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Devil May Cry 4 |OT| of daring to defy your savior


Have a fun! Enjoy!
360 version is better antialiased.
PS3 stutters very briefly from time to time. Not so the 360 version.
Textures seem a tad bit better on 360 version as well.

They a pretty close overall, but 360 version shows an edge. At least in these demos.
McDragon said:
his clothes look sharper on the 360 version.

or is that a blur on the ps3 version?

Somebody should take a picture when the Frosts encase themselves in the ice shield.

PS3 version does ice better...confirmed.


Hahaha, for Gold subscribers only.


Can't wait for Sony and Nintendo to drive your greedy fuck ass right the hell out of the console business. Goddamn it.


First up is the fire monster. Textures are better on 360 (wtf at his sword though on 360..) 360 ver hides aliasing better too.



More coming soon. Ice monsters next.


TTP said:
360 version is better antialiased.
PS3 stutters very briefly from time to time. Not so the 360 version.
Textures seem a tad bit better on 360 version as well.

They a pretty close overall, but 360 version shows an edge. At least in these demos.
Doesn't matter,it's the gameplay that matters!!!


Dot50Cal said:
ALL textures look higher res on 360 if those shots are proper. Will know in a sec, just finished my 360 play through.

Without seeing these screens, I saw the difference when I played both, but only in the snow level. Rocks seem to have higher resolution textures, and also the snow (ground) to me.


Mawio Gawaxy iz da Wheeson hee pways games
You guys are freakin' sad.

Unless it's anything other than a minuscule graphical differences, or a framerate related problem that affects gameplay, why does anyone care?


It was an interesting thread, untill the useless comparison came up.

Next-gen = spending more time counting grass than playing
Draft said:
Hahaha, for Gold subscribers only.


Can't wait for Sony and Nintendo to drive your greedy fuck ass right the hell out of the console business. Goddamn it.
i wonder if that's why Capcom pushed the demo up a week?

so that silver members could play it before launch...


Everyone likes comparisons until their platform of love loses.

GODDAMN IT I want to punch my Xbox right now.
Well 1st play through complete (10 mins sucks but meh) and im impressed. Graphics are awesome, smooth as a babies rear end, animations are fluid (except Nero's jump which looks kinda wonky to me) and the gameplay is stupid amounts of fun. Might as well go get my ass handed to me by that fire dude now..


Thunderbear said:
You guys are freakin' sad.

Unless it's anything other than a minuscule graphical differences, or a framerate related problem that affects gameplay, why does anyone care?

Because some of us own both consoles and want the best experience. Don't like seeing it? Then get out.





Ice Monsters AREN'T better on PS3, they were just in a different ice state at the time. Its also worth noting that the lighting on the top picture is quite different on the PS3, and I do believe I see a rendering error in regards to a shadow on the wall in the PS3 version.


On the subject of comparisons, am I the only one that honestly can't see a real difference and thinks people are maybe seeing what they want to see? They both look the same to me.


Thunderbear said:
You guys are freakin' sad.

Unless it's anything other than a minuscule graphical differences, or a framerate related problem that affects gameplay, why does anyone care?

Some of us have both consoles and want the best possible version. For some of us the controller will be the defining variable, for others the visuals. Sure, some use it as an avenue to flaunt their fanboy ass-hattery about but there are those with legitimate reasons for scoping this stuff out; like preordering special editions for a start.
man....played through the demo.....

everything fit like a fucking glove :D

oh and yes yes does controller make a big difference in experience....like just recently I had to quit playing 360 version of Assassin's Creed as shit was just too uncomfortable, so I switched to the PS3 sku instead


Narcosis said:
On the subject of comparisons, am I the only one that honestly can't see a real difference and thinks people are maybe seeing what they want to see? They both look the same to me.

Look at the cathedral in the background of the ice picture. Textures are universally resized on the PS3 version.


Controller and load times trump whatever marginal difference these screens display.

Playing both and it's clearly evident than they look indistinguishable in motion. Sharper textures in one screen, less aliasing in another, less weird artifacts on the boss's sword and better ice monsters aren't going to make a damn bit of difference on your enjoyment of the game. Not having to deal with as long of loads and controller preference will, however.


Looks like the 360 version crept up and overtook the PS3 version visually. Which is really odd consider the last comparison videos showed the PS3 version looking a bit better.

Oh well, looking forward to playing it.

Narcosis said:
On the subject of comparisons, am I the only one that honestly can't see a real difference and thinks people are maybe seeing what they want to see? They both look the same to me.

The difference isn't massive, but it's pretty clear.
Narcosis said:
On the subject of comparisons, am I the only one that honestly can't see a real difference and thinks people are maybe seeing what they want to see? They both look the same to me.
i played thru both demos, switching inputs and couldn't see a difference.

in that fire shot and the buttons shot i can see a slight difference.

i mean, it's really nitpicking now.

sharp knees.
Narcosis said:
On the subject of comparisons, am I the only one that honestly can't see a real difference and thinks people are maybe seeing what they want to see? They both look the same to me.

I was sold on getting the PS3 version until these screenshots started coming out. The 360 has an obvious edge in anti-aliasing so I'll be getting that version. It might be the TV I have, but I've noticed that MOST PS3 games show aliasing more than 360 games. For instance, Gears of War shows almost no aliasing, PGR3 looks like ass (where on my old TV, no aliasing was visible at all), the only other game that has clean GOW edges on the PS3 that I've seen is Resistance.

I'm going to download both demos and see if the aliasing issue manifests itself on my TV. If it doesn't, I'm going with the PS3 version for the controller.


C- Warrior said:
Dot Cal,

take a screen-cap when the frost enemies during combat.

That's a good point, aren't those screencaps all from cinematics, and DMC does cinematics a little differently?


