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Diablo III: Reaper of Souls |OT3| Tyrael Looted: {[El'druin]}


Since I reached T6 I feel like every death so far has been a one-shot. Like I'll be fighting a mob, and suddenly BAM, dead.

I don't know if enemies suddenly became stupid hard, if their attack tells have gotten shorter, or what, but it's kinda dumb that I can fight them just fine and then get killed in the blink of an eye.


So yeah. I just dusted off my Season 4 Monk, and took her for a spin - no upgrades, no new gear. She cleared GR60, with just under 7 minutes to spare. :/
Since I reached T6 I feel like every death so far has been a one-shot. Like I'll be fighting a mob, and suddenly BAM, dead.

Sounds like you're getting hit with something you don't have a decent resistance to. Or you need to get some better gear before playing on T6.


Finished up Crusader Set Dungeons this morning.

These were interesting....in good and bad ways.

Invoker: I can't comment much on this one since I actually did it several Seasons ago. (It mostly involves getting hit a lot.)

Akkahn: The objectives were easy enough to do, but I didn't totally have all the gear, so I had to run it a few times and adjust stuff so I could actually kill everything.
Pretty sure I managed to Master this one with just a few seconds left.

Light: Similar issue from above: The objectives weren't too bad to actually do, it was just running around making sure everything was dead.
I almost Mastered it on my first run, but ran out of time. The Mortar guys weren't really an issue for some reason.

Roland's: Like the previous two, the objectives were pretty easy to actually do, it was just running around making sure everything was dead.
Seriously, there's a ton of of enemies for this Dungeon for some reason or another. My only issue with Mastering it was just trying to find all the enemies and kill them all before time ran out.
No joke, I only ended Mastering this one just at the final second before time ran out.

The only Set Dungeons I have left to do now are Witch Doctor (which I have like one done) and Wizard (which I haven't really done save for one).

But I'll probably save those for the upcoming Season, since I actually have to farm out the Set gear for those two.


This game pulls me in each season, I like the necro - but my fav remains the DH.

This past week I got on a hardcore kick - never really played a hardcore character before - I can't remember the last time I was so freaking anxious in a game - finally unlocked primals for my HC toon and now think I can relax until the regular season starts.

The game has changed so much since the initial release, very happy I supported it with the necro DLC - although I think I'll once again main SC DH for the next season.


Is it normal for a Witch Doctor to hit 70 so much faster than other classes now (thanks Massacre bonus) and be able to solo T3 -T4 within an hour of hitting 70, without any Legendary Gems, set gear or Paragon? And I don't mean "solo" as in takes 12 minutes per rift either.


How is the Crusader for solo play? I've wanted to start one for a while but never got around to it. Maybe I'll play one when the new season starts. I don't think I'm in the mood to level another Necro so soon.

They're pretty capable for solo play and they've got some interesting sets.
I'm sure other people here would have more thoughts on them.

Invoker/Thorns is big favorite of mine since it foregoes a lot of the stuff you'd typically spec towards (like CHC/CHD).
It's mostly just stacking lots of Thorns/Strength and basically tanking/stabbing enemies while they eat lots of Thorns damage. ("Break yourselves upon my body!")

Hammerdin is a really fun set to see in action since it's LOTS and LOTS of Hammers flying around.
Also one of the best setups for Crusaders at the moment IIRC.

Only thing I don't like about Crusaders is that they feel like a pain to level.
Once you've hit 70 and got some good gear though, they get going pretty nicely.


Is it normal for a Witch Doctor to hit 70 so much faster than other classes now (thanks Massacre bonus) and be able to solo T3 -T4 within an hour of hitting 70, without any Legendary Gems, set gear or Paragon? And I don't mean "solo" as in takes 12 minutes per rift either.

They're the fastest levelers for sure, too easy to get big massacre bonuses on them. Getting to t3-4 really depends on what the freebie set is, some of them are great at the 2-4 piece while others don't do much till the full 6 piece. WD is pretty good even without sets though since their pets are pretty strong even without a set and they have some good legendaries if you happen to get one.


