Devil May Cry 4 SE: Vergil, Trish & Lady Playable, Release Date 18th of June


The problem is that we dont even have DMC 5 announced and people are already saying he is going to be a slave to the series or should work on something else, a rest was needed but Itsuno is using his talent to work on a great series. after working on DmC and DD.

Well, I'm just being a bit more pragmatic about it. Itsuno and Neo_G stayed busy before, during and after the initial Itsuno-DMC run, on a variety of projects. Sometimes together, and others apart.

I really don't think that much is going to change.
Guy from Gameinformer said that while Vergil favors precise, expert players... Lady favors the opposite kind of players.

Lady for the scrubs confirmed!

Also he said that in order to give Trish versatility her moveset sort of feels overcrowded. Very interested to see these new characters play out.

We already sort of knew how Vergil would play out and they still managed to exceed expectation on that front... I hope they can do the same for Lady/Trish.
Well Vergil has to fill out the entire campaign so he's got to have a lot of shit.. I noticed they haven't shown Vergil's Dante's half of the campaign... I hope they have some surprises there because essentially we will be playing all the same bosses twice for one character..
probably not though


Well Vergil has to fill out the entire campaign so he's got to have a lot of shit.. I noticed they haven't shown Vergil's Dante's half of the campaign... I hope they have some surprises there because essentially we will be playing all the same bosses twice for one character..
probably not though
Every character in the game has to be equipped to be able to beat every enemy in the game and all by like two bosses in the game. That's because the campaign re-uses all the enemies and many of the bosses in additional to having them available on Bloody Palace.

This means that every single character has to have the following stuff:

*Long ranged moves to disable cloaks of Mephisto/Fausts or the lightning shield of Blitz
*Powerful hard hitting moves/counters to break Angelo shields
*Some form of crowd control moves to handle large groups

This means that every single character has to have the following stuff:

*Long ranged moves to disable cloaks of Mephisto/Fausts or the lightning shield of Blitz
*Powerful hard hitting moves/counters to break Angelo shields
*Some form of crowd control moves to handle large groups


That makes me really curious to see Lady's options.


That makes me really curious to see Lady's options.
I am still skeptical and think that she will just be a spammy firearm character. I don't see what she can do with just 3 weapons (yea guys it's confirmed she has just the 3 weapons, pistols, shotgun and Kalina Ann), a grappling hook and some grenades. Her melee options are said to be abysmal by most accounts.

The charge mechanic is cool though and I am assuming that's where her damage will come from.

If Itsuno proves me wrong then he is the GOAT action game developer free.
I just randomly came across this screen. It shows Lady's HUD. Don't know if it's been seen before.

If Itsuno proves me wrong then he is the GOAT action game developer free.

Is there any action game that's not a first or third-person shooter where the character's primary form of offense is projectile-based? Itsuno's gonna need to dig deep.

I also like how her devil trigger-thingys are grenade icons. Lookin' good so far.


Interesting that - as far as I can tell - Lady's DT is basically supermove-only.

Yeah, the DTOID article said her DT was for a supermove ( massive grenade volley). Also, as you can see on the HUD, the three empty nodes to the left are for her weapon charges (like Nero's exceed). And according to the article, the bullets located at the center of the 'crest' light up and show how much shots you've got in your charge.


Is there any action game that's not a first or third-person shooter where the character's primary form of offense is projectile-based? Itsuno's gonna need to dig deep.

I also like how her devil trigger-thingys are grenade icons. Lookin' good so far.
The chick from chaos legion?
Nice run down!

Noooo don't buy this we need Itsuno to make Dragons Dogma 2 not DMC5

I completely respect your opinion and understand your point.

As for Lady. I'm pretty sure she will be a crap ton of fun to use. I'm gonna take a guess ad say she is a more "evolved" version of Gunslinger. Launch and enemy with Rockets * switch to* Pistol to juggle * switch to* shotgun something something. I ha efface she won't be a character with long recovery frames and have some form of cancel mechanic to keep her fast.
I feel like Lady's ability to grapple enemies is going to help her a lot in the combo department. I don't expect her to have as much going on as Dante and Vergil but if they can at least have Nero levels of depth I'll be pleased. Nothing much to be done but wait and see right now.


