Devil's Third |OT| A game made of liquor with perfect bald man. He is cool.


I wouldn't say that I'm shocked about the low review scores. I think if anything, it shows that most reviewers are hugely swayed by presentation and visuals, and that a lot of them probably spent almost no time at all in the great multiplayer. The game looks like a 2-4 on the outside at times, but it has a good design foundation.

I think the other thing working against it, is that both the shooting and sword play on their own aren't great. The swordplay holds up better, but while the gunplay plays fine and smooth, especially when you get used to it, the sound effects, the animation and the feel of shooting, the enemy hit reactions and the poor visual effects when an enemy get shot just feel cheap and poor.

It's only when you mix the two that the gameplay really becomes something else, becomes exciting, and you start seeing the balls-to-the wall, brash Itagaki style. I find it to be an incredibly interesting game to behold.

Yea the reviews are way too low, and I dont think any of them outside of some of the smaller Nintendo sites who waited, played the multiplayer

44 metacritic is way to low, I can understand maybe between 60-70, but i'm having way to much fun for it to be that low


I'm online now if anybody wants to do a raid
also if you want to join the clan its Jmizzal(GAF) - the region is SoCal


Let's just keep the multiplayer alive the best we can GAF. I could easily play this multiplayer for months to come.


Permanent Junior Member
I have a chance to buy a physical copy today. I have no interest in the game but might pick it up anyways due to its rarity.
How easy is it to get into different match types?

My copy is coming Wednesday but I may not be able to put any real time into until after the holidays in January.


Thought I'd jot down my multiplayer impressions.

First off, playing under the name Kingslayer, so if you see me say "hi" :D I already ran into at least one gaffer in my games.

Overall, it's surprisingly addictive, even if mechanically it feels broken more often than not. The mechanics themselves are consistent with the SP mode, no major surprises, but along comes the poor frame rate and relatively poor controls to go along with it; combat feels really clunky, especially when things boil down to a 1-on-1 with swords, or something. It's difficult to punish people swinging into nothing with a melee weapon, which surprises me, since in NG3 the melee combat in MP felt pretty competent in that regard. Most of the time, as has been said, you're better off rolling away and shooting at close range when caught off-guard rather than trying to fight back with controlled blocks and counters.

Speaking of shooting, it's... rather bland. And to make matters worse, it controls pretty poorly -- something I'm seeing a lot is people either blind-firing (not aiming down sights, just holding the trigger and strafing) because there seems to be more significant aim-assist when you do that. It's a shame, because going into first-person is typically fun because the transition is so seamless; it's too bad that a lot of the time you do this you start by aiming at the ground (or wherever you were aiming previously) -- it would be nicer if the game tried to help you out a bit by leveling your aim to begin with, or, if you were aiming above a certain angle, maintaining that. Otherwise, when it works, it feels pretty good. I had a lot of moments where things "worked", and many where things definitely didn't. It's just not a very smooth experience in any sense of the word, so be prepared to struggle against the systems.

Map design is very solid. There's only one map where I literally wanted to rip my hair out -- where you could fall in water. It's just not very obvious where those pits are, and it's pretty unceremonious when it happens. Maps that don't have those pits are much more fun and very vertical, rewarding different weapons tuned for the map.

There's plenty of upgrades and weapon combos, and I'm not even level 5, which is where the "siege" mode unlocks, and I imagine a lot of combat to go along with it. Be prepared, starting fresh, to deal with people who have a lot of unlocks -- which *do* make a difference. It'll be an uphill climb for a while.

Overall, I'm still pleased, though I think people who will take this MP seriously ought to move onto PC as soon as it's available. I think a lot of the jank has to do more with technical problems rather than major design flaws. 60 fps is really needed for this kind of game, or, at the very least, a solid 30.

See you guys in there ;)


So I got the only copy from GameStop. There is no manual right?

In the box no there is no manual, its just the one you got to when you press the home button, then there is one on the gamepad touch screen when you go online for the online modes

Deleted member 126221

Unconfirmed Member
Oh man, I wasn't willing to pay full price for this, but my plan to wait for the game to hit the bargain bins is foiled because of the scarcity. I'm thinking of buying the game full price, and if I don't enjoy it that much (let's be honest, chances are it won't impress me that much), I could flip it for at least its original price once collectors start looking for it...
Holy crap, this game is pretty fucking awesome.