They're pretty capable for solo play and they've got some interesting sets.
I'm sure other people here would have more thoughts on them.

Invoker/Thorns is big favorite of mine since it foregoes a lot of the stuff you'd typically spec towards (like CHC/CHD).
It's mostly just stacking lots of Thorns/Strength and basically tanking/stabbing enemies while they eat lots of Thorns damage. ("Break yourselves upon my body!")

Hammerdin is a really fun set to see in action since it's LOTS and LOTS of Hammers flying around.
Also one of the best setups for Crusaders at the moment IIRC.

Only thing I don't like about Crusaders is that they feel like a pain to level.
Once you've hit 70 and got some good gear though, they get going pretty nicely.

The Barbarian class has always been my go-to role since Diablo II, and I'm having a ball with the LeapQuake build. It's so fun to create so much AOE damage, along with cutting corners, to finish higher level GR's.

I really want to dabble with some of the other builds for this class.


They're the fastest levelers for sure, too easy to get big massacre bonuses on them. Getting to t3-4 really depends on what the freebie set is, some of them are great at the 2-4 piece while others don't do much till the full 6 piece. WD is pretty good even without sets though since their pets are pretty strong even without a set and they have some good legendaries if you happen to get one.

Right now I'm just running a "non build" build that procs free Fetishes, Dogs, and gives 50% more damage to Dogs and the Gargoyle. I'm also using Haunt, Locust Swarm and Acid Cloud (Lob Blob) and it simply tears through higher T3. I am going without both run speed through points and any legendary gems too for a few hours to try to simulate what it would be like with a fresh Season character. Once I get run speed and use the Enforcer gem, it will probably allow me to do upper T4 if not T5...without any set bonuses.


Right now I'm just running a "non build" build that procs free Fetishes, Dogs, and gives 50% more damage to Dogs and the Gargoyle. I'm also using Haunt, Locust Swarm and Acid Cloud (Lob Blob) and it simply tears through higher T3. I am going without both run speed through points and any legendary gems too for a few hours to try to simulate what it would be like with a fresh Season character. Once I get run speed and use the Enforcer gem, it will probably allow me to do upper T4 if not T5...without any set bonuses.

Assuming they keep the journey the same next season, your goal should be to do a GR20 since that's usually the hardest part of getting your free 6 piece.
And instead of banning/rolling-back the exploiters they just limited their gems to 132, not to mention that they did not do anything about people who used the gems to augment their gear. Moral of the story, feel free to exploit and cheat and bot on non-season.

Wait, what are we talking about?


Seek victory, not fairness
Wait, what are we talking about?

"Fixed an issue where Marked for Death with the Grim Reaper rune was incorrectly spreading the damage from the skill Frailty"

When Frailty kills enemies at 15% health, it actually kills them by dealing damage behind the scenes, but instead of hitting them for 15% of their max health (or their current health), it hits them with the maximum integer value the engine can handle. With Grim Reaper applied, that damage got spread. The result was it killed everything in range whenever an enemy with Grim Reaper applied was killed by Frailty, no matter how much health they had. People were using this to clear much higher GR ranks than usual. They accumulated high level gems and got higher level augmentations on their gear (not to mention the extra Paragon levels) so the non-season leaderboards are going to be a mess as a result.


"Fixed an issue where Marked for Death with the Grim Reaper rune was incorrectly spreading the damage from the skill Frailty"

When Frailty kills enemies at 15% health, it actually kills them by dealing damage behind the scenes, but instead of hitting them for 15% of their max health (or their current health), it hits them with the maximum integer value the engine can handle. With Grim Reaper applied, that damage got spread. The result was it killed everything in range whenever an enemy with Grim Reaper applied was killed by Frailty, no matter how much health they had. People were using this to clear much higher GR ranks than usual. They accumulated high level gems and got higher level augmentations on their gear (not to mention the extra Paragon levels) so the non-season leaderboards are going to be a mess as a result.