I feel like Lady's ability to grapple enemies is going to help her a lot in the combo department. I don't expect her to have as much going on as Dante and Vergil but if they can at least have Nero levels of depth I'll be pleased. Nothing much to be done but wait and see right now.
When Nero pulls in enemies its to cut them up....

What is Lady going to do after pulling them... shoot then with Shotgun then do the recoil shot to maintain distance? A grappling hook is the antithesis of what Lady wants to be doing which is fighting at long range.

That was the first thing that came to my mind but that was not good and yea I played as her back in the day. It was exactly what I said, a spammy gun character with limited combo potential.

DMC3 was really the first game that pushed the envelope for long ranged stylish combat and even that was limited. People will bring up Vanquish but again you aren't really doing combos in that game like a DMC game.

Remember that Lady has to contend with characters like Vergil and Dante in the combo department. How is she going SSSwag on characters with just long ranged combat? No doubt you can give her damage and crowd control guns.... but the swag?

If Lady ends up being swag as fuck then Itsuno would be a genius.
When Nero pulls in enemies its to cut them up....

What is Lady going to do after pulling them... shoot then with Shotgun then do the recoil shot to maintain distance? A grappling hook is the antithesis of what Lady wants to be doing which is fighting at long range.

I'm assuming if they gave it to her there's a good reason for it. I just want to at least speculate that this could be cool. If she comes out and she's a baby-mode range character with no depth, then that sucks, but for now I want to try and be optimistic.

She had to have a grapple mechanic to traverse Nero's sections and beat some of his bosses.

Fair enough, I'm just assuming Itsuno is going to be a bit more inventive than that.
Yea she needs AHVBs and grenade traps, and some sort of cool fullscreen juggle . I can imagine her being some longrange lockdown type character. Im excited to see what itsuno does.


I'm assuming if they gave it to her there's a good reason for it. I just want to at least speculate that this could be cool. If she comes out and she's a baby-mode range character with no depth, then that sucks, but for now I want to try and be optimistic.
She had to have a grapple mechanic to traverse Nero's sections and beat some of his bosses.


When Nero pulls in enemies its to cut them up....

What is Lady going to do after pulling them... shoot then with Shotgun then do the recoil shot to maintain distance? A grappling hook is the antithesis of what Lady wants to be doing which is fighting at long range.

That was the first thing that came to my mind but that was not good and yea I played as her back in the day. It was exactly what I said, a spammy gun character with limited combo potential.

DMC3 was really the first game that pushed the envelope for long ranged stylish combat and even that was limited. People will bring up Vanquish but again you aren't really doing combos in that game like a DMC game.

Remember that Lady has to contend with characters like Vergil and Dante in the combo department. How is she going SSSwag on characters with just long ranged combat? No doubt you can give her damage and crowd control guns.... but the swag?

If Lady ends up being swag as fuck then Itsuno would be a genius.
I'm thinking Lady's tech could rely on explosive setups. Crowd control is a given, but maybe she'll also excel at chaining ranged attacks to control space. I hope she at least has some sort of timed or remotely activated grenade move.

If I had my way she'd be able to knock enemies back and forth (and up and down) across the battlefield like Bayonetta, except with 'splosions rather than giant demon limbs.
When Nero pulls in enemies its to cut them up....

What is Lady going to do after pulling them... shoot then with Shotgun then do the recoil shot to maintain distance? A grappling hook is the antithesis of what Lady wants to be doing which is fighting at long range.


Remember that Lady has to contend with characters like Vergil and Dante in the combo department. How is she going SSSwag on characters with just long ranged combat? No doubt you can give her damage and crowd control guns.... but the swag?

If Lady ends up being swag as fuck then Itsuno would be a genius.

