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Devil May Cry 3 Images



The 2nd batch of screens you posted look awesome..But the first batch, especially that dragon looking thing look pretty bad.


ninge said:
PS2 is really starting to show it's age now..

Thats how i felt, but you gotta see this game in motion. Its pure sex. Its really nice, but something about the engine makes me think they made it so that they could easily port it to other systems.
Capcom's had terrible caps of their games all this generation. It doesn't matter what system the games for, the caps make them look much worse than what they look like when you're playing them.


Oh i realise the captures are ass-tacular but even so.. the first DMC was awsome when i first saw it. This just looks so, well.. dated.

Roll on the next generation :)


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Doom_Bringer said:
looks really bad even compared to dmc!

WTf is capcom thinkin? DMC Graphics > DMC 2 and 3

Not in motion...

The game looks suprisingly nice when running, as opposed to DMC2. Unlike last gen, though, as the games become dated they can still manage to look good. I mean, this may not be pushing anything close to what the top hardware is doing these days...but at least it is 60 fps and animates beautifully. As PSX aged, it REALLY aged...that isn't the case here.

I hate using this comparison, but this shot looks like something on the PSone.

You're right, that shot ALMOST does (though the main character is way too detailed). However, once again, in motion is looks nice. That is some sort of ice dino/dragon or something and it looks fine in the trailer.


Queen of Denmark
I've never seen it in motion, but I'm having trouble thinking of a much worse-looking recent PS2 game than how DMC3 looks in these screenshots.

It's not even the grab quality -- that dinosaur-type creature looks like it's made of four polygons.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
human5892 said:
I've never seen it in motion, but I'm having trouble thinking of a much worse-looking recent PS2 game than how DMC3 looks in these screenshots.

It's not even the grab quality -- that dinosaur-type creature looks like it's made of four polygons.

Then go watch the trailer!

It absolutely crushes DMC2 (which looked awful).


Lord Error

Insane For Sony
I've never seen it in motion, but I'm having trouble thinking of a much worse-looking recent PS2 game than how DMC3 looks in these screenshots.
You should see it in motion though. That scene in the rain looks just incredible (if that's real time to begin with).


Queen of Denmark
*watches it in motion*
Okay, that's not as bad as I thought it would be. But there's still some pretty angular stuff going on, whether it's intentional (stylistic) or not.
Marconelly said:
You should see it in motion though. That scene in the rain looks just incredible (if that's real time to begin with).

It is, you can tell just by how it looks at the beginning when you see Dante (i'm guessing that him) running across with a clsoe up of his legs. It still looks amazing though. Especially the lighting.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
But there's still some pretty angular stuff going on
Yeah, many of the models look really low poly, but so they were in other DMCs. On the other hand, they are putting the emphasis on all the crazy ligting and effects.


Borg Artiste
just as long as it's fun and challenging with some attitude, unlike the awful sequel

and the jeans tucked into the combat boots is awesome and hilarious


looks disgusting, to be honest, but the trailer looked so cool, i'll pretend these didn't exist, or will look better in motion :p

Doc Holliday

SPOILER: Columbus finds America
I wish they would have kept the costume design from DMC 1...dont like the bare chest + trenchcoat look.


works for Gamestop (lol)
Capcom yet again releases another shitty batch of pics. Or is it cause it's on PS2? tsc tsc

BTW, they showed the E3 trailer on G4techtv last night
Doc Holliday said:
I wish they would have kept the costume design from DMC 1...dont like the bare chest + trenchcoat look.

It helps appeal to the ladies. :p But it's pre DMC, so I guess he didn't get a shirt till then.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
trippingmartian said:
Soul Calibur still looks better than this turd.

It's a fighting game you twat...and DMC3 is actually pushing more polys and effects anyways. :p

There is nothing like this on Dreamcast. I dare you to find me an action/adventure style game on DC with more detailed models and effects that runs at 60 fps. I dare you.

Seriously, though...the fact that you prefer the visuals in Soul Calibur doesn't mean jack. TECHNICALLY speaking, DMC3 is beyond Soul Calibur in virtually every way (outside of image quality). I hope you aren't judging this game based on shitty internet pictures...
DMC's gameplay make me cry. Awful overrated pile of a series. Dante character design has always been nice, though. It's the only redeeming quality of the series I can think of.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
trippingmartian said:
DMC's gameplay make me cry. Awful overrated pile of a series. Dante character design has always been nice, though. It's the only redeeming quality of the series I can think of.

I'm not a huge fan of DMC either. Actually, I hate most of Capcom's "action/adventures".

DMC is easily the best of the bunch THIS gen. It crushes all Onimusha games, Dino Crisis 3, and all Resident Evil titles (outside of the upcoming RE4, which should be great). I haven't been able to force myself through any of those...

DMC had some serious flaws, but it was the best of the bunch.


neptunes said:

Isn't that supposed to be the hellhound Cerberus (spelling)?

Also the game looks great in the videos, don't see what everyone's bitching about (especially after the terrible looking DMC2).


It does look good in motion, but at this point the art direction is what's really carrying this. I just don't think they'll be able to squeeze anything more out of the PS2 to make a notable improvement visually over the first and second one.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
lordmrw said:
It does look good in motion, but at this point the art direction is what's really carrying this. I just don't think they'll be able to squeeze anything more out of the PS2 to make a notable improvement visually over the first and second one.

It isn't that there isn't any more power to squeeze...it is that they do not seem to be able to do it.


the screen grabs are asstastic, but it looks fine in motion. and at least this time around it reminds me more of the original DMC, which is a good thing. i still preffer the original design for Dante though...this is just fruity.
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