and-dagger world where people in capes can turn invisible and shoot balls of lightning out of their arm. - GameInformer (Andrew Reiner): 7/10
A reflection of our world today, but it ends up a little too long winded and the narrative sometimes slows the experience to a crawl - PC Gamer (Andy Kelly): 88/100
A beautiful, smartly designed game set in a gorgeous futuristic city, but with a story that doesn’t quite do it justice. - Gamespot (Edmond Tran): 8/10 (PC)
Although not a significant departure from Human Revolution, Mankind Divided is still a uniquely fulfilling experience, one which feels rare in games today. - Polygon (Arthur Gies ): 8.5/10 (PS4 and then XB1)
It's a mottled cherry dropped on top of a game that otherwise makes for subtly major evolutions of action-RPG spaces, and for a world as interesting as Deus Ex's, it would be a crime to leave it where it stands for another five years. - Videogamer (Alice Bell): 7/10
Mankind Divided hasn't lost the soul of a Deus Ex game, but it doesn't hit the heights it's reaching for. - Jimquisition (Jim Sterling): PS4 (9/10)
At its very worst, Deus Ex: Mankind Divided is just as good as Human Revolution, which is really not a problem if you think Human Revolution was absolutely bloody marvelous. - GiantBomb (Jeff Gerstmann): 4/5
I'm left with the feeling that a sequel to Human Revolution could've told a more engaging story, but at the same time I had a really great time crouch-walking through Prague. - GamesRadar (Phil Savage): 4.5/5 Stars (PC)
Mankind Divided is full of great moments, from the lengthy journey across The Throat of Golem City, to the simple pleasure of crouching in a Prague bank, wondering how next to proceed. - Playstation Lifestyle (Paulmichael Contreras): 9/10
Eidos Montreal's creation tries its hand at many things, offering an impressive amount of player choice, but it struggles to excel in any one particular area. - PushSquare ( Robert Ramsey): 7/10
While combat can still be awkward from time to time, there are so many options at your disposal that such a minor issue can be overcome with relative ease thanks to the numerous choices at your disposal. - Hardcore Gamer (Adam Beck): 3/5 (PS4)
Deus Ex: Mankind Divided is the epitome of the phrase, one step forward, two steps back. - USGamer (Mike Williams): 4/5
Deus Ex: Mankind Divided is a worthy follow-up to Human Revolution, which itself was a worthy follow-up to the original Deus Ex. Eidos Montreal has crafted a great stealth RPG that offers up some interesting moral choices for players. The studio's world building is amazing, from the cities you'll wander through to the small details that color them. It doesn't entirely stick the landing at the end, but I'll be damned if I didn't enjoy it all the way through. - PCGames.de (Peter Bathage): 85%
"A perfect successor - were it not for the matter of the story!" - PCGamesN.com (Dave Meikleham): 7/10 (PC)
A handsome, thoughtful blend of shooting and stealth that delights with its choice-driven play. Though it can feel painfully rushed at times, which is a shame. - Games HifiDigest (Brian Hoss): 4.5/5
As a game, 'Deus Ex: Mankind Divided' has the power to draw me in. That's a power seldom seen at this level, where rebellious heroes and evil organizations are a dime a dozen. With enveloping gameplay, a stimulating story, a signature art style, an excellent soundtrack, and the spin-off-worthy Breach Mode, 'Mankind Divided' is well worth the time and expenditure. - AppTrigger (Alex Avard): 8.5/10
Ambitious, operatic and downright sexy, Deus Ex: Mankind Divided is a no brainer for anyone who enjoyed Human Revolution. - PC Invasion (Peter Parrish): 8/10 (PC)
Some narrative pacing, spots of voice acting that are either mixed poorly or are delivered flat, and that feeling of part-twoism aside, Deus Ex: Mankind Divided is the equal or better of Human Revolution in many spots. - God is Geek (Mick Fraser): 9/10
HA solid sequel that comes close to but never quite surpasses its exceptional predecessor, Mankind Divided is nonetheless an essential purchase for fans of stealth and story. - Gamers Global (Cristoph Vent): 8.5/10
However, if you already with Human Revolution had a lot of fun, is - again also at the new Deus Ex much joy - all criticism notwithstanding. There are not so many intelligent action games, the story is exciting and sophisticated the game universe. - PSU Universe (Neil Bolt): 9/10 (PS4)
Mankind Divided is a thoroughly satisfying Action RPG that understands how to make stealth play enjoyable, flexible and challenging. The design of its near-future world is remarkable, and the stories held within it are compelling. The only sour taste here is an ending at odds, and the slightest whiff of over-familiarity. - TIME (Matt Peckham): 4.5/5 (PS4)
Deus Ex: Mankind Divided doesn't reinvent the wheel, nor does it need to. Compelling, tightly paced and most importantly, fun to play, Mankind Divided has created an exquisitely detailed world and now it wants to turn you loose in it. A stronger contender for Game of the Year in a year already filled with great games, what are you waiting for? - God is a Geek (Mick Fraser): 9/10 (PS4)
A solid sequel that comes close to but never quite surpasses its exceptional predecessor, Mankind Divided is nonetheless an essential purchase for fans of stealth and story. - COG Connected (Shawn Petraschuk): 65/10 (PS4)
A strong narrative and stellar cast are the only things that hold together an experience that is absolutely rife with bugs and downright questionable design choices. - Trusted Reviews (Brett Phipps): 3/5 (PC)
Deus Ex: Mankind Divided could – and should – have been amazing.