Really enjoying my time with it, got done with the third level.

Controls are tight and responsive, the default layout is pretty much perfect. The aiming kinda sucks though, just can't get it to feel as well as I'd like.

Level design has been good so far. Multiple vantage points, and you can generally maneuver around in the more open areas. There are some gimmick sections, and a few sections just moving from point A to B to cool things off a bit. Overall a good mix, moves at a nice pace.

Story is entertaining in an 80s action movie kind of way. Interested to see where it goes. Ivan is also very likeable I feel.

Been playing on normal. Challenging, but still fair. Died a few times, mostly due to my fuck ups. Enemies have the patented Itagaki AI of "we will fuck you up if it's the last thing we do", especially if they're trying to get you with melee. Gun enemies are generally smart enough to move from cover to cover. AI isn't perfect, but it gets the job done, and they try to flush you out.

Fought 3 bosses so far. 1st boss is basically a shooting and taking cover tutorial. Nothing special. Second boss and his lackies was just crazy. Wasn't too hard, though admittedly, I cheesed the fuck out him with the RPG. Third boss fucked me up a couple of times, melee based and fairly challenging. Will test your dodging skills.

Game has some technical issues. Performance can tank in certain scenes, though it always felt playable to me. Encountered absolutely zero glitches so far. Worst tech issue is probably textures not loading properly, especially far away ones. Then again, it's UE3 on the Wii U, so yeah.

Overall, I'm very entertained and looking forward to playing more. Haven't had this much fun with a shooter since Max Payne 3 and Binary Domain. I think Itagaki and team still got it in them, but the troubled development and lack of budget really fucked them over sadly. I hope he still makes console games in the future.


So I got the only copy from GameStop. There is no manual right?

There never are. The one and only manual in a Wii U game from Nintendo came with Nintendo Land, the rest are all quick guides and those only existed for the biggest of games (anything Mario, Smash...) until 2014.
Holy crap, this game is pretty fucking awesome.

Really enjoying my time with it, got done with the third level.

Controls are tight and responsive, the default layout is pretty much perfect. The aiming kinda sucks though, just can't get it to feel as well as I'd like.

Level design has been good so far. Multiple vantage points, and you can generally maneuver around in the more open areas. There are some gimmick sections, and a few sections just moving from point A to B to cool things off a bit. Overall a good mix, moves at a nice pace.

Story is entertaining in an 80s action movie kind of way. Interested to see where it goes. Ivan is also very likeable I feel.

Been playing on normal. Challenging, but still fair. Died a few times, mostly due to my fuck ups. Enemies have the patented Itagaki AI of "we will fuck you up if it's the last thing we do", especially if they're trying to get you with melee. Gun enemies are generally smart enough to move from cover to cover. AI isn't perfect, but it gets the job done, and they try to flush you out.

Fought 3 bosses so far. 1st boss is basically a shooting and taking cover tutorial. Nothing special. Second boss and his lackies was just crazy. Wasn't too hard, though admittedly, I cheesed the fuck out him with the RPG. Third boss fucked me up a couple of times, melee based and fairly challenging. Will test your dodging skills.

Game has some technical issues. Performance can tank in certain scenes, though it always felt playable to me. Encountered absolutely zero glitches so far. Worst tech issue is probably textures not loading properly, especially far away ones. Then again, it's UE3 on the Wii U, so yeah.

Overall, I'm very entertained and looking forward to playing more. Haven't had this much fun with a shooter since Max Payne 3 and Binary Domain. I think Itagaki and team still got it in them, but the troubled development and lack of budget really fucked them over sadly. I hope he still makes console games in the future.

I can't help but agree. I actually really like 'Ivan the terrible'. He looks dumb from the outside, but he's very likeable and badass once you start experiencing the story, it's actually fairly well done. Probably the best
story in an Itagaki game so far, but it still has that Heavy Metal magazine type of vibe. And overall, I'd agree, the core gameplay is actually very fun and quite well done, it's mainly the tech, and no doubt the troubled development, perhaps also causing a terrible development pipeline that seems to be the biggest problem.