I think it'd be pretty dope that in the screen shot where the line from the hookshot is curved would indicate that she could throw smaller enemies around with it. I'd like that.

As for pulling people in, I think her best option(if she has it) would be something like "Leap" in DmC Dante's arsenal which let him immediately jump off of any enemies pulled in or pulled towards, particularly because in her case her double jump would send a rocket straight down and then lead into whatever her other aerial moves might be. Or she could dodge backwards, which leaves grenades in her trail and then go from there.

I think a lot of her swag, in theory, will come from these sort of in-and-out maneuvers and playing a bit closer to her enemies than you'd think. What she had in the trailer looked cool, and I don't see why she wouldn't be given enough moves like her peers in order to match them in style.

In other words, fighting Dante with her ought to be hilarious.


Not really the same genre, but Black Desert has combat similar to a character action game, and while most of the classes are melee based, there's one ranged class. In that game the ranged class works by having a lot of mobility to continously move around the enemies:

I doubt Lady will work like that, but I think it shows it's possible to create a ranged character for that style of gameplay.


Santa May Claus
Remember that Lady has to contend with characters like Vergil and Dante in the combo department. How is she going SSSwag on characters with just long ranged combat? No doubt you can give her damage and crowd control guns.... but the swag?

If Lady ends up being swag as fuck then Itsuno would be a genius.

There's a lot we still don't know in terms of juggle potential and how the grapple works. In one of the pictures, it looks like she's swinging an enemy around with it, though that's just speculation.

I suspect high maneuverability, acrobatics, crowd control, great juggle mechanics, and spacing. And plenty of turning her back to explosions just to look cool.

The fact that her double jump is a rocket jump makes me think that Itsuno is really looking outside the box for her design template, and trying to remain true to the character.

Guy from Gameinformer said that while Vergil favors precise, expert players... Lady favors the opposite kind of players.

Lady for the scrubs confirmed!

Also he said that in order to give Trish versatility her moveset sort of feels overcrowded. Very interested to see these new characters play out.

We already sort of knew how Vergil would play out and they still managed to exceed expectation on that front... I hope they can do the same for Lady/Trish.

I'm not sure who to believe. The Destructoid article mentioned that Lady was more technical, whereas Trish was the scrub character. I think both characters probably have more beneath the hood than either player was able to tap.


There's a lot we still don't know in terms of juggle potential and how the grapple works. In one of the pictures, it looks like she's swinging an enemy around with it, though that's just speculation.

I suspect high maneuverability, acrobatics, crowd control, great juggle mechanics, and spacing. And plenty of turning her back to explosions just to look cool.

The fact that her double jump is a rocket jump makes me think that Itsuno is really looking outside the box for her design template, and trying to remain true to the character.

Yeah they could do a lot of interesting things with the grapple like having her kick off of the enemy or rocket it in the face or use it against other enemies (by throwing it or planting a bomb).

Wonder how charging works, the destruction article mentioned quick and more prolonged charging but is there by any chance instant charging like with Nero? Because charging only regularly, even if fast, will require her to stop firing for a moment.

And what about her control scheme? Will it be regular weapon switching or maybe each of the weapons mapped to a different button and as such allowing her access to all three weapons at the same time? Could help differentiate her and make her style more easily.

Range will probably also play a roll in styling and damage output. The game's enemies are built around close range for the most part so by default just clearing them should be piss easy for her if she plays keep away (and uses the camera trick).

I'm also expecting, or at least hoping for, something simple yet brilliant for her like the Concentration gauge with Vergil and sword rev'ing with Nero. Itsuno is good at this.


Wonder how charging works, the destruction article mentioned quick and more prolonged charging but is there by any chance instant charging like with Nero? Because charging only regularly, even if fast, will require her to stop firing for a moment.
Well there's still triangle and circle for attack so I assume you can use those while charging.


Magoichi from Sengoku Basara. Hell, she even has the same jump back and throw grenades attack.