I was really hoping that this would be the title I’d spend most of the year playing, a game that could outshine many of the incredible games to come. Unfortunately, in the rush to get it to stores, many of Mankind Divided’s diamonds remain firmly entrenched in the rough. - Paste Magazine ( Eric Van Allen): 6/10 (PS4)
You can certainly find enjoyment in Mankind Divided, for the short runtime it offers. Y. Deus Ex cares enough to sit on the sidelines and play topical for show before moving on to the next attraction. It’s become more 24 than Blade Runner, and while it still entertains, it’s also lost much of the luster that set the series apart from the serialized masses. - Attack of the Fanboy (Mike Guarino ): 4.5/5
The complex and engrossing world of Deus Ex: Mankind Divided is one that sinks its teeth into you right from the beginning, and as you journey through it you never want it to let go. We had to wait awhile for it to finally arrive, but our patience was rewarded with a definite game of the year contender. - CGM Online (Elias Blondeau ): 10/10 (XB1)
By daring to make a statement, Deus Ex: Mankind Divided succeeds in being a nuanced, mature gaming experience that pushes the medium forward in major ways. - Games Watcher ( Chris J Capel): 9.5/10 (PC)
Mankind Divided is a game that gives players full freedom to choose how they’d like to play and every choice is both valid and extremely fun. Even the boss battles are good. Eidos Montreal have taken Human Revolution and made it even more Deus Ex. And that is a very Game of the Year good thing indeed. - The Digital Fix (Rob Kershaw): 8/10
A polished continuation of an intriguing narrative, Mankind Divided is a familiar, yet enjoyable thirty hours of tech noir. - Telegraph (Kirk McKeand ) : 4/5
Video game narratives can be great, but nothing will surpass the stories we create in collaboration with a game – emergent, unscripted moments that pop up unplanned and create lasting impressions, and that’s where Mankind Divided excels. - GamesCrate (Nicholas Scibetta): 8.75/10 (PC)
Deus Ex: Mankind Divided isn't a revolutionary experience, but it is a high-quality one in just about every way. If you're a fan of the genre or the series you'll love it, and it's worth a look even for those new to this kind of game (though prepare to wade through hip-deep lore as you go). - Game Grin (Andrew Duncan)10/10:
A great addition to the Deus Ex mythos, and more than just a better looking Human Revolution. If you’re a fan of the series, or even just the last one, then you can’t go wrong with Deus Ex: Mankind Divided. - Gaming Trend (Ron Burke ): 85/100 (PC)
I imagine the Internet will be abuzz with discussion on the “Mechanical Apartheid” issue, debating whether it was offensive, or if Eidos Montreal did enough to warrant the comparison, but aside from that, there is a very solid effort here. The new augments combined with better level design makes exploration more satisfying, and the little upgrades to hacking make that whole system more tense. While it’s over a little too soon, if you enjoyed Human Revolution, there is a lot to like here. - Twinfinite: (Zhiqing Wan): 3.5/5 (PC)
Aside from a few crashes at startup with the PC version, Mankind Divided is very much an enjoyable role-playing experience. The game’s characters aren’t all that memorable, and chances are, you won’t even remember their names after you’re done with your journey, but hey, at least playing around with the augmentations is cool. - Forbes (Paul Tassi): 8/10 (PS4)