Too Bad Valhalla couldn't have found funding to release this just on PC, as it would have been a great fit.


While I don't know if it will ever ship, gohastings still has it up for preorder even though it released. Put an order in just in case.
Chapter 4 was a bit weak. It was trying to go for a
survival horror
thing. Wasn't horrible, but I didn't like it much either.

Got to the "Japan" stage now. Should be fun.


Nice that most of those who actually played the game like it. Bought it the first week of September and was called a fool by everyone 'cuz I said it was a good game, with a solid core gameplay and an enjoyable main character despite its technical issues. Someone on Facebook should link the thread and tell Itagaki that 90% of EU/US gamers who tried DT are okay with it and don't share thiz sloppy "pro" reviews.


Gold Member
I'm really digging this game! Sucks playing with the Wii U gamepad though.

Just finished the second stage and loved the battle with Big Mouse.
how do i join the GAF clan? I just graduated and am about to pick a region. Is there one I should pick to be able to join up the GAF clan?


We need a DT multiplayer thread with clan join instructions and all that good stuff. There's too few of us for any confusion.


Letting me down boys join the siege room we are attacking

These other 2 clans have souped up base defenses lol, they have a high level, we need to attack a weak clan lol

This GRIZZ team only have 2 guys, if we can get more people in one attack we can take them down

how do i join the GAF clan? I just graduated and am about to pick a region. Is there one I should pick to be able to join up the GAF clan?

Search the name Jmizzal(GAF), you have to pick a region close to SoCal


lol yeah sorry guys -- I was in there but their base was just crazy, plus they are rank 2 so on assault they can call in a helicopter which just destroys. Hopefully we can get more people in the clan and go ham on those grizz peeps.


Tried to find this today after hearing of the scarcity but struck out even at the store showing online hold available. The guy laughed when I asked and said several people had called for it and we should look at reviews because it's horrible. Said 1 showed up friday but nobody cared until today. Same story via phone at the other stores near showing available in store.

Watched some Japanese MP videos and it actually looks fun if the community held up.
My copy from GameStop shipped! I'm thinking of selling it because the prices they're going for on eBay are insane but I can see the prices dropping because of everyone receiving their copies from Amazon, Best Buy and GameStop this week.

I'll probably end up opening it anyway because I want to play the game.
Got the game today from gamestop! Been playing the campaign for a bit and am actually enjoying it. Gonna try the multiplayer for sure later tonight. My copy was opened when I got it which kind of sucks.
Finished it last night and i like it. It reminds me a lot of Call of Duty single campaign and No More Heroes. Also it surprised me that the QTE in this game is very few considering a lot action game today put QTE everywhere.
Multiplayer is also fun but i still need to sharp my skill because i die alot XP
It doesn't deserved the bad review and metascore of 44 or below those corridor shooter with alot QTE. Its too bad that most reviewer today emphasize too much in presentation and technical stuff.
Finished it. Enjoyed my time with it overall. Liked the variety and core gameplay. Story was enjoyable, but the ending was anticlimactic. There's also a cliffhanger/sequel-tease that reminded me of Vanquish's ending. Which stings, since neither of them are getting fucking sequels ;_;

Didn't experience any glitches of any kind. Technically I wish it was better. Framerate plummets in certain moments, and the textures in a few instances took a while to load. Nothing game breaking or enjoyment killing, but I wish it was better in that regard.

I can with confidence say that this game would be on the level of NG1&2 if it just had a proper development cycle and budget. But as it stands, I'm really impressed with what they were able to put together despite all the hardships.

My respect for Itagaki honestly went up after playing the game. Any other dev would've given up years ago, yet he delivered a solid game all things considered.

I think the perfect sequel for this would: have the gunplay tightened up and give the guns more oomph, add a bit more depth to the melee; just some basic combos would be good, expand the mobility options a bit as well; maybe the wall run from the original teaser.

All in all, I'd recommend it to Itagaki and TPS fans.

Will try MP tomorrow.