What a disaster lol


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
pre-60 (err 70?) characters can only do up to T6 still right?

for boosting purposes
So if I keep failing to complete the next level of greater rift in time, what's the best way to farm for better gear? Normal rifts or Adventure mode?
So if I keep failing to complete the next level of greater rift in time, what's the best way to farm for better gear? Normal rifts or Adventure mode?

Farm the highest GR you can run comfortably for EXP, Blood Shards, and gem upgrades.

If you're failing to complete a 60, but can easily do 53's then you should be running those consistently.

Use the cube to get easy ancient pieces, and just farm paragon levels/gem upgrades/augment your gear and you'll progress pretty quickly.


Farm the highest GR you can run comfortably for EXP, Blood Shards, and gem upgrades.

If you're failing to complete a 60, but can easily do 53's then you should be running those consistently.

Use the cube to get easy ancient pieces, and just farm paragon levels/gem upgrades/augment your gear and you'll progress pretty quickly.

Right, although it also depends on what you're after. For gem upgrades, you should be running the highest you can complete (at least until you start hitting 60% or lower success rates on the gems), but for actual farming for shards, drops and experience, you want to do whatever GR allows you to do it in five minutes or less with the speed running build of your class. Preferrably less. You could try to do both, but it's actually slower doing your highest GR for experience.

official forums are salty as fuck

The official forums have been a cesspool for years now.


pre-60 (err 70?) characters can only do up to T6 still right?

for boosting purposes

correct (70) and correct (T6)

So if I keep failing to complete the next level of greater rift in time, what's the best way to farm for better gear? Normal rifts or Adventure mode?

rifts are part of adventure mode.

I read an old rule of thumb that 7 minutes per rift is best exp/drop/farm in greater rifts
- you gamble your blood shards on non ancient pieces and grind gems while doing it - add the gems to the ancient pieces you find.
- personally I wait till I can grind ~50 greater rifts at 2-3 minutes and then play the blood shard lottery because I'm always out of Death Breaths and really have trouble syncing with other players in PUG rifts.
Well i have spent a couple of nights playing (so maybe 3-4 hours total). This is after not playing for a very long time. Last time I played I was running T2 on most my chars. So I loaded up my WD and tried some of the new stuff (new areas, new cube, new rifts etc). I love extracting the powers using the cube which I did for the first time last night.

I got one on my weapon that procs depending on element
I got an armour one that spawns mimics
I got the naglering buff on ring slot so thats fallen things that self detonate on ememies spawn every 10 seconds.

So basically i summon a gargantuan and 4 dogs. I have my pally helper person. I have the skill that spawns fetishes. My main attacks are parahnas that freeze and slow (have legendary gem that increases damage to control impaired enemies), haunt (buffs damage by 20% to target) and rain of toads as it spawns fetishes and mimics super fast.

The result is freaks tons of minions. Mimics haunting and casting parahnas everywhere, me casting rain of toads while spitting ice balls and poison novas constantly and those fallen things running in and blowing up for 140 million a crit. Gargantuan critting for something like 60 million. Its kind of insane. I also use spirit walk with 100% run speed buff and have an item that makes it last until you attack or get to near an enemy so you can speed run all over the place if needed.

It was pure chaos and tons of fun. Im sure those numbers are pittiful compared to what dedicated players do but I only ever really play solo and its a massive increase since I last played lol. Doing T5 runs easily enough. Could prob do T6 I dunno.


It was pure chaos and tons of fun. Im sure those numbers are pittiful compared to what dedicated players do but I only ever really play solo and its a massive increase since I last played lol. Doing T5 runs easily enough. Could prob do T6 I dunno.

first thing - you do you! - never worry what dedicated players or doing - getting cought up in the meta is fun, but there is no reason not to play the way you want to.

I love WD pet builds, you could (don't have to) look up the helltooth gargantuan build on icey veins which includes a lot of what you are playing right now - its a lot of fun to play and it will melt content (easy T13 if you like)

if not - at least look out for a ring called "the short man's finger" to replace the nag ring, it breaks your garg into three and each are more powerful than the original
first thing - you do you! - never worry what dedicated players or doing - getting cought up in the meta is fun, but there is no reason not to play the way you want to.