If you’re a fan of the first game, I certainly recommend this one as well. But in a competitive season, it’s hard to see Mankind Divided being as impactful or memorable as Deus Ex’s reassurance five years ago. - IBTimes UK (Jake Tucker): 4.5/5
Deus Ex: Mankind Divided doesn't reinvent the wheel, nor does it need to. Compelling, tightly paced and most importantly, fun to play, Mankind Divided has created an exquisitely detailed world and now it wants to turn you loose in it. - EGM ( Nick Plessas): 8.5/10
In a game that needs to balance so much, it finds a way so nearly every feature meets a high-quality standard in this action-RPG - Cheat Code Central (Becky Cunningham): 4.5/5
Go ahead, be the kind of Adam Jensen you want to be. Just don't forget to watch your back. - We Got This Covered (Chad Goodmurphy): 3.5/5 (XB1)
Deus Ex: Mankind Divided is a decent sequel, but it's not the game that we were hoping for. There's a lot to like, but a lack of polish, a short runtime and a missing wow factor keep it from being great. - Gaming Age (Dustin Chadwell): A- (PS4)
I love the level of freedom granted to players with this series, and Mankind Divided capitalizes on that concept constantly. Absolutely check out Deus Ex: Mankind Divided, you won’t be disappointed. - gba temp (Tom Bond): 9/10 (XB1)
If you're a fan of the Deus Ex universe, then I absolutely recommend you pick this up. - EDGE: 9/10
- XboxyGen (Jarel)
[*]4Players.de (Benjamin Schmädig): 85%
[*]Area Jugones: 8.5/10 (PC)
[*]Hobby Consolas (Lazaro Fernandez ): 95/100
[*]Mutiplayer.It (Aligi Comandini): 9/10
[*]Meristation (Francisco Alberto Serrano Acosta): 9/10
[*]Spazio Games: 9/10
[*]Eurogamer Italy (Filippo Facchetti): 9/10 (PS4)
[*]IGN Spain (Por Jose L. Ortega): 8.5/10
[*]Eurogamer Poland: 8/10
[*]M3: Recommended
[*]Jeux Video: 17/20 (PC)
[*]Igromania (Russian): 9/10 (PC)
[*]Gamekult (Baptiste Hébert): 9/10
- Eurogamer (Edwin Evans-Thirlwell): Recommended (PS4):
Deus Ex's mix of shooting and stealth continues to flourish under Eidos Montreal, though the story isn't a match for the setting. - RPS (Graham Smith):
Mankind Divided is a new version of one of my favourite games of all time and free from the execution problems that hampered that last iteration. The levels are bigger and prettier. There are no dumb boss fights. It gives you slightly more agency over its story. The new abilities are nice, even if they don’t dramatically alter the flow of the game. There still aren’t that many games like Deus Ex around and Deus Ex: Mankind Divided is an excellent game like Deus Ex. - PC World (Hayden Dingman)
Despite all that, I’m enjoying it. Usually these sorts of nail-my-hands-to-the-mouse-and-WASD review periods are a slog, sitting at a desk ten or more hours a day trying frantically to beat an embargo. But Deus Ex? I’m having a hell of a good time, and I keep looking up only to realize another hour’s gone by while I futzed around with a murder investigation or hacked my fellow officemate’s computers. - ArsTechnica (Sam Machkovech): PC/PS4
Buy. Buy the heck out of this game. - Wired (Jake Muncy)
Deus Ex: Mankind Divided Tries, and Fails, to Be a Political Game - The Verge (Adi Robertson)
Deus Ex: Mankind Divided is a competent game in a confusing world
- Gamespot (Edmond Tran): 8/10 (PC)
[*]IGN (Vince Ingenito): 9.2/10
[*]Games Radar (Phil Savage): 4.5/5 (PC)
[*]Videogamer Review (Alice Bell): 7/10
[*]Feminist Frequency (Carolyn Petit):
[*]Super Bunnyhop Review
[*]Lazy Game Reviews
[*]Easy Allies (Daniel Bloodworth): 4.5 Stars (PS4)
- cleveridea: correction of a link
- BigBoss007: correction of translation
[*]Grim Patron
[*]TC McQueen