Yeah, this is what I've been saying for a while. Magoichi is character that pretty much rewards you for playing her to her strengths and punishes if you don't, because she doesn't really have much going for if you allow the opposition to get too close.

Still very interested in seeing how Neo_G and Itsuno approach this character type, though.


Guys, check this out. Holy shit, I can't believe we missed this!

*god-tier analysis of Vergil da gawd*


Great analysis, but you missed a couple of things:

- Vergil has Kick 13. It seems to stay the same whether DTed or not, and doesn't seem to have the Shippu Jinrai Kyaku-like extension with the Rising Sun finisher in DT like Dante, though.

- Yamato Combo III seems to track enemies.

- I know you guys discussed this, but the move that looks like a Rapid Slash that transitions into a Rising Star/Orbit from DmC is definitely a new move. Keep in mind that Vergil likely has back-forward inputs, which we can infer from the Lunar Phase/Kick 13/Beast Uppercut trio of moves for Beowulf, and the existence of Drive.
Watching that 20 minute Vergil video made me notice Dan's got the grit back in his voice. He sounds more like Vergil again, as opposed to the UMvC3 version.


- Vergil has Kick 13. It seems to stay the same whether DTed or not, and doesn't seem to have the Shippu Jinrai Kyaku-like extension with the Rising Sun finisher in DT like Dante, though.

- Yamato Combo III seems to track enemies.

- I know you guys discussed this, but the move that looks like a Rapid Slash that transitions into a Rising Star/Orbit from DmC is definitely a new move. Keep in mind that Vergil likely has back-forward inputs, which we can infer from the Lunar Phase/Kick 13/Beast Uppercut trio of moves for Beowulf, and the existence of Drive.
It could be a new move but with the level of play shown I doubt most people are capable of using back, forward inputs regularly.

I checked the move frame by frame and the start up looks almost identical to Rapid Slash. It's possible that Capcom re-used some animations for this move but it's hard to say for sure without playing it.

Guys, check this out. Holy shit, I can't believe we missed this!
I didn't even see the Nero video because no one had a link to it.

So they modified the animation... I don't see a big change here unless I am missing something.


It could be a new move but with the level of play shown I doubt most people are capable of using back, forward inputs regularly.

I checked the move frame by frame and the start up looks almost identical to Rapid Slash. It's possible that Capcom re-used some animations for this move but it's hard to say for sure without playing it.

It's a bit hard to tell but it looks like a new move. I asked about it on Capcom-Unity. Hopefully they'll be able to provide an answer.

I didn't even see the Nero video because no one had a link to it.

So they modified the animation... I don't see a big change here unless I am missing something.

I forgot that some of you missed the stream.

It looks like it does at least another hit. Maybe even two. It's a bit hard to tell.


Neo Member
It's a bit hard to tell but it looks like a new move. I asked about it on Capcom-Unity. Hopefully they'll be able to provide an answer.

It looks like it does at least another hit. Maybe even two. It's a bit hard to tell.

That and I'm pretty sure the original didn't have that much range..he moved from half the area to the next from that alone.


Small changes like that are expected, they already said there would be some minor changes.

More interested in stuff like them giving Dante's Killer Bee a ground bounce like they did Vergil or if they improved the start up/recovery of moves like Dante's Round Trip.


Neo Member
Definitely looks like an extra hit or two was added. Even subtle changes to Dante and Nero would be appreciated.


Santa May Claus
Small changes like that are expected, they already said there would be some minor changes.

More interested in stuff like them giving Dante's Killer Bee a ground bounce like they did Vergil or if they improved the start up/recovery of moves like Dante's Round Trip.

Obviously those are more substantive changes, but when I hear "minor changes", I think of speeding up the startup on moves or tweaking damage... adding animations is a completely different tier in my mind, even if they're recycled.

Now I'm way more confident that they'd start making changes to Dante's Killerbee, such as removing the height restriction or creating groundbounce, so it's in line with Vergil's.
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