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Deus Ex: Mankind Divided |OT| We Asked For This


I've been playing this game for 8 hours and I haven't even gone to interpol base yet. I'm probably going to get burnt out and not finish it just like I did with the last one.


I've been playing this game for 8 hours and I haven't even gone to interpol base yet. I'm probably going to get burnt out and not finish it just like I did with the last one.

Lol, probably. 92 hours and most of the last area left to go here.


Had the most epic moment in Galum City

I had to talk to the shop keeper to find a way to the Ark area, but also owned the Mob boss dude a favor and he wanted me to kill the shop keeper.

But I already had a way to the Ark area, so I talk to the shop keeper and told him I wasnt gonna kill him lol, he gives me info on another way to Ark.

Buttt he has all these weapons locked in a cage, and two body guards blocking them, and I like my weapons.

So I pull out my pistol with a silencer on it, stand behind the shop keeper shot the body guard right in the head thats blocking the cage right in front of him, the shop keeper says "oh shit" LOL then I knock him and the other body guard out thats right behind me, take all those weapons for me self haha


Do completed side-quests and found e-books carry over into NG+? I'm thinking to leave a few things for playthrough #2 and just go ahead and beat the game finally.

Nope. Only Iventory, Augmentations and Breach Software carry over.
Where I can see if I have killed someone?
Because while dragging a body he glitched in a desk and died, I hope it doesn't count

There is no way to know, and yes dragging a body and him dying, or a body falling to his death after you knock him out, or explosions/robots/etc killing someone after you knock them out all will fail your pacifist achievement, but you won't know it until the end.

Keep lots of saves, always check the bodies of anyone you knock out (preferably try to just ghost everything and not even touch anyone), and if you accidently kill someone you have to reload from earlier if you want pacifist. Foxiest is even harder, with a lot of hidden alarm triggers and maybe failing a hack will disable foxiest.


Gold Member
Yeah, for a game that depends quite a bit on statistics, it's beyond daft that there is no stat menu that shows kills/knockouts, time played, e-books read, minutes crouched, etc.

How hard can it be?
Is my game bugged or on the
return to Prague
is everything reset? For instance,
lady in the bar forgot I previously gave her neuro and gave me the code I already have. guy I trade in my breach software gave his initial spiel again.


Looking for meaning in GAF
Is my game bugged or on the
return to Prague
is everything reset? For instance,
lady in the bar forgot I previously gave her neuro and gave me the code I already have. guy I trade in my breach software gave his initial spiel again.
I think it's mostly a dialogue thing. The gun vendors in both north and south Prague act like they've never seen me before either, and consistently act like I'm not buying anything from them even if I did.
This game throws waaaay too many credits and items at you, and there's no reason to buy anything besides Praxis/Crafting Parts since you can get more than enough of everything else by exploring or looting bodies. I have 50k credits and nothing to spend it on (Deus Ex difficulty).

It's been awhile since I played HR but I don't remember it being this way.


I finished it after 59 hours, and I had a blast. I know I didn't set an alarm off and don't have the tutorial in the menu, but still didn't get my Foxiest achievement - sadness. But I had an incredible time - Prague is so dense, with ample room to explore every corner. I didn't use enough of the new augs, so I'll save those for a violent second playthrough - I really liked the story. I got wholely invested in the Illuminati spy craziness, watched all the Picus news reports, ready every newspaper, email and ebook I could find - some of it is really well written.

I wish there was more story exposition for important narrative characters like Rucker, Miller and Marchenko but it was serviceable. I like Jensen a lot, I like his cool detachment from everything - and I want to replay it to make some different side mission choices. It was definitely on the Easy side, but I kind of loved feeling a bit over powered, cloaked and all. The suspicious status cover takedowns never got old for me. New Game Plus is also a fun option to have, can't wait to use all the upgrades when starting over!

I loved Human Revolution. And in a lot of ways, I like Mankind Divided even more. I can see the disappointment with the abrupt ending, or lack of closure - but I'm ready for a trilogy. So many different avenues of approach in a sense environment makes gameplay a lot of fun. Bravo Eidos- Montreal!

Is probably coolest I done so far pretty interesting lore wise.

Now to make my story mission choice hmmm

Honestly, what it leads to made me smile. I really hope it's not the end of that side mission (as in, it comes back in DLC or even in the next game).
How long is Desperate Measures?

When it's the most appropriate story time to play it?

It's about 30 minutes long. Story wise it fits right after you
investigate the train station bombing.
Personally I'd just leave it until after you're done with the game. It doesn't really have much relevance to the story and was built as a standalone side mission.
It's about 30 minutes long. Story wise it fits right after you
investigate the train station bombing.
Personally I'd just leave it until after you're done with the game. It doesn't really have much relevance to the story and was built as a standalone side mission.

