Same.I hope the pc version is reviewed by some outlet.
I'm buying the PC version.Unless you plan on getting MD a considerable amount of time after release, you should be ok. All copies of the game on release comes with the Covert Agent pack which includes the 3 outfit changes.
Oh shit Adam catching up with a old friendSo it looks like the end of Human Revolution hadSarif.Panchea collapsing and being destroyed with Sarif barely surviving and Jensen being presumed dead for a year. So I guess it did go with one of the endings.
Well, shit. There are spoilers floating around already.
I hope the pc version is reviewed by some outlet.
I hope the pc version is reviewed by some outlet.
The new Augmentations tab looks a lot better and slicker than HR. Loving it!
So I never finished HR before my PS3 died. Got a good deal on this so will play, is there a single ending I need to watch beforehand?
Four? I have seen three, bow do I trigger the fourth one?No, the new one combines all 4 of em.
Here I can open up a spoiler thread. How do you do the email trick for posts? I'll just link the stream that way
Four? I have seen three, bow do I trigger the fourth one?
Early impressions are off-the-charts positive. Honestly can't wait for this game, Human Revolution was so good!
Deus Ex 1 is my favourite game ever
I even kinda enjoyed invisible war
loved Human Revolution
and I am pretty sure I will love this, GOTG material for me
I am not in super hype mode, yet, though, because I am in blackout mode for this, still can't wait
I don't know if it was your intention, but that post came off as really snarky and dickish. Anyway, here's the link.gonna need a link to those impressions
I don't know if it was your intention, but that post came off as really snarky and dickish. Anyway, here's the link.
Alright, by bad then. hope you enjoy the link, those impressions got me excitedthat wasnt my intention at all, no idea how you got that, was just asking a question lol. thanks for the link
This is from the user part of a DXMD PS4 community I'm in that has the game I was talking about last night.
He didn't download the day 1 patch though so I'm not sure how big that is or what the patch notes are.
I might break my no-new-games rule and pick this up at launch.
How long does it take to beat the first one? I've started it twice but never got very far.
Hype in the Shell.I'm so excited for this that I can barely feel a thing. I've transcended hype.
I might break my no-new-games rule and pick this up at launch.
How long does it take to beat the first one? I've started it twice but never got very far.
The game is out there already?
Mankind Divided has a pretty deep and thorough recap for Human Revolution, around 16 minutes long. lol
15-25 Hours, depends on how you play it
Hey guys what's going o-
Spoilers, huh?
Seeya after the 23rd! 🏃
What the fuck the strategy guide is being made by Prima. Why the hell isnt Future Press making it again?
I feel like I'd be more hyped if Jensen wasn't the protag again. Dude is so boring.