I love WD pet builds, you could (don't have to) look up the helltooth gargantuan build on icey veins which includes a lot of what you are playing right now - its a lot of fun to play and it will melt content (easy T13 if you like)

if not - at least look out for a ring called "the short man's finger" to replace the nag ring, it breaks your garg into three and each are more powerful than the original

Oh I have always done me in this game. I find making my own builds fun.

I dont have the nag ring btw. Just the buff in the cube.


Really Really Exciting Member!
first thing - you do you! - never worry what dedicated players or doing - getting cought up in the meta is fun, but there is no reason not to play the way you want to.

I love WD pet builds, you could (don't have to) look up the helltooth gargantuan build on icey veins which includes a lot of what you are playing right now - its a lot of fun to play and it will melt content (easy T13 if you like)

if not - at least look out for a ring called "the short man's finger" to replace the nag ring, it breaks your garg into three and each are more powerful than the original

While the gargantuan build on Icy-Veins is powerful indeed(easy T13 as you say), it's just boring I feel. I mean... I cast 2 spells on 10-15 secs cooldown(and hope monsters dies fast enough for my cooldown passive to work) then wait doing nothing while my pets do the rest.


While the gargantuan build on Icy-Veins is powerful indeed(easy T13 as you say), it's just boring I feel. I mean... I cast 2 spells on 10-15 secs cooldown(and hope monsters dies fast enough for my cooldown passive to work) then wait doing nothing while my pets do the rest.

There's always this.
Just skip to 7:10 to see it in action.


While the gargantuan build on Icy-Veins is powerful indeed(easy T13 as you say), it's just boring I feel. I mean... I cast 2 spells on 10-15 secs cooldown(and hope monsters dies fast enough for my cooldown passive to work) then wait doing nothing while my pets do the rest.

I don't disagree, but reading what OmegaTreeFish was currently using it seemed a good direction to suggest - At T13 is can be easy/boring but as you scale higher in GR it gets more complicated and more interesting (for me). I don't pretend to know everything about WD, only played it for about 100 hours.

There's always this.
Just skip to 7:10 to see it in action.

totally. Angry Chicken is one of my favs and is easy to switch between HTgarg and Angry chicken.


Saint Nic
My Zombie Bear build with my WD seems to do pretty well with suboptimal gear. I want to build a pet build, though. WD has always been my favorite class.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Traug quickly becoming the go to set it seems, which is scary because I seem to just die whenever I try to use any Traug based build :/


Just solo'd a GR70 for the first time with my Wizard with 55 seconds left on the timer.

My hands are still shaking.
Traug quickly becoming the go to set it seems, which is scary because I seem to just die whenever I try to use any Traug based build :/

I switched to Trag'oul set last week and it's awesome. No problem with T10 runs. I've sometimes killed myself because of the life% requirements for the blood spells. I need to get more Vit and health regen, and more optimized gear, of course.
I've now done a clear of at least GR93 on the 3 main Necro builds. They all feel pretty okay but I'm not a big fan of how fragile the current popular Rathma's setup is. Things one shot you and you have no mobility to defend yourself. But that as a free set for the season is a free ticket to GR70 farming, period. Mages are just too stronk.

Just solo'd a GR70 for the first time with my Wizard with 55 seconds left on the timer.

My hands are still shaking.


Traug quickly becoming the go to set it seems, which is scary because I seem to just die whenever I try to use any Traug based build :/

just gotta learn how to use it is all. it's a rather awkward playstyle until you get used to it. I got my ass kicked in my first 3 or 4 GR 70 runs. Then I "kinda got it". Then I went and did an 80. I was like, "oh okay i think...". Then I went and breezed through a 90. Then I went and cleared a 97 on the 5th or 6th try.

I'm about to go do a 98 with basic gear and 2 augmented pieces.

just remember to
- teleport *through* enemies to get the HP lifesteal and increased HP total. If you do this you won't die even on 98s.
- always spam the ground curse. you need its 20% cooldown and damage reduction.
- always remember to do the devour after you teleport to get the Essence back (you can run out while spamming curses if you do not)
- while land of the dead is on cooldown, spend your time scouting. You're looking for yellows primarially. 3-packs of non-shielding blues are acceptable but not as good.

