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Did Cyberpunk turn out to be the game you thought it would be after its reveal? If not, what is missing/different?


Gold Member
Not really.

I was extremely hyped by the first trailer, then on the gameplay trailer I lowered my expectations.

Two years after the release I tried the trial and decided to buy during a sale, I played so far less than 20 hours, the first hours were great, but after a while I got bored. Everything felt shallow to me, the open world, the gameplay, the story and the characters.


This isn't new, what's is missing is the same with watch dogs, the Witcher 3 and other games with prerendered scenes, technically it's the cpu, it can't do that stuff as Ubisoft's ceo said, you can't bet on next gen on that, it's unnecessary.


Yeah in the end, especially after the Phantom Liberty dlc, i know it was hyped to hell and back, but i had no over the top expectation's really anyway.
What we got was a pretty mid game really, just gets glorified because the dev is CDPR and the PC version has pathtracing. It's a lot simpler and not as dark as I was expecting from the reveal. That said it only cost me £13 on PC via CDKeys back during the height of the launch woes so I can't complain, I still have it installed with a second character for a Cyberpsycho hunt every now & again.


Witcher 3 is in my top 10 best games ever. Cyberpunk, I thought was fantastic, even better with the Phantom Liberty expansion.

I deliberately didn't get over-hyped for it, especially as it was taking forever to release from the initial trailer, i got interested in it from the 2018 trailer and more or less that's what we got/met my expectations.

I bought it on release on PC(1080Ti, 6800K, 16Gig Ram, SSD), played ~7 hours, had a few bugs and had to reload/redo a few missions. Thought it was great, but performance sucked with decent settings @ 3440x1440 ultrawide, was getting 40-47FPS.

Parked the game until early last year when i upgraded(7800X3D, 4070Ti, M2 drives), and continued from where i left off, absolutely loved it and finished it, hooking up with my girl Judy :).

Just finished Phantom Liberty last week, great expansion. My only gripe with PL/2.X patch was having to re-spec, when i originally finished the main story line i was crazy overpowered but by the time i finished PL i was nowhere near the same level.

The game really did need the patch 2.X polish though and would have been much better if it was released with that functionality(cops etc.)

Samurai is the best build :messenger_beaming:

Cyberpunk has joined my top 10 best games ever and looking forward to the next one.
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Gold Member
Too much hype surrounding the game leading up to release. I remember people who were involved in the making of the game talking about it and being so hush hush about what it was gonna look like. Even Yong Yea made it sound super hyped when he saw the game behind closed doors at one point. People really made it sound like it was going to be the next level of gaming.

I played 2 hours of it at release before the shit show happened. Never went back.
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I just wish it ended on a high note. They released a DLC and some updates, but the game is still buggy as hell. Here was my report to CDPR on their forum + feedback system:

This was after the DLC and a patch. 300hrs play time. It's an absolute dumpster fire. There are still ways you can approach main missions that will break quests. The bugs affected me heavily in 2020 on my old PC and again on my new PC. The probability of me just being the odd one out is not likely.

And that's just the things I managed to catch. Only a handful were fixed or addressed.
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I expected a "crunchy rpg"

didn't get that at all

still enjoyed it for what it wasm but it's the typical jack of all trades, master of none


Gold Member
Not really. After the Wicther 3, this was a bit of a disappointment.
The open world is very repetitive, almost as if procedurally generated.
A lot of side quests and activities are filler.
The story of the main quest is just ok. It starts well, but the last third is boring.
It's still a decent game, but not something special.


i wanted a story with alot of branching option/choice and consequence , 50+ hour campaign , a more complex skill tree , better NPC crowd AI

I hope Orion will improve in those areas but first we will have to see how witcher 4 turns out


Weeb Underling
Fun game phantom liberty was special, Johnny the mystery chip partner was a welcome he made the game.

Cyberpunk 2077 Xbox GIF
They must've changed the plot when they got Reaves as Silverhand.
Thinking back to that day that blew us all away, I remember hoping for a more nuanced street level game with more npc side quests and more stories and exploration within the city and surrounding country side.

I'm just going by the main game as I have yet to play any dlc or extra content. I recall people saying the dlc is great, but I doubt it fulfills what I originally anticipated with the reveal.


They must've changed the plot when they got Reaves as Silverhand.
Based on early builds (don't remember if they were leaked or officially released), originally you were supposed to choose a "childhood hero" and one of them was Silverhand, i think you could also pick Blackhand and Smasher. My guess is that they couldn't do everything they wanted for this part of the game decided to focus on a single hero.


No. The city turn out pretty great i love it, but the dumb AI on NPC and trafic breaks the imersion. Its several steps back compared to the AI in a GTA game.

The game is good and i enjoyed it, but i also consider it a step back compared to Witcher 3.
I just wish it ended on a high note. They released a DLC and some updates, but the game is still buggy as hell. Here was my report to CDPR on their forum + feedback system:

This was after the DLC and a patch. 300hrs play time. It's an absolute dumpster fire. There are still ways you can approach main missions that will break quests. The bugs affected me heavily in 2020 on my old PC and again on my new PC. The probability of me just being the odd one out is not likely.