I'd disagree, if you're still early in the game I'd recommend playing it now. Story-wise and difficulty-wise it's very much an early game mission and fits in perfectly with the main plot right after the section spindoctor has spoiler-tagged above, I don't think you'd get much out of it waiting til you finish the game to play it. Also personally I found the early game a little too heavy on side missions and running back and forth across Prague talking to people, so I found it made a nice change of pace before the main story finally picks up later on, although obviously it's a bit awkward accessing it from the main menu.



I took a break from the game to play RE4 so I thought doing this side mission might get me back in the groove before loading my main save.


I got Foxiest and Pacifist and I definitely saw drones kill NPCs in the sewer (one was named) I think in the bottom Prague section. Then they were "searching" for a while but never got hostile towards me.
I also went down the hole after the meeting.

I thought for sure I would miss out on both trophies but I lucked out.


BioShock Infinite is like playing some homeless guy's vivid imagination
Can I start a new game on a different difficulty without my current campaign saves being deleted?


How many bosses are in this game? I've done all side missions and have found/know of (big spoilers)
at least 2, Daria if you don't talk her down and the last boss. Any others?


I find it kinda hilarious that you can complete the entire game with an empty inventory. Although battery management could be a pain without its full aug upgrade and/or Biocells.


I completed the game yesterday. Took out most enemies in the game with non-lethal methods (except some parts of the third visit to Prague and the timed section at the very end). Got pacifist and foxiest of the hounds after a playtime of 95 hours.

I don't understand how anyone who took their time exploring can be disappointed with the game length. It is a good thing that they offer major shortcuts in most mission areas. I can see how it would be possible to ghost through the game in eight hours or so, but it makes no sense to call the game short after having played it like that.

The only weak section in the game for me was the second visit to Prague. It looked really nice with the nighttime setting, but I had already explored everything thoroughly on my first visit and there was no "twist" like the third time. I think that the game would have benefitted from a progression of hacking abilities that was partly tied to completion of main story missions, to leave more stuff to explore for the second visit to Prague. This could have been combined with some additional areas, such as a couple more security tiers on the Palisade Property Bank or expanded hostile areas of the TF29 HQ.

The balancing of credits and praxis felt off as well, but it didn't feel like these issues had a large impact on the experience. Weapons should probably sell for less, and some additional super high end merchants would have given more purpose to the credit hunt. The weapon upgrade systems could have more tiers, more compatible weapons and larger requirements for crafting parts to give more purpose to the in-game economy as well. Regarding praxis, I would have slowed down the praxis rewards for experience gains and placed more in the environment as rewards for exploration.

Palisade Property Bank was the highpoint of the game for me. The Deus Ex game systems really shine when you have complex layers of non-hostile and hostile areas that are intermingled, guarded by advanced security systems and densely connected via various shortcuts.

The social enhancement aug is horrible. I am too much of a completionist to go without it, but it reduces the unique conversation battles to a trivial exercise of watching a couple of blinking lights. Should totally be removed without any kind of replacement for the next game.

The game has an issue with invisible borders. I hated that the first mission in the game is one of the worst offenders here, but it continues to be a problem through the whole experience, especially if you try and build box towers and use the Icarus dash. If Dishonored can make environments fully explorable, why can't Mankind Divided?

I guess I am sounding pretty negative the last couple of paragraphs, but the overall experience was fantastic. I can't speak for people who played the game as a first person shooter, but as a control freak predator style stealth RPG the experience Mankind Divided has to offer is second to none. The sidequests felt really well-done from a story perspective compared with the last game. They offer a real open world setting with Prague, compared with the corridor cities of the last game. Despite the open world, the main story is paced wonderfully imo.

It makes me sad that the game doesn't seem to be doing all that well commercially ... It is probably my GOTY thus far in 2016, and I warmly recommend it for anyone who is a fan of stealth games, RPGs, the original Deus Ex or reboot Deus Ex.


Completed the game on "I Never Asked For This". That's playthrough #7.

I'm a little paranoid, because now that we know that Square/Eidos is tracking every single player decision, I'm gonna do an other playthrough with, in my eyes, perfect choices. Gonna be stealth/pacifist with all side missions.

Really wonder how Eidos will pick the decisions for the sequel, because if they go with the majority of player choices, I probably won't like that. The average person probably doesn't explore the game like some of us are, they ignore Side Quests, they kill off certain people, etc. etc.

I guess I am sounding pretty negative the last couple of paragraphs, but the overall experience was fantastic. I can't speak for people who played the game as a first person shooter, but as a control freak predator style stealth RPG the experience Mankind Divided has to offer is second to none. The sidequests felt really well-done from a story perspective compared with the last game. They offer a real open world setting with Prague, compared with the corridor cities of the last game. Despite the open world, the main story is paced wonderfully imo.

