Devil May Cry 4 SE: Vergil, Trish & Lady Playable, Release Date 18th of June


Santa May Claus



No. He looks to be pausing after the second or third hit, and then does and additional 1 or 2-hit Streak from the start up position.

It could be that it's a redirection point? He can actually shift directions for the final two hits or so if you input a different command/direction?

The Lady and Trish video is blocked for me. :( Someone please cap it before the Capcops find out!


She has a R&C Ryno-like missile volley with Kalina Ann, different from Hysteric.

Wow, with Lady it doesn't even look like a DMC game anymore.

Edit: Trish has a vertical Roundtrip. This game. THIS GAME!

It could be that it's a redirection point? He can actually shift directions for the final two hits or so if you input a different command/direction?

The Lady and Trish video is blocked for me. :( Someone please cap it before the Capcops find out!

Can you use a proxy?

Someone find a way to upload this on Dailymotion or Youtube.


Should we make a new topic for this? I mean, is posting it bannable in any way?

Edit: Screw it, posting it now. I'll remove it if there's a problem.


Trish's vertical round trip move actually pulls in enemies. I assume this is the move that the DTOID article mentioned about "scooping up" enemies.


What's that special charge attack Lady is doing?

She kneels down, glows yellow and then there is a big explosion that takes out a lot of enemies. It doesn't seem be using charge shots or DT.


What's that special charge attack Lady is doing?

She kneels down, glows yellow and then there is a big explosion that takes out a lot of enemies. It doesn't seem be using charge shots or DT.

It's her super move that replaces Devil Trigger.


So all the characters seem to have unique meters.

Nero- Exceed
Dante - Royal Guard and Disaster
Vergil - Concentration
Lady - Charge Bullets
Trish - Lightning? Not sure but when she is using certain attacks it looks like the sphere next to her life bar is draining.

Either that, or we're getting ourselves a nice preview of what things will be like in 5.

*fingers crossed*


So all the characters seem to have unique meters.

Nero- Exceed
Dante - Royal Guard and Disaster
Vergil - Concentration
Lady - Charge Bullets
Trish - Lightning? Not sure but when she is using certain attacks it looks like the sphere next to her life bar is draining.

*fingers crossed*

trish's bar is a round harvest timer

interesting that she's got the sparda stinger at the end of her combo though (or what it looked to be like anyhow)

the main thing i'm wondering now is if lady's enemy step is going to be a rocket jump also


So all the characters seem to have unique meters.

Nero- Exceed
Dante - Royal Guard and Disaster
Vergil - Concentration
Lady - Charge Bullets
Trish - Lightning? Not sure but when she is using certain attacks it looks like the sphere next to her life bar is draining.

Trish has standard DT, but her Pandora attacks also drain her DT gauge.


Santa May Claus
So all the characters seem to have unique meters.

Nero- Exceed
Dante - Royal Guard and Disaster
Vergil - Concentration
Lady - Charge Bullets
Trish - Lightning? Not sure but when she is using certain attacks it looks like the sphere next to her life bar is draining.

It makes sense that Trish has a simpler unique gauge since she's supposed to be an easier character to get a handle on.

As a Nero player, holy shit! Those perfect Max Exceeds. How!? What? Spooby Pls BibleThump.

She plays exactly how I wanted her to play. She's basically a refined Gunslinger
Trish is Swordmaster Giglamesh/Royalguard + Pandora

LDK mode is looking sexy. Need to download this video.

Editing post as I see stuff.
Trish's Devil Trigger adds additional hits to her Pandora (Revenge form).


Trish has standard DT, but her Pandora attacks also drain her DT gauge.

Expecting some of Lady's moves to do that as well.

It makes sense that Trish has a simpler unique gauge since she's supposed to be an easier character to get a handle on.

Looked again and so far at least two moves are accessing that gauge (round trip and that vacuum move), expecting to see more.

If she is using Sparda, which is assigned to the style button, for those moves then it may be a gauge for moves associated with that weapon.
Holy Son of Sparda. The size of Vergils Hightime hitbox!

Judging from the hit spark to the space Vergils sword occupies(Obviously DMC4 doesn't work like this but it's similar in context).

Not to mention the active frames come out much earlier than they look

13:50 Vergil has a Shoryureppa! XD
Holy Son of Sparda. The size of Vergils Hightime hitbox!

Judging from the hit spark to the space Vergils sword occupies(Obviously DMC4 doesn't work like this but it's similar in context).

Not to mention the active frames come out much earlier than they look

13:50 Vergil has a Shoryureppa! XD
Can someone gif the shoryureppa please..
Vergil remains the king of absurd hitboxes.


That flowchart gets me every fucking time!

Can someone gif the shoryureppa please..

Here you go :)


Praise be to Based Itsuno, Neo_G and the DMC team.

I anticipate the day when we get a Shippu Jinrai Kyaku, Misogi, Rolling Thunder, Kikoken or Seichusen Godanzuki.

No joke, Wesker, Chris, Jill and Josh all use Street Fighter moves in RE5: Mercenaries.


if DMC5 brings us multiple characters, I'd really love to see a new one based mostly on hand-to-hand. Different styles/stances for different movesets/approaches, so they can just dump all the SF and fighting game moves onto him or her. I want it all...


if DMC5 brings us multiple characters, I'd really love to see a new one based mostly on hand-to-hand. Different styles/stances for different movesets/approaches, so they can just dump all the SF and fighting game moves onto him or her. I want it all...

They should just add Gene from God Hand to the game.

Pretty much the hand-to-hand combat king.


Vergil really must be back in DMC 5 not as a prequel to DMC 1 but as a sequel.

Damn, he moves way better than Dante in DMC 4 SE. My opinion of course. :)


I tend to prefer Gilgamesh's style of charge to DMC3 Beowulf's(I quite like "Just Frame" moves, and am pretty consistent with Gilgamesh's Level 1 Just Charges), but I would have liked it if Rising Dragon was performable without a full "charge" like it was in DMC3.

Also, a quick comparison...

There's definitely a change there, since he goes at least one extra spin's worth of distance, which gives me hope that Nero and Dante have legitimate changes to their moves/properties.


Looks almost the same to me, two quick spins and one after that. Just better animation.
The new one has two mini spins before the final (3rd spin). This actually ends up propelling Nero further as well.

It's a definite change to the move though not a big one.
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