And that's just the things I managed to catch. Only a handful were fixed or addressed.

You seem like the kind of guy that goes into a corner and jumps in the wall 100 times until something game breaking happens. I played this game on launch on PC and while it was a buggy mess, none of the bugs were game breaking or caused massive annoyances. "Oh no, pointing the guns at AI is ruining the game" Jesus fuck ,some of you dont deserve to play games, not even joking.


I wanted something similar to TW3. Well written characters, an intriguing story and an interesting world. I got all that and more, the gameplay is vastly better than TW3. So I was very happy and have done 3 playthroughs since the launch.


Top 2 best modern AAA RPG experience together with The Witcher 3 for me. It's a masterpiece with the updates and Phantom Liberty. Wish we would have gotten another DLC, but looking forward to playing the sequel in my retirement years or something.


Darkness no more
It is one of my favorite games now. But, it is still not what I thought it would be prior to experiencing it myself.

SF Kosmo

Al Jazeera Special Reporter
I think I kept my expectations limited, but yes Cyberpunk lived up to most of my expectations in the end.

I mean really, as a PC player, I was never especially disappointed with the game, even at launch. There were aspects that felt underbaked like the police system, and I was disappointed that the story didn't branch more with different factions, but I would say it lived up to like 90% of my expectations.

The updates definitely improved and polished things, especially the progression and abilities and police stuff, and the added content in the DLC helped to lend the sense of another path to the game. Plus massively improved graphics. I still wish the story were a bit more reactive to player choice outside of individual missions, but at the end of the day I would still say it's one of my favorite games ever.


Gold Member
Tbh the city simulation was not even 25% of what I expected. Very disappointing.

I expected such a high profile game from such a big studio on the latest tech to at least be close or on par (or even hopefully surpassing) GTAV/RDR2.

With that said, I love the game in general (400+ hours in it..).
No. The city turn out pretty great i love it, but the dumb AI on NPC and trafic breaks the imersion. Its several steps back compared to the AI in a GTA game.

The game is good and i enjoyed it, but i also consider it a step back compared to Witcher 3.

There's a recent mod that overhauled the AI. People will now react to your clothing and actions


You seem like the kind of guy that goes into a corner and jumps in the wall 100 times until something game breaking happens. I played this game on launch on PC and while it was a buggy mess, none of the bugs were game breaking or caused massive annoyances. "Oh no, pointing the guns at AI is ruining the game" Jesus fuck ,some of you dont deserve to play games, not even joking.

You opened the link I specified, looked at all of those examples, evidence and broken things I mentioned (like quests), and then proceeded to come up with that reply?

And that, ladies and gentlemen, is why games will keep on releasing in this state.

Just some everyday, run of the mill bugs ^^^^
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On day one it was pretty much on par with what I expected/wanted (Witcher 3 meets Deus Ex). And the story was even better than I hoped for.

Patches fixed bugs and shuffled skill trees, but it was already all there.


Writes a lot, says very little
At the time I gave them the benefit of the doubt as I'm more forgiving even with not feeling the launch with the Witcher 3 was that good I actually felt people should have maybe made a bigger deal about that game's problems at first release. Yet many had no problem voicing their opinions on assassin's creed unity yet a lot of the same problems existed on the Witcher 3 yet you did not see those same type of complaints you saw the year prior with assassin's creed unities release

So I always felt that was rather odd as in it's almost like the company was a media darling and they felt like they didn't want to say anything negative despite it literally having the same problems as assassin's creed unity like with missing faces.


lol some people had it where his arms where missing, I had the glitch where he face was missing lol


But I digress

I was willing to give the benefit of the doubt because clearly this was a different game and based on their trailers and their own wording it seems like they're going for an interactive open world so I'm not just believing it's going to be standard features like a train system or cops chasing you or bad guys chasing you I believe it's going to be ALL that with another layer of more on top of it because the argument many people made was how good this fucking team was compared to everyone else, after all..they are the ones that are telling us about this "next generation of open world"

People literally fucking made it sound like Ubisoft and Rockstar are just lazy and can't really make anything but hey this team is above them by such a degree they could make those games with EVEN MORE features.

So I would say the interactivity being missing by a large degree was extremely off pudding because at the very least if it was not going to be like GTA in terms of functionality I would believe it would be like an RPG with multiple features where you can interact with the world to build a narrative based on the things that you actually physically do within that world . This game lacks so much of that you end up just looking at window dressing and you start to see what the game could have been under an actual competent developer

You see the sneak peak at what they actually could have achieved if they actually spent that money on building a strong solid team so I don't a 100% blame the developer as much as I blame the publisher but ultimately the game is in the State that it's in because the development team simply cannot do the thing the publisher is trying to ask of.

Even years post release the fact that a lot of those elements are still missing is even more troublesome it means even Given more time it's like they're still unable to actually do those elements.