It makes me sad that the game doesn't seem to be doing all that well commercially ... It is probably my GOTY thus far in 2016, and I warmly recommend it for anyone who is a fan of stealth games, RPGs, the original Deus Ex or reboot Deus Ex.

Agreed with your post completely. If you love a game, then you sometimes find yourself seeing the smaller issues and you start imagining how it could have been even better.

The things that bugged me most were loading times, going through the same conversation with marchants every single time instead them remembering who you are and the fact (End Game Spoilers)
that you can't free-roam in Prague after the game is over.
Edit: I forgot the unneccessary Breach mode.

It also makes me sad that the game is not doing that great. I think they need to sell 3 Million Copies (at full price probably) to break even, iirc. I hope they can do that + more. But of course the game was tinted with all sorts of Square Enix'es bullshit. The whole Pre-order stuff that luckily failed, stupid Microtransactions and Day 1 DLC. They should have spent those ressources on marketing the game better. Instead, they pissed of many people.


Unconfirmed Member
Finished my first playthrough. Had a very good time with, like 99.5% of the game...and then,

I was forced into a boss fight with Marchenko. Goddamit...I audibly sighed and dropped my head.

And it was all going so well...I had stealthed my way through the whole game...I mean sure I got spotted a few times, used my Stun Gun a bit, used my non-lethal Typhoon twice (against the Dvali), but on the whole I had avoided any combat and I had successfully used my speech Aug every chance I got. And it even looked like it was giving me a choice! As Marchenko squared up for a brawl I got a timed choice between using the signal jammer that Stanek gave me (after I talked her down), or fighting. So I thought it would be cool, I thought I would use the jammer to stop him detonating the bombs, then educate the big dumb lump of muscle into submission. But no. No dice. I was forced to fight him...

Just...what a missed opportunity. Why? Why force a boss fight on us, especially after everyone hated them in Human Revolution (and Eidos themselves openly acknowledged the fact that everyone hated them)? God only knows what they were thinking.

But anyway, that aside, I had a great time with Mankind Divided. I'll go through it again, trying for the perfect(ish) stealth run. I like where the story is going and I look forward to the next instalment (which is hopefully in the works).


The things that bugged me most were loading times, going through the same conversation with marchants every single time instead them remembering who you are and the fact (End Game Spoilers)
that you can't free-roam in Prague after the game is over.
Edit: I forgot the unneccessary Breach mode.

Yeah, the bolded got pretty annoying. I agree about the spoiler tagged part as well. Could, in fact, have been extended to all areas in the game, like in Rise of the Tomb Raider. Would have made it at least theoretically possible to get the ebooks without closely following a guide.


Just...what a missed opportunity. Why? Why force a boss fight on us, especially after everyone hated them in Human Revolution (and Eidos themselves openly acknowledged the fact that everyone hated them)? God only knows what they were thinking.

It's a Deus Ex game, boss fights are just part of the package. The complaint about HR was not that it had boss fights, it's that boss fights forced you to go toe to toe and murder the boss no matter what. That's no longer the case, you have more ways to handle the final boss including non-lethal, and you don't even have to actually fight him at all. His design is very much like Anna's and Gunther's.
I just wish acquiring the kill switch would be a more elaborate process with several steps involved, maybe spread throughout the whole game.

Funnily enough for most people I discussed the game with, the complaint was that it
only had one boss fight (two if you count Daria,)
not that it shouldn't have any.


Unconfirmed Member
It's a Deus Ex game, boss fights are just part of the package. The complaint about HR was not that it had boss fights, it's that boss fights forced you to go toe to toe and murder the boss no matter what. That's no longer the case, you have more ways to handle the final boss including non-lethal, and you don't even have to actually fight him at all. His design is very much like Anna's and Gunther's.
I just wish acquiring the kill switch would be a more elaborate process with several steps involved, maybe spread throughout the whole game.

Funnily enough for most people I discussed the game with, the complaint was that it
only had one boss fight (two if you count Daria,)
not that it shouldn't have any.

In my frustration I worded that poorly.
My actual complaint is that I never even got the chance to talk him down. I think I should have had that chance.

Also, I never came across a kill switch. What does it do, shut down his Augments?


In my frustration I worded that poorly.
My actual complaint is that I never even got the chance to talk him down. I think I should have had that chance.

Also, I never came across a kill switch. What does it do, shut down his Augments?

He explodes.


Completed the game on "I Never Asked For This". That's playthrough #7.

I'm a little paranoid, because now that we know that Square/Eidos is tracking every single player decision, I'm gonna do an other playthrough with, in my eyes, perfect choices. Gonna be stealth/pacifist with all side missions.