Finished it. Enjoyed my time with it overall. Liked the variety and core gameplay. Story was enjoyable, but the ending was anticlimactic. There's also a cliffhanger/sequel-tease that reminded me of Vanquish's ending. Which stings, since neither of them are getting fucking sequels ;_;

Didn't experience any glitches of any kind. Technically I wish it was better. Framerate plummets in certain moments, and the textures in a few instances took a while to load. Nothing game breaking or enjoyment killing, but I wish it was better in that regard.

I can with confidence say that this game would be on the level of NG1&2 if it just had a proper development cycle and budget. But as it stands, I'm really impressed with what they were able to put together despite all the hardships.

My respect for Itagaki honestly went up after playing the game. Any other dev would've given up years ago, yet he delivered a solid game all things considered.

I think the perfect sequel for this would: have the gunplay tightened up and give the guns more oomph, add a bit more depth to the melee; just some basic combos would be good, expand the mobility options a bit as well; maybe the wall run from the original teaser.

All in all, I'd recommend it to Itagaki and TPS fans.

Will try MP tomorrow.
How long did it take you to finish it?

Ninja Dom

Chapter 4 was a bit weak. It was trying to go for a
survival horror
thing. Wasn't horrible, but I didn't like it much either.

Got to the "Japan" stage now. Should be fun.

I'm on Chapter 4 right now and just got to the
survivor. Wait, Itagaki is introducing zombies on us now?

I'm fucking loving this game so far. Thus is right up my alley.

Ninja Dom

WTF for real? I'd expect more than 8 hours from a game 5+ years in development.

Play on Normal difficulty which would be the equivalent of Hard in most games.

I've just finished Chapter 4 with the Jane Doe fight at the end.

I can't believe it took until 4 chapters in before we got Ninja's and some sex appeal.
So despite not getting it with my GCU bestbuy membership, sadly, I did manage to snag one of the last copies in my state from a gamestop I have never been to about 20 minutes from me. It was the last one, and amazingly still sealed, not gutted. Used a 5$ credit I had from bing rewards.

I believe there is only 2 more left in the state. I didn't really want to spend this much on the game, plus gas, and I have a feeling they will print more, and we will see agreeable used prices in the long run, but I could be wrong. Nintendo tends to wait about 2-3 months before manufacturing and releasing additional copies of their games.

I guess I lucked out. Wal-mart sent me an extra copy of xenoblade chronicles X collector's edition, despite me only paying for one (no idea how that happened). So I kept one copy and returned the other today as well, for about 96$. So I think I did pretty well today!. :)


There's a copy in stock at a GameStop 90 miles from my house. I'm debating if I should reserve it and drive out there to get one tonight.
Ugh. Gamestop's website says a store in town has a copy. I called them and they said they don't. Every time that happens, I think they're lying to me! If it wasn't all the way across town, I'd just do the "pick up in store" thing and just show up.

Did Best Buy get any copies? It's listed on their site and is one of the retailers that lists. I guess I will call them when they open.

EDIT: I called Best Buy. Nothing. I did the "pick up at store" on Gamestop's site and got an email a few minutes later saying the request could not be fulfilled. Should have gotten it from Amazon when I had the chance!


Ugh. Gamestop's website says a store in town has a copy. I called them and they said they don't. Every time that happens, I think they're lying to me! If it wasn't all the way across town, I'd just do the "pick up in store" thing and just show up.

Did Best Buy get any copies? It's listed on their site and is one of the retailers that lists. I guess I will call them when they open.

EDIT: I called Best Buy. Nothing. I did the "pick up at store" on Gamestop's site and got an email a few minutes later saying the request could not be fulfilled. Should have gotten it from Amazon when I had the chance!

Went through the same process earlier. A store 30 miles from me supposedly had one in stock but when I attempted to do store pickup through the site I got the same email you did.

Only this 90 mile away store seems to have one.
Went through the same process earlier. A store 30 miles from me supposedly had one in stock but when I attempted to do store pickup through the site I got the same email you did.

Only this 90 mile away store seems to have one.

I wonder if they have one, but it's on hold for a reservation? Though the typical 48-hour reserve period is done. Maybe an employee is holding it! Or their inventory could be off. Seems hard to do, though, when they probably just got one copy.
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