So I'm not sure of the point in building up an RPG where the customization being added is barely brought into the actual narrative of the game and it seems kind of pointless to do anything in the world like this where you can't really interact and it feels like there is no benefit other than looking at something in this weird shallow thing I would argue far cry has more in depth gameplay which is shocking to say

By the time the dust settled it felt like cyberpunk is basically somewhere borderlands type thing where all you're going to get from this is shooting a bunch of people with guns in an open world that's extremely lacking in real interactivity.

I ended up having a more newfound respect for Ubisoft and Rockstar after cyberpunk realizing that the thing we're trying to argue some "simple" thing they do clearly is not that fucking simple if these guys had more time to do this yet still failed to meet bare minimum those other companies games.

Watch dogs in 2013 has more interactivity with its world and it's clearly not a future that's set as deep as 2077, And before we go trying to scapegoat old consoles as some magical excuse let me remind you guys watchdogs also released on PlayStation 3.... So for me this could never be the top RPG or open world in any stretch of the imagination. I could never give that title to something struggling to meet 2001 features, So maybe that title is more deserving to a team that actually successfully did these features many times
Not at all, I was expecting a next gen experience.

It wasnt that, its just the same format as always with some shiny nre graphics, the animations are so so outdated.

Still its a decent game.


Not at all, I was expecting a next gen experience.

It wasnt that, its just the same format as always with some shiny nre graphics, the animations are so so outdated.

Still its a decent game.
What the hell some of you are smoking? “Animations are so so outdated”? They are among if not the best in the industry, show me just 3 games with better animations than this, especially open-world.


I'm on my 3rd attempt to try and finish the main quest. Every time I play it I just drop it from bordem.
So far it seems to be an okay FPS. But that's it. It's extremely janky and there is next to no immersion/role playing. NPC AI are dumb shits, especially traffic/driving. Makes me completely avoid any exploration as the city feels so lifeless. Plus there's nothing to really to look at/explore.
People will seeth over this and laugh but Starfield immerses you 1000x better (I'm coming back to this after starfield).
At this point, I'm forcing myself to just beeline it to the end of the campaign to tick it off.
What the hell some of you are smoking? “Animations are so so outdated”? They are among if not the best in the industry, show me just 3 games with better animations than this, especially open-world.

Dont bother, other than RDR2 which is also a technical marvel, they will never reply to you, cuz they're just talking shit.


Currently Gif and Meme Champion
No, but even in released state it was better than any westoid slop and that continues until this date
What the hell some of you are smoking? “Animations are so so outdated”? They are among if not the best in the industry, show me just 3 games with better animations than this, especially open-world.

Lol wut?

RDR2 exists you know.

The thing I remember the most from the game is people doing little jumps between animations, or rotating on ice.

What are you smoking? Apart from cutscenes, its identical to Skyrim.


Gold Member
Looking back, I honestly let my imagination run wild. It did not really live up to my insane level of hype. I originally played on PC and though the first few missions were pretty much 1 to 1 in terms of presentation, things kind of fell off after you got Johnny's construct. The game did crescendo again at then end, but there was a clear difference in quality between the main missions and the side content. I've always lauded The Witcher 3 as having a similar quality throughout all of its content and I was most excited to think Cyberpunk would be the same. It's probably a hard ask honestly because the game does a lot right. The Phantom Liberty DLC was top notch though.

If I was to score the game as a whole...I would still give it like an 8-9/ out of 10. Mainly because I realized my expectations were out of wack.


What I expected (and was sold by cdpr), a dynamic open world immersive sim, sandbox.

What we got, a static far cry style open world with lots of icons like bandit camps and filler 'content'.
The world was just too dead to me, wasn’t alive at all. From the clubs to the streets, the outskirts areas, the npc’s felt like dolls.
It really made me appreciate Rockstar because that’s when I realized even a big studio like CD projekt was incapable of doing what Rockstar could.


Gold Member
What I expected (and was sold by cdpr), a dynamic open world immersive sim, sandbox.

What we got, a static far cry style open world with lots of icons like bandit camps and filler 'content'.
The "encounters" dotted across the map are so bad.

Even better when the encounters weren't coded to included nearby police as they weren't part of that "event". Police could be down the street within view and not react to anything happening.


I honestly thought the world was more alive than GTA V. At least Cyberpunk actually had interiors. GTA V actually had bars and clubs open for certain missions but closed the rest of the time.

Not saying Cyberpunk is perfect by any means but it does do some things better than other games.


Not even close. In the lead up they made it out like most buildings were open to explore. We got nothing even close to that.


Played it for a handful hours and uninstalled because:

1. Every conversation is about "nano-enhanced synaptic pathways overclocked by rogue AI algorithms splice into the neural net, bypassing the firewall perimeter." and I'm not complaining that there's cyberpunk talk in this cyberpunk game, but when Tony Soprano talks about whacking a guy it's more relatable to me than hyperflux mainframes cascading through the quantum mesh.

2. Walked into a diner, people started shooting at me for no reason.


Gold Member
I got bored with it and Keanu Reeves had very cheesy lines. I finished the base game and never touched the DLC. It was nothing like the reveal, especially with the seductive lady with sharp robotic hands in the rain, concept art. I went in expecting Akira and was left cringed with dildos everywhere.
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