Really wonder how Eidos will pick the decisions for the sequel, because if they go with the majority of player choices, I probably won't like that. The average person probably doesn't explore the game like some of us are, they ignore Side Quests, they kill off certain people, etc. etc.

Agreed with your post completely. If you love a game, then you sometimes find yourself seeing the smaller issues and you start imagining how it could have been even better.

The things that bugged me most were loading times, going through the same conversation with marchants every single time instead them remembering who you are and the fact (End Game Spoilers)
that you can't free-roam in Prague after the game is over.
Edit: I forgot the unneccessary Breach mode.

It also makes me sad that the game is not doing that great. I think they need to sell 3 Million Copies (at full price probably) to break even, iirc. I hope they can do that + more. But of course the game was tinted with all sorts of Square Enix'es bullshit. The whole Pre-order stuff that luckily failed, stupid Microtransactions and Day 1 DLC. They should have spent those ressources on marketing the game better. Instead, they pissed of many people.

Jesus christ


About 10 hours in, really enjoying it so far. Playing on hard and have turned the radar off, stealth is wayyyy too easy with it on, basically no challenge at all.
I'm right near the end, I think - no spoilers, but I've just been told to go back to my apartment and wait to hear what happens next - and when I start the loading to travel to the station near my home, the game crashes. Repeatedly, can't do anything about it. This isn't the same train crash bug as earlier, from what I can gather?

Am I screwed? Am I already dead?


Damn the game didn't mention anything about company keycards crap going miss some interesting lore I bet because I only got TYM card.
Okay, just beaten the game.

I understand all complaints about the ending.

Other than that? Potential Game of the year, with Ratchet & Clank and Doom. Loved every moment, liked the story. Plus I got Pacifist on my first play, I actually think I missed out on Foxiest while in Dubai, which is a massive pain. Missed an ebook while I was there too. Going to play the game again on NG+. Get collectibles, trophies, make different choices for a new ending because I really enjoyed going through it. Just...the way it ended. Bleh. Obvious sequel hook.


Does it count as a kill if you stun/tranq an enemy and he dies through some other means? I knocked out an enemy in one of the larger sewer areas, he collapsed to the ground right on the edge of his platform, and then rolled off the edge pretty far down. At the time I just ignored it and moved on, but later I realized I should have checked to see if he was still alive.
Does it count as a kill if you stun/tranq an enemy and he dies through some other means? I knocked out an enemy in one of the larger sewer areas, he collapsed to the ground right on the edge of his platform, and then rolled off the edge pretty far down. At the time I just ignored it and moved on, but later I realized I should have checked to see if he was still alive.

I don't think so. I got the pacifist trophy even though at one point I stunned three enemies and then threw their unconscious bodies from the third floor of the apartment complex.

Terrified the poor people down in the lobby though.


I don't think so. I got the pacifist trophy even though at one point I stunned three enemies and then threw their unconscious bodies from the third floor of the apartment complex.

Terrified the poor people down in the lobby though.

That's good to know. Thanks!


I don't think so. I got the pacifist trophy even though at one point I stunned three enemies and then threw their unconscious bodies from the third floor of the apartment complex.

Terrified the poor people down in the lobby though.

Did you check that they actually died? I was really careful about monitoring the health of my knockout:ees personally. No stack of unconscious bodies was left unattended without confirming the zz augmented reality info for each individual. I had to load my save five or so times during my playthrough when someone was accidentally killed due to unfortunate collision. The only mistake that I left in was one civilian that was killed by a police officer in third visit Prague, but I still got pacifist.
Beat the game today. Played it the same as HR: Give me Deus Ex, stealth/non-lethal and did almost everything (missed 1 side quest). Explored quite a bit of Prague too.

Total playtime was 24 hours, vs 19 hours for HR. Kind of funny that this game is the "short one".


I'm at end game now after 3rd Prague visit and it taken about same length as HR maybe longer with how dense the areas are. Not buying it short and seems the game telegraphs you near end clear enough



So I'm at literally the last big choice you make in the game. I decided to take a break and come back. After loading the save again THIS is what I see (linked because major end-game spoilers).


That and Jensen seems to be running on the spot as the walking animation is still playing. So I go back to a previous save and whilst the utter mish-mash of bullshit is gone the FOV is still low as fuck (despite the settings menu saying it's 100%) and my mouse cursor is visible on screen. I haven't tried any saves before that point (the final mission) and I'd rather not to as they're before the entire final level even begins.

Ugh, I was so enjoying the last mission as well.

EDIT: So a complete game reload seems to have fixed the issue. Still, I haven't seen a game shit itself that badly for a while.
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