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Did Conker:L&R get bumped up?


That's really bizzare - it's not uncommon for online sites to break release or price news (they did it with the new ESPN games), but I would take this with a large block of salt until we hear something official. That's a big bump back this late in the game.


Tag of Excellence
Yeah it did, they pushed it back so Microsoft didn't have any competing titles in early 2005 when it launches F-Zero GX Live.
I don't need another game to play this holiday season! Although, that release date would be perfect to add to my christmas list :D


works for Gamestop (lol)
TekunoRobby said:
Yeah it did, they pushed it back so Microsoft didn't have any competing titles in early 2005 when it launches F-Zero GX Live.



well, I told some customers when I was working at Best Buy this would arrive in November because I thought thought Q4 was the target release date.

Looks accurate, a solid title for December with enough space from Halo 2.


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
nice. though honestly, i wouldnt mind if it is early 05, as that will spread the games out a bit better


Chili Con Carnage!

Rare Game undelayed?

I just woke up and already i can see this is gonna be a wierd day.
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