Dot50Cal said:
Look at the cathedral in the background of the ice picture. Textures are universally resized on the PS3 version.

The difference is clear.

However I cannot tell the texture difference on the fire monster in first pictures.

360 version has 2xAA or 4xAA?


Snah said:
Controller and load times trump whatever marginal difference these screens display.

Playing both and it's clearly evident than they look indistinguishable in motion. Sharper textures in one screen, less aliasing in another, less weird artifacts on the boss's sword and better ice monsters aren't going to make a damn bit of difference on your enjoyment of the game. Not having to deal with as long of loads and controller preference will, however.

360 load times are minuscule, although it's off the HDD so the retail version might be different (it generally isn't different in my experience of these types of games, but you never know). How much do the 360 and PS3 load times vary in your play-throughs? (I don't have much download limit left, so I haven't downloaded the PS3 demo yet)

Controller is obviously a personal preference.
FFChris said:
That's a good point, aren't those screencaps all from cinematics, and DMC does cinematics a little differently?

Both systems are generating the cutscenes in real-time (the ps3 version has more aliasing issues in the castle shot).

However -- it's rendered difficulty because in cutscenes, you don't have to worry about combat/enemy animations, or things like A.I, hit detection. You're just generating polygons and textures, nothing else unlike actual gameplay.


Dot50Cal said:
Better shaders on 360 as well.

Better shaders on the 360 here? Doesn't look like it from those pics.

Interesting, I see no superior texture quality in this comparison. Ice monsters on the PS3 version do look superior. But who cares? Not really worth arguing over. IMHO, If you have a PS3, get the PS3 version. Otherwise, if you only have a 360, the 360 version is basically identical. Having one version or the other isn't going to matter much at all in terms of your enjoyment.


C- Warrior said:
Both systems are generating the cutscenes in real-time (the ps3 version has more aliasing issues in the castle shot).

However -- it's rendered difficulty because in cutscenes, you don't have to worry about combat/enemy animations, or things like A.I, hit detection. You're just generating polygons and textures, nothing else unlike actual gameplay.

I see. Well, thanks for the ingame shots dot50cal. The 360s IQ is really impressive.


Snah said:
Controller and load times trump whatever marginal difference these screens display.

Playing both and it's clearly evident than they look indistinguishable in motion. Sharper textures in one screen, less aliasing in another, less weird artifacts on the boss's sword and better ice monsters aren't going to make a damn bit of difference on your enjoyment of the game. Not having to deal with as long of loads and controller preference will, however.


Anyway, the game is fucking awesome. I lost to Berial during my first attempt. He did some crazy attack that took away about 75% of my health. Tried the mission again and kicked his ass! Gotta try again to do the slam attack. I'm impressed, I know others have said that they're not impressed with the graphics, but wow, they look exceptional to me. Nero kicks ass, snatch will make for some godly combos.
burgerdog said:

Anyway, the game is fucking awesome. I lost to Berial during my first attempt. He did some crazy attack that took away about 75% of my health. Tried the mission again and kicked his ass! Gotta try again to do the slam attack. I'm impressed, I know others have said that they're not impressed with the graphics, but wow, they look exceptional to me. Nero kicks ass, snatch will make for some godly combos.

Picking up Berial, slamming his face down -- at 60 fps, with no slowdown, or tearing -- to me, is better than some game that's barely chugging at 30 fps that does shadows better.

Good job Capcom.

Doc Evils said:
I just noticed capcom did not include any enviroment shadows. lame could of just baked them there.

what about at the start of mode 1 (10 minute timer)

the lighting is coming through the fence and you see it adjust over Nero as he runs through the corridor?
Draft said:
So the 360 version is visually superior, and locked out to us poors without XBL Gold. What a world.

Barely. And it's a give and take. The frosts look better on PS3, but Berial looks better on 360.

Ultimately, it comes down to controller. And while the 360 controller is fine, let me just say this -- if I had my Ps3, I'd probably get the PS3 version.

But 360's online interface is cool.


Draft said:
So the 360 version is visually superior, and locked out to us poors without XBL Gold. What a world.

The wait will make it all the more sweeter.
At least, that's how I try and get by =(

Sho Nuff

Sup fools

Running both through fixed pixel 720p projector, both calibrated identically:

+Might be using AF, visible on floor textures
-Drops quite a few frames during camera move over flaming cars in city street

-Bad crawling on high-detail textures on floor (when you go into the cathedral), move camera up and down and you'll see what I mean
+During flaming cars in city street segment, only drops frame once

Cutscenes are locked at 30fps on 360 but on PS3 they run anywhere from 30 to 60 inconsistently.

Whatever FSAA technique they are using is EVER so slightly smoother on 360, most visible in the cathedral with the 3/4s view where you pick up the skull. The lines are a little more jagged on the PS3 there.

Let's see if you can tell the difference:



This one's from that previous comparison which was just um, wrong


edit: holy crap dot50cal, I want your capture equipment


antiloop said:
Why not use PNG for comparisons?

Hardware limitation. Since the game moves so fast theres no point I can just capture and have it be exactly 1:1 on both games. I have to record them first, which places small artifacts in the pictures. So I choose to go with JPG, since they already have small artifacts in them.

I dont know wtf happened here. It looks like the 360 applied some terrible puke inducing sharpening on the character models, while the PS3 applied mind numbing blur. Engine bug?




_dementia said:
Game seems fun, if a bit samey to DMC3.

So basically you are saying the game is fucking awesome. :D

Just got home downloading now! Can't wait to play it, seems like most of the people are really happy with the game.

@Dot50Cal: Thos last screens really look weird. 360 seems to have some sharpening while the PS3 one seems to have some motion blur (looking at the arm of fuck I don#t remeber his name :( )?
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