--> God scenario: 2 packs of yellows and a shrine to get a 3rd (Power or Channeling pylon are the dream)
--> Best scenario: 2 packs of yellows, not juggernauts
--> Next best: 1 pack of yellow, 1 pack of 3 blues
--> Good enough: 1 pack of yellow
--> Meh: 1 pack of 3 blues

- 4-pack blues unless you know you can kill them all in time.
- Hard to see elites. if you lose track of them and don't kill them all in time you're kinda fucked.
- Juggernauts once you reach the point where you know you can't kill them in one LoTD usage.

Always make sure you know where each enemy you have to kill is.


- Make sure Ess is *NOT* on your follower. You don't want them dislocating your target while you're trying to kill them. It is extremely easy to lose track of the target when this happens as they can get buried under a mass of enemies that got pulled. then you're fucked.
- Make sure you have an Oculus ring on your follower. The closer to 85% the better
- Make sure you teleport onto the oculus zone if it spawns while you're spamming in Land of The Dead. Yes, you lose a second or so of uptime. YES, it's worth it.
- Once you reach a certain level, the Oculus zone is the only way you can kill juggernauts in time. If you want to fight a Jugg pack (or accidentally find yourself fighting one because you didn't see the affix when you hit LoTD) you have to learn to take advantage of the oculus zone.
- If you get a Channelling pylon, immediately hit LoTD, kill the elite pack that spawns and look to use it again. If you're quick you should get at least 2 and maybe 3 uses out of the lowered cooldown.

Edit: Good Nemesis bracers are REQUIRED. It's not an option. You need as many yellow spawns as possible or you probably won't have enough packs to kill before you run out of floors. Beyond that, you just need decent normal gear. As much armor as you can get, the best stat offhand you have, etc.


Traug quickly becoming the go to set it seems, which is scary because I seem to just die whenever I try to use any Traug based build :/

The Trag set is pretty awesome with Blood Nova up until around GR30 (it might actually be good again for speed farming with better gear and higher Paragon), and it's pretty easy to stay alive. Then Inarius just kind of eclipsed it up to 90 until the nerf. Even before the nerf though the Blood Lance build was going beyond it in the higher end. Just wasn't anywhere near as easy mode, and not a lot of people were using it.

The build is just hella boring to play (but then so is Inarius at 90+), and unless you have close to a thousand Paragon, some augments and a handful of Ancient items, it's not going to do much more than Inarius.
Which of the following do you think is better for a WW Barb around GR 70? I hate dying and I feel like I do it too much, but is it worth the DPS drop?

Just solo'd a GR70 for the first time with my Wizard with 55 seconds left on the timer.

My hands are still shaking.

70 is where I am currently farming. Stressful AF and I cannot make myself go above that, even though I probably could now.


Which of the following do you think is better for a WW Barb around GR 70? I hate dying and I feel like I do it too much, but is it worth the DPS drop?

70 is where I am currently farming. Stressful AF and I cannot make myself go above that, even though I probably could now.

If you're dealing physical damage, then go with the one that buffs that.

More damage being dealt = killing mobs quicker = survival


I'm thinking on playing the new season. I've always wanted a badass Barb that just jumps in there and mows enemies down and doesn't die. What would be the best build for that? WW?

I'll be doing a summon Necro first for sure.


HORRORSHØW;243337536 said:
Hey do u play on PC too? I remember we used to play on ps4

I'm still on PS4. Haven't been able to play in ages, hoping to get some time with Necro in a couple weekends.
I'm sorry if this has been asked.

Is there a way to get the legendary crafting materials to use Kanai's Cube? I've been doing five bounties in each act and there's nothing dropping from the Large Horadric Chest.


I'm sorry if this has been asked.

Is there a way to get the legendary crafting materials to use Kanai's Cube? I've been doing five bounties in each act and there's nothing dropping from the Large Horadric Chest.

Should just drop from bounty caches. Are you not max level or playing on a really low difficulty? They might not drop them, idk
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