60 frames per second makes my heard hurt.
It's been that long since I've played a game at that framerate (sorry CoD 4, sometime later).
couple tips:
/\ pause-delay /\/\/\/\
/\ /\ pause-delay /\/\/\/\/\
Right Bumper + Foward + Y
Right Bumper + Back + Y
Right Bumper + Back + Press and hold Y
(in air)
Y, Y, Y (regular air attack)
Right Bumper + Foward + Y (in air) -- helm breaker.
good used to pressing right bumper -- it does a lot in conjunction with left stick foward or back etc.,
click in R3 for camera reset
Just - Rev Mechanic
Y (during the initial slash animation, press Left Trigger) -- this immediatley revs the sword meter up one bar. You can quickly couple that into a revved up STREAK (Right Bumper + Foward + Y)
I believe dahbom mentioned helm breaker (R.Bumper + Foward + Y -- IN AIR---) but he didn't mention the JUST-REV mechanic, which IS FUCKIN' ADDICTIVE!