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Did you enter the DESTROY ALL HUMANS 2 contest and NOT get a copy? See post #1490


RumpledForeskin said:
I emailed them maybe 5 days ago saying I didn't get my game though everyone else did and I got a response and Two day delivery of my game. So if you haven't received your game try emailing them. Worked for me.

BTW: Good game so far. I'm keeping it.

I emailed them a month ago telling them I hadn't received the game and asking if there may have been some problem with my shipment. They never responded at all.


Man, I'm pissed. I'm more than halfway through the game (only 1 city still locked out of 5), and I completed a ton of the optional quests
(basically every gene blend, a ton of odd jobs, most of the cults, etc. - I've got a fully upgraded disintegrator, lots of other weapon upgrades, max Crypto shields, jetpack, etc)
, and I've got a gamebreaking bug that prevents me from progressing through the main story. When I was taking the
Russian mission where you need to nab 3 crystals and place them around a ship to open a hatch
, the game crashed while I was jetting away from some enemies, taking fire, and now when I load my game, I can't start the same mission (talking to the guy will just allow you to 'recap' the mission, but not actually trigger its start, preventing me from progressing any more. I've tried changing cities and back, killing myself, taking other missions and completing them, but all to no avail. And I didn't think I would get a game save where things would be stuck, so I had no foresight to make backup saves.

And I was enjoying the game a lot too - was considering attempting an official thread to boot. The weapons are interesting enough, the gunplay good enough, and for some reason the bodysnatching and such was pretty appealing to me. And maybe I'm easy to please, but the missions were interesting enough to keep me going.

Of course there were some downsides...the jetpack mechanics suck, the draw distance isn't so hot, and it's annoying you have to snatch if you want to run around the city unharrassed. Plus, it takes awhile to get around, even in your saucer, and so many damn things in the game require you to repeatedly tap some button (sprint, scan, transmog, snatch, drain, free love, mind flash, force protect/follow).


Wario64 said:
WHERE THE **** IS MY ****ING FREE GAME?!?!!??!

I thought it might have been stolen out of my mailbox. We've had a lot of shit like that happen around here before. But reading where a bunch of others haven't got it, I'm wondering the same.


I was going to give my copy to my brother's kid for Chistmas, but I found out today that he already bought it for hiim. Ugh. Now I have to go buy something else.

GSG Flash

Nobody ruins my family vacation but me...and maybe the boy!
I haven't even played my copy yet, will be looking to do that on the break. Hopefully you guys get your copies, especially Ecrofirt as he should be getting it on principal alone.


Got mine less than a week ago.

I live on a college campus, so it turns out that the stupid people in charge of receiving packages got it on 11/20, sent me an email telling me I had a package, and then couldn't find the package once I got there to ask for it. At the time they told me sometimes emails get sent out to the wrong people. On a whim I went and asked them to check for any packages of mine on 12/17 and how about that...

It sits in it's shrink wrapping, begging MS to support it on 360 so I can play.


I e-mailed THQ and they had me resend my info. Then 2 days later I got a package in the mail, they overnighted me my copy. THQ has great customer service!


works for Gamestop (lol)
Lee-T said:
I e-mailed THQ and they had me resend my info. Then 2 days later I got a package in the mail, they overnighted me my copy. THQ has great customer service!

What THQ email address did you send this email?


Wario64 said:
What THQ email address did you send this email?
I'd like to know this as well. I sent an email to the original address they asked info to be sent to but they haven't even bothered to get back to me.


Yeah...I never got this either :\

Maybe this is the part of the viral marketing where we don't get our games so we keep bumping the thread and remind people about the games existance, which in turn increases sales!
This is ridiculous. I got a response on December 28th, 11 days after I sent them an e-mail. They said "I reforwarded your information to THQ. Thanks!" -_- I don't get it. Why would they need to reforward my information anyway? Did THQ forget about all the other entrants or something? wtf?


Nothing has appeared here either!

Anyone else in the UK win a copy? Has it got to you yet? Ah well, its not as if i was expecting to win one!


This is getting ridiculous, especially for those who live in the US and haven't gotten theirs (I'm in canada and got mine fairly quick). For the amount of people that didn't get it, it can't be just a postal service screwup. I don't blame Pandemic because it should be THQ's problem since they are publishing it. Do the mods have input on the Gaming-Age main page? Make a big stink about it on there. Make it more public and tell gamers how THQ is screwing people out of a game they won in a contest.


I got the email saying I was a winner and to send them my address. I never did get one. I think people have been stealing things out of my mailbox. But by the looks of the way things are here, it is more than just me. I commend Pandemic and THQ for doing something like this, but it's all or nothing.


After asking where my game was I got an email reply saying they would pass my information on to THQ. I guess this is some separate company who handled the competition? I doubt I'll ever see my copy. What a waste of thirty-two seconds of my life spent sending a picture of a retarded Chewbacca.

Willy Wanka

my god this avatar owns
Gav said:
Nothing has appeared here either!

Anyone else in the UK win a copy? Has it got to you yet? Ah well, its not as if i was expecting to win one!

I'm in the UK and I never got my copy. I don't it's ever coming but I'm not really bothered now...


works for Gamestop (lol)
JoatesDogg187 said:
Still no game here. How do I go about contacting them?

I tried sending an email a couple days ago to the email address we had to reply to but I got no answer
December 16th:

All copies were mailed out. Send me your address and what version you
were expecting and I'll forward it to the right people so they can look
into it.

December 28th:

I'll forward your information to THQ. Thanks!

January 9th:



I did receive mine a long time ago, but it was a loose disc and scratched all to hell. I emailed about a replacement or something, and I never heard back from them at all.
I guess I'll never get it. So ridiculous.... why did most people get it only days after the contest, while many others are still waiting... more than 3 months later? What the hell could they have done wrong? The only explanation I could think of is that they just don't care... THQ told me that they reforwarded my information on the 28th, but why should they have had to reforward it in the first place? Why would they have deleted the